King's Bounty - Russian Demo

I had a quick look at it, and even though I can hardly understand any Russian, it looks quite good for an expansion pack. I like a couple of the new interface improvements like treasures on the map are shown on the mini map (I'm quite sure this wasn't in the original game). Can't say I like the dragon (it substitutes the chest of spirits) since I don't quite get what most of the skills do but in general they seem exactly like the spirit skills. The new units (lizards and the like) are nice looking but I can't say I'm very fond of lizards in general. The starting area looks beautiful though. Another new feature are like the idea of medals - like kill 10 heroes or cast 50 spells and so on, and there seems to be different levels to those or so it seems. And they give out rewards for completion - though I couldn't quite make out what they are. There's been some skill rebalancing as well, but I can't really make out most of the changes to the skills. Overall it looks really good.
Jan 12, 2009
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