The TV Series discussion thread

While that's a solid theory, I think someone else gets that job done. They're not going to give the limelight to the same character twice.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Usual form around here, I see. If you don't like what I like, there must be something wrong with you and/or your television. :p

This eye-colour thing seems like an all-purpose prophecy. "I see brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes." So, all possible colours of eyes, then. And when Arya kills anybody, they can say, "Ah, t'was prophesied!"
Nov 8, 2014
I think this image sums up best the last GoT episode:

Dec 3, 2008
I think this image sums up best the last GoT episode:
Most probably result of pathetic AVC/HEVC coder. Want it in your collection without nudity filter? Wait for release of DVDs on Amazon.

What's the general opinion on Cobra Kai? I've always blown it off as a silly cash grab, but a friend of mine keeps bugging me to watch it.
If you watched the original Karate Kid (not silly sequels or retarded remake), you'll love the first season. It's brilliant. If you didn't watch the original Karate Kid, you won't find it as exciting, but it's still good.
Regardless of what you think about the original Karate Kid.

Didn't watch the second season, due to lack of time. Will do asap.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, if Cersei is going to turn out to be the final opposition, I suspect Arya will use a face, most likely Jamie's, to get close enough to take her out.

Years ago, I had this huge theory that the Scion would task most of his forces to encircle Winterfell, and he would take a small detachment and simply maul King's Landing, making another army with over a million members with ease. Then that new force would march up to join the Northern forces, and completely annihilate Winterfell. In the game of thrones, I thought it would be most ironic if the victor in the end didn't give a damn about the iron throne. Three years ago, I realized I was giving Bael's offspring too much credit: He despises the Starks far too much to care about another city. Tactics are a poor substitute for revenge. I saw him as the ultimate winner, ruling over a world of Ice.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I have a suspicion that Arya will be bumping someone important off while wearing a face, partly because I think that would have made for a much better killing of the Night King, but they couldn't pull the exact same move twice. I wonder if she might go full psycho, and make sure an actual Stark ends up on the throne. And, of course, she could have one in the oven now…

At one point, I thought they were going to make a Red Wedding of episode 3. Then, the handful of survivors would have to decide whether to join Cersei; to defend humanity in all its corruption, or embrace oblivion. That would have been interesting to me. In the end, it seemed there wasn't much there with the "winter is coming" part of the story.

I think the quality of the production and the cast elevates the whole thing, but I've found the writing a bit dodgy for a while now. For me it jumped the shark somewhat when Jon was brutally murdered by his own men. But don't worry - he got better! :p
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Nov 8, 2014
Winter is Coming....those three words used to mean something, invoked a terror that was fun to experience. Now, when I hear those words, I cringe. From something that had been built up from the very first episode to be the ultimate opposition, to what actually happened......the night is dark and full of disappointment.

Heck, I thought the Scion would be romping around the streets of King's Landing at some point, turns out he didn't even make it past Winterfell. I mean, will we ever see or hear from Howland or any of the other Reeds?
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
That GoT episode sure kept me on the edge of my seat. I felt like they were stretching it out a bit too much a times though, for the sake of dramatic effect.

My main quibbles:
I thought Arya taking out the Night King was fine in itself, just the way it happened… She basically flew out of nowhere over a mob of undead? Did she sprout wings or something?
Also sending out their cavalry by themselves into the pitch dark? What military commander would throw their most potent military unit away like that? I know nothing about military tactics but that just seemed like a piss poor decision.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
..the tactics seemed strange in many ways, i'm also no expert.. if i had two dragons i wouldn't wait until the attack had started, i'd put them to use way before the army has reached the gates to try to thin them out as much as possible.

But eh, it's strange in most movies, its as if the leaders has some kind of ethical standards "we have to make it a bit fair for the enemy, so we have to wait!" or "we can't ambush from position X because that just wouldn't be very nice!"… because that's how wars are won.. by being nice and ethical. lol
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
The comments above talking about the weak tactics are spot on. Other than attacking a fixed position, for the most part the undead have been counterpunchers, letting others play their hand first before responding. When you have fire breathing dragons, that's a burn first, count bodies afterwards set-up that I'll take every time. Simply throwing your army at the opponents, especially when you KNOW they are simply going to be revived and turned against you makes absolutely no sense.

In the end, we had eight seasons of build up, the undead barely made it to Winterfell. I can only hope the novels don't follow this path. This is the song of Ice and Fire after all, and the ice melted right after the first sip.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Remember watching a few episodes like that before online.:biggrin:

Still many watchers claimed the episode was to dark.

Link -
Link -

Remember it's your fault not theirs.

Just reminds me why I hate film filters and colored lens.:)
In the end, we had eight seasons of build up, the undead barely made it to Winterfell. I can only hope the novels don't follow this path. This is the song of Ice and Fire after all, and the ice melted right after the first sip.
Always happens in my own experience seems every movie, book, or TV show the ending sucks. Like I said probably just my opinion but it always seems that way to me.:(
Oct 1, 2010
I'm surprised so many people are mentioning the cavalry charge. I thought it was pretty obvious why they charged when they did.

Were they supposed to just wait there until the dead surrounded them and nullified the advantage of being on a horse in the first place? They knew the enemy was almost upon them because they could actually hear them at that point.

You also have to factor the catapults which are completely useless if the enemy is allowed to close in too quickly.
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Maybe torrent a better copy next time? :)
Actually, I didn't torrent the show, but I thought the meme was funny. There's also this one:


JDR13 said:
I'm surprised so many people are mentioning the cavalry charge. I thought it was pretty obvious why they charged when they did.

I'm also one of the people who found some of the shown tactics somewhat questionable. For one thing, it was totally dark and the Dothraki had no idea what they were riding into. Charging an enemy you can't see seems to be kind of pointless and suicidal. They would have been more useful by dismounting and staying with the infantry. Secondly, light cavalry usually tries to flank the enemy and serves as the hammer while the infantry is the anvil. And why the hell were the catapults in front of the infantry and not behind it? And why even face superior numbers in the open field? Wouldn't it have been smarter to just stay with all the soldiers behind the walls of Winterfell? Then Jon and Daenerys could have ambushed the Night King as planned when he shows up on his dragon to destroy the walls.

Oh well, so many questions…
Dec 3, 2008
I'm also one of the people who found some of the shown tactics somewhat questionable. For one thing, it was totally dark and the Dothraki had no idea what they were riding into. Charging an enemy you can't see seems to be kind of pointless and suicidal. They would have been more useful by dismounting and staying with the infantry. Secondly, light cavalry usually tries to flank the enemy and serves as the hammer while the infantry is the anvil. And why the hell were the catapults in front of the infantry and not behind it? And why even face superior numbers in the open field? Wouldn't it have been smarter to just stay with all the soldiers behind the walls of Winterfell? Then Jon and Daenerys could have ambushed the Night King as planned when he shows up on his dragon to destroy the walls.

Oh well, so many questions…

Honestly, I think a lot of those things are nitpicking.

Dothraki spend most of their lives fighting on horses, I don't think that having them dismount would have been more useful. I also don't think flanking the enemy was a viable tactic since they had no knowledge of the enemy's numbers or formation.

I assumed the catapults were up front to make it easier to retreat back into Winterfell once their ranks were broken. That was obviously their plan from the beginning.

As far as everyone just waiting inside Winterfell to begin with, I don't think that was a possibility due to the size of the combined armies. They showed a lot of the troops camped outside the walls in the previous episode. Their strategy was to retreat behind the walls once their numbers had been depleted.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Tactics 101.....your trebuchets/catapults go behind the infantry, not in advance of. But when you KNOW FOR A FACT that any person sent into the grindhouse is not only going to be slaughtered, but then used against you, it behooves you to adjust accordingly. Yes, the Dothraki were used charging like that in the past, but I don't believe them to be complete imbeciles, they would be capable of making adjustments based on the opposition.

And uhm....wasn't the Priestess supposed to return with that army that was being raised across the Narrow Sea? What, did she run off and just learn a ignite spell?

Now, if in the next episode, the Scion leaps back to his feet, laughs at everyone and then pulls the limbs off every Stark present, I'll eat my words. But I just don't see that happening.

I'm also wondering if Yara wouldn't just flit across the sea and bring the Second Sons over for the party. Granted the Golden Company doesn't appear to merit squat in the television version, but in the novels they were a force to be reckoned with. Considering their collective history with the Targaryens, even should Cersei for some reason come to terms with the Dragon Queen, that company would never side with any Targaryen.

Ok, afk to calculate exactly how many cousins apart Brienne and Daenerys are! Because we know that they are related thanks to Duncan.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Honestly, I think a lot of those things are nitpicking.
Hey, it's the "TV Series discussion thread". We don't nitpick, we discuss. ;)

Dothraki spend most of their lives fighting on horses, I don't think that having them dismount would have been more useful. I also don't think flanking the enemy was a viable tactic since they had no knowledge of the enemy's numbers or formation.
Still, no real commander would send his entire cavalry into the big, dark unknown just to get them slaughtered by an enemy they know nothing about and can't even see. And, in some of the episodes, Dothraki were shown to fight on foot, so it wouldn't have been totally inconceivable to let them do it now.

I assumed the catapults were up front to make it easier to retreat back into Winterfell once their ranks were broken. That was obviously their plan from the beginning.
They eventually retreated through narrow gaps in those spiked trenches. Compared to that, walking around a couple catapults would have been like walking on a highway. Heck, they could have even placed the catapults behind those trenches and kept shooting for quite a bit longer.

As far as everyone just waiting inside Winterfell to begin with, I don't think that was a possibility due to the size of the combined armies. They showed a lot of the troops camped outside the walls in the previous episode. Their strategy was to retreat behind the walls once their numbers had been depleted.
Camping is quite different from manning a castle wall and its courtyard. After they retreated into the castle they didn't even have the numbers to cover the entire wall without having gaps between them. Also, I somewhat doubt their plan was to fight outside until they had enough of their own people culled so they could all fit inside.
Dec 3, 2008
You do what you're best at, and that's what they did. In hindsight, the Dothraki were going to be slaughtered either way, but there was nothing at that moment to indicate that charging was the wrong tactic. I love how everyone suddenly thinks they're a certified field general now. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well I take offense as I am an armchair general as I play war games on the PC.:biggrin:
Oct 1, 2010
Hey, it's the "TV Series discussion thread". We don't nitpick, we discuss. ;)

Still, no real commander would send his entire cavalry into the big, dark unknown just to get them slaughtered by an enemy they know nothing about and can't even see. And, in some of the episodes, Dothraki were shown to fight on foot, so it wouldn't have been totally inconceivable to let them do it now.

They eventually retreated through narrow gaps in those spiked trenches. Compared to that, walking around a couple catapults would have been like walking on a highway. Heck, they could have even placed the catapults behind those trenches and kept shooting for quite a bit longer.

Camping is quite different from manning a castle wall and its courtyard. After they retreated into the castle they didn't even have the numbers to cover the entire wall without having gaps between them. Also, I somewhat doubt their plan was to fight outside until they had enough of their own people culled so they could all fit inside.

I still think it's nitpicking, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's what people do with these kinds of episodes.

Still, no real commander would send his entire cavalry into the big, dark unknown just to get them slaughtered by an enemy they know nothing about and can't even see. And, in some of the episodes, Dothraki were shown to fight on foot, so it wouldn't have been totally inconceivable to let them do it now.

I addressed this in my earlier post. It made sense for them to charge because they were already mounted and could hear the enemy approaching. It also prevented the enemy from advancing too quickly and allowed the catapults to be fired.

They eventually retreated through narrow gaps in those spiked trenches. Compared to that, walking around a couple catapults would have been like walking on a highway. Heck, they could have even placed the catapults behind those trenches and kept shooting for quite a bit longer.

So they should have added even more obstacles for them to retreat around? The spiked trenches are a good reason not to have had the catapults there to begin with. Also, simply having the catapults behind them instead of in front would not be a significant enough difference in placement to keep shooting them.

Camping is quite different from manning a castle wall and its courtyard. After they retreated into the castle they didn't even have the numbers to cover the entire wall without having gaps between them. Also, I somewhat doubt their plan was to fight outside until they had enough of their own people culled so they could all fit inside.

That's not at all what I said. :)

Of course it wasn't their plan to "cull" their own army. They fought outside because they had to. Winterfell is not a large castle. I don't think being packed shoulder to shoulder like tuna (assuming they could even physically fit in there) would have been very advantageous. In fact I'm quite sure it would have been the opposite. Do you remember the Battle of the Bastards?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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