Baldur's Gate 3 - Multiplayer & Cinematics

For me it's not the thing being old. For me the Twitch success is still somehow surreal. If you told me 15 years ago that watching others play video games will get as popular as actually playing the games, I would have bet 10k€ against ist. I still don't get it.

I actually like watching other people play games (some people, some games), but I hate 99% of Twitch streaming. It's a completely different experience than watching a Let's Play, and it's not for me. Endless distractions, shoutouts, extraneous messages and donations popping up, insipid chat flowing by.... ugh. Any time I've tried to watch a stream, the streamer spends at least 60% of their time talking about the stream or their plans for streams instead of the game they're actually playing.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I actually like watching other people play games (some people, some games), but I hate 99% of Twitch streaming. It's a completely different experience than watching a Let's Play, and it's not for me. Endless distractions, shoutouts, extraneous messages and donations popping up, insipid chat flowing by…. ugh. Any time I've tried to watch a stream, the streamer spends at least 60% of their time talking about the stream or their plans for streams instead of the game they're actually playing.

I love how they had to strain the language to come up with a way to call what they do - "content creators" seems like the only way to disguise the fact that they do nothing of worth that they never studied for, and were just lucky to have a natural talent for baffling idiotic masses without self-esteem normally more through raging and flaming than through being actually skilled or funny. They are the internet equivalent to those TV yellow debates where a bunch of losers make a living out of dissing actual celebrities or exposing who they are dating, or who they had a fight with during some dinner.

Just complete useless garbage that does no good to anything or anyone other keeping their brains as busy as empty, and usually leading with awful examples of how online communities behave these days around gaming (flaming, leaving games as soon as they're losing screwing their team mates, griefing, etc).
Don't particularly care at all about BG3, but I did find the DnD campaigns question intriguing. It would be great if, following this (and using BG3 tools/assets), Larian could work in partnership with WotC to pump out various popular DnD modules.

Curse of Strahd, Tomb of Annihilation, Dungeon of the Mad Mage… It could very well usher in a new Gold Box era of DnD. But that's perhaps a pipedream.

This is my hope as well. Even though I don't find the dnd rpg system very fun, I have to admit there exist an immense amount of good modules which would be fun to play as a computer game.
Feb 15, 2009
Can’t speak for others but I like the challenge. It requires different tactics and optimal build. It’s usually reserved for a second or third play through though.

I’m not going to worry about MP. It didn’t hurt DOS 1 or 2. I’ll be checking this out on day 1 of EA.

Don’t have a problem with EA or MP. I guess someone should revoke my RPGWatch card.:biggrin:


Revoked! :p :p
Nov 15, 2013
Not a multiplayer pc gamer, never have been either.

That said, this does look pretty cool - especially the voting system for all the streamers out there.

I think some of the attraction of watching a streamer playing a game is it gives them something to do, and something (like playing video games) that is also relatable to their audience. The actual gaming is secondary. If the streamer is already an entertaining personality, then they will also be entertaining while playing the game.

Although I would agree it normally would be pretty boring watching someone play a video game, it depends on who is doing the commentary and game playing.

Normally I wouldn't watch game streamers, but having watched a favorite youtuber play a video game before, I gotta admit it was entertaining, but only because the person had an entertaining personality (actual talent, in other words) to begin with.
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Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Sigh I had my hopes set to high for the mod scene for Original Sin 1&2. Though with Baldur's Gate having a larger following their is some light at the end of the tunnel.

So mod gods hear my plea let there be mods like NWN1&2. Let them be bountiful.:worship:

Edit: I still play NWN 1&2 many years after they released just because of mods.
Oct 1, 2010
I have no interest in the multiplayer myself - but don't have anything against it either.

I didn't feel like my gameplay experience was hindered by the existence of multiplayer in DOS 1 or 2, nor did I in the original Baldur's Gate/IWD games. Multiplayer isn't new to the genre. It isn't new to Larian's games. Just like anything else they're doing - they have a bigger budget on this so many aspects of the game will have more focus (not just multiplayer).
Oct 4, 2011
New Paltz, NY
As for Streamers and Twitch Let-Plays I usually browse them to get a glimpse of Game-play before a game is released. Nothing against them so wont join the hate train sorry.

Just wish I had the talent/looks to make serious cash off my hobby.:biggrin:
Oct 1, 2010
I didn't feel like my gameplay experience was hindered by the existence of multiplayer in DOS 1 or 2
I feel that in DOS1 the single player experience was worse because of multiplayer features. I'm thinking of the stupid rock-paper-scissors minigame for dialogs. Also having to start with 2 main characters was a clear nod towards coop which I didn't like.

For BG3 though I currently don't see anything that would worsen my single player experience.
May 6, 2013
I feel that in DOS1 the single player experience was worse because of multiplayer features. I'm thinking of the stupid rock-paper-scissors minigame for dialogs. Also having to start with 2 main characters was a clear nod towards coop which I didn't like.

For BG3 though I currently don't see anything that would worsen my single player experience.
Yeah Original Sin was definitely a Co-op RPG no doubt about that. D:OS 2 though was completely different. You could tell Larian put more work into the single-player side.

I also agree about BG3 and I have no worries about the single-player either. :nod:
Oct 1, 2010
I hate not only multiplayer but single player also. Why should I have to do all the work? The game should play itself. If companies weren't so concerned about roping me in with microtransactions and pressing keys and clicking on things and such, they would just program it as a tour. Then I wouldn't miss any content either.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
We had so much fun running a three-player co-op on D:0S 2 that we ran a second go-around on the Enhanced Edition with a fourth player early this year. Larian games hit that sweet spot where it's approachable for someone new to crpgs, yet dense enough to keep veterans around - I've managed to lure an old school crpg player to play, but also introduce two players new to the genre.

I hope they continue to improve on the co-op experience because we're looking forward to playing this together.
Sep 12, 2020
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It's unfortunate that some of you will have to live with the idea of Larian investing resources on enabling BG3 to be played with friends as a co-op/party experience. Even though the single player campaign won't be affected in any way, how infuriating it is that other people might actually enjoy the game in the company of their friends? That's not what tradition says a PC RPG should be.

It is completely outrageous, and if the world was fair, the co-op mode would be scratched off the face of Earth, to your very own satisfaction. But such are the times we live in. People now are allowed to choose who to love, what to think, and even enjoy videogames as this co-op aberration. And no, nobody should care that Baldur's Gate 3 is hard based on Dungeons and Dragons, a game designed exclusively to be played with a group of friends. The point is, you are the one and only that can choose what a game should be, and damned be those who think otherwise or dare suggest playing with friends is an enjoyable experience. Because of this, there is a chance that the game might be 0.00000001% less polished in its single player version. Can they not see this? How can they be so selfish? Such a shame, because I had been looking forward to play BG3 for 20 years, and now it's a hard pass game that I wish to burn in hell, together with Sven, Larian, and all the co-op idiots that don't even know what a cRPG should be like.
How to Be Tolerant of other People's Opinion.;)
Stay calm and objective.
  1. Remind yourself someone's opinion is not personal. Try to focus on the objective facts. …
  2. Focus on facts over feelings. …
  3. Try to remember an emotional reaction will not help you gain insight and understanding of someone else's perspective.
Link -'s-Opinions
Oct 1, 2010
I tried to find the link on how to be tolerant with the intolerant and selfless with the selfish, but there were no references. Maybe I'll try with a different species, humans don't seem to work well with those concepts, other than when it's convenient to them.
I tried to find the link on how to be tolerant with the intolerant and selfless with the selfish, but there were no references. Maybe I'll try with a different species, humans don't seem to work well with those concepts, other than when it's convenient to them.

Club of Irony strikes for 2D10
Aug 13, 2013
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