KotOR 3 - Fan Game In Development


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Yes the title is correct it looks like we might get KOTOR 3. A site called I Am A Super Nerd interviewed the developers of a fan project called “Project Blacklight”.

What is Project Blacklight

Project black light is a drafting project meaning it’s the equivalent of any game in the pre-production phase.

We’ve established contacts in the Star Wars gaming industry and the hope is that once our draft is done they will help us get the game pitched . . . it’s supposed to be the third [Knights of the Old Republic] game. A conclusion to wrap it all up and transition into the MMO.

Do you have access to any of the original KOTOR 3 story and will you use those story elements in developing your own KOTOR 3 game?

Yes. I’m not able to give you names or how [I have contact] because I don’t want anyone to get in trouble but there is a lot of things that people don’t know about [the original] Knights of the Old Republic 3 game. Going forward with this project I’ve had the privilege of actually talking with a lot of the original people that were actually working on it.

Knights of the Old Republic 3 was in development in 2005. One big thing I guess [I will be] publicly breaking this [but] there was actually two KOTOR 3 concepts. One was pitched by Obsdian that some people know of, and then there is another one in which no one knows anything about and that is the Lucasarts pitch. The in house development team was actually selected to be produced. So most everything we obtained. . .was based on the one they were actually going to develop, which was the Lucasarts story and not the Obsedian pitch which most people think was actually going to be [made into] KOTOR 3.

Now that I’ve looked at the actual plot of KOTOR 3 that they were going to make, none of it, well not none of it, but a huge chunk of it does not translate over because of the MMO. The MMO was not in their game plan [originally] when they were making it, and when EA Games and Bioware [started] making the MMO they were not interested in [using any existing] KOTOR 3 content. They went completely their own way.

The game they were going to produce from the Lucasarts pitch [handled the Sith] completely different than what you would expect. The primary antagonist was a female Sith Lord who wasn’t an actual Sith, she was a Jedi who fell to the Dark Side. The Sith, [or] the bad guys, were not the Sith we see in the MMO. They were a further off-shoot, further down from Revan and his time. These kind of Dark Jedi had fallen to the Dark Side [but were] not true Sith.

There was a handful of different characters they tossed around. Obsedian’s plot is a much more known plot in which it was all about the coming of this true Sith Empire from some unknown region, with these super powerful Sith Lords, and this unholy sized army which infiltrated the Republic [in order] to bring the galaxy to a crushing apocalyptic end. That is the behind the scenes, under the cover, basic plot that people are more familiar with when they think of KOTOR 3. [That plot] was actually shot down in its entirety and Lucasarts went entirely, entirely different with it.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I guess this is good news. Always wanted anouther Kotor singleplayergame. Although I think it would be more interesting to focus on the story revolving around the emperor after the events in SWTOR. There is alot of mystery around him. Alot of speculations. Could be a great story if done right.

Probably easier to tie up Revans story in a good way if a new kotorgame takes place after SWTOR too.
Jul 12, 2009
Actually, those stories are completed in TOR as far as I know.

Basically, TOR has more or less killed off any hope that we'll see an official KotOR3. This fan made one will probably use one of the original stories written for KotOR3, which will most certainly not be canon as it crashes with established TOR lore.

To be perfectly honest I doubt this project will ever be completed, but every now and then a fan project comes along and impresses me greatly. Who knows, maybe this is such a project?
Oct 18, 2006
As I couldn't care less nor will ever play TOR, I'm superexcited over this news.
Even if the final product sux, I'll instabuy it. Bioware didn't want my money, good, obviously there is someone who does.
Apr 12, 2009
Well at least we now know KOTOR 3 was indeed being made at one point. It was killed by Bioware and EA. Damn you EA its just more fuel for the fire as they say.:shakefist:
Oct 1, 2010
anyone paying attention to bioware forums a few years back knew kotor 3 was supposed to be a thing before ea came into play. Glad to see it's being fan restored, keep us updated =)
Jan 8, 2014
in a figment of my imagination
I'm really interested in this project, too. I consider KotoR 1+2 to be among the best RPGs of the last 15 years.

I just wonder about what's the actual difference between a "fan game" and an "indie game"?
May 6, 2013
Yeah, would be great, too. Gimme all of them!
May 6, 2013
Would be nice to have a new KOTOR, but somehow I don't think they are gonna make it into a full product (but I'll keep my fingers crossed just to be sure).
Aug 25, 2010
The Netherlands
EA owns all the Star Wars gaming license rights for the next 10 years and Disney is the full owner of said license. Expect any "fan project" to be trashed once the lawyers shows up. Also, the interview has a typo for Revan...

The whole "KoTOR 3 was being made" is stretching what was going on as well. According to the interview itself, LucasArts received a few pitches to make KoTOR 3 from different groups (Obsidian/Internal), but because of internal restructuring at LucasArts none receive the greenlight to be produced (aka start to be made). In the end, LucasArts decided to make a MMO instead of a SP game.
Oct 13, 2007
EA owns all the Star Wars gaming license rights for the next 10 years and Disney is the full owner of said license. Expect any "fan project" to be trashed once the lawyers shows up.

"the hope is that once our draft is done they will help us to have the game pitched". So they're gonna look for a publisher, as i understand it.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I'm really interested in this project, too. I consider KotoR 1+2 to be among the best RPGs of the last 15 years.

I just wonder about what's the actual difference between a "fan game" and an "indie game"?

From what I can tell, they're just working on design documents; just an outline and possibly concept art. I doubt they actually have any programmers working on a prototype or anything. I think their plan is to pitch their design doc to a publisher…

It's very hard to get excited about this. I would love to see a KOTOR 3 get made, but only if it's a similar quality to the first 2 games (preferrably the first game as the 2nd was buggy and seemed rushed / unfinished). I don't have a clue who these people are, if they have any game design experience, but I guess that doesn't matter as I think their intention is only to work on the pre-production and then let an experienced game development studio take over. And hopefully, if some publisher does give it the greenlight they won't decide to change it to another damn MMO or ARPG.
Apr 9, 2013
Concerning the story after KOTOR2 one can found all the details here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_galactic_history.This may create a disadvantage in any case.Cause you either follow the "official" story and people know beforehand what will happen or you create a story of your own which will feel out of place for some people(especially for the more nerdy fans).As for the law issues i hope they find a way to do something about that.In any case if this game ever becomes reality it'll be a must buy for me even if it sucks.
May 22, 2012
"the hope is that once our draft is done they will help us to have the game pitched". So they're gonna look for a publisher, as i understand it.

The only publisher they can work with is EA...
Oct 13, 2007
The only publisher they can work with is EA…


Anyways, i wouldn't put too much trust in a random modder saying they have "contacts".. far too many attention seekers out there to take it seriously. Nowadays people can do anything to get facebook followers etc (eventually those sort of things can lead to profit in one way or another).
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Anyways, i wouldn't put too much trust in a random modder saying they have "contacts".. far too many attention seekers out there to take it seriously. Nowadays people can do anything to get facebook followers etc (eventually those sort of things can lead to profit in one way or another).

The awful grammar being used in what was supposed to be a pitch doesn't inspire much confidence, either.
Apr 13, 2010
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