Do You Participate in Early Access?

Do you participate in Early Access?

  • Yes, I like paving the way for others

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Sometimes, depending on the situation

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Rarely, only for games I back or just can't wait for

    Votes: 27 40.9%
  • Never, this is an industry travesty and I refuse to pay to test their game

    Votes: 23 34.8%

  • Total voters
Bannerlord EA was an instant buy for me. My Covid game, 800 hours in. Quit a few months ago though because it was stagnating. Over a year in EA and still far from ready IMHO. Got my money out of it trying every possible combo so not complaining. A little disappointed maybe.

Same here! This is the sort of game I enjoy playing EA. And I agree it got a little stagnant but it's sort of a tradition with Taleworlds. M&B1 stayed in beta for so many year and even after it was released, they kept working on it for many more years (Warbands & cie)
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
Usually I don't do early access, because I don't want to be spoiled (mostly story-wise) before I begin to play the real thing.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Usually I don't do early access, because I don't want to be spoiled (mostly story-wise) before I begin to play the real thing.
Yes, this is a valid concern. In Grim Dawn they managed this in a good way, since they opened up the world and added to the story part for part. So you could explore new parts of the world and the story in every new stage of game development and didn't have to replay everything from start after final release.

However I did that voluntarily later on since I like the game so much that I replayed it with different character class combinations (which play very differently).
Dec 26, 2007
I would like to say never but I simply don't believe it is an industry travesty type of thing I just would rather play a completed game. OTOH, one game a few years back I played in early access and didn't realize it until I was just about through.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Sometimes, I do.

Usually, I'm motivated by the idea of supporting something I want to succeed.

I rarely engage much with a game that's not finished, though.

I might try it once or twice before the "1.0" release - just to guage where it's at - and to temper my expectations.

Also, I fully and completely realise that I'm taking a risk - and that it's 100% a gamble when I spend money on Early Access titles.
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