The TV Series discussion thread

Anybody seen the Netflix western series, Godless? It's had some pretty strong reviews.

Liked it. Godless is maybe not as gritty and raw as Deadwood, but it ain't sunshine and rainbows either. The series shows bluntly the rough frontier life and ofcourse injustice which takes place in a small town / rural setting. Most importantly it has plethora of well developped characters played by talented actors.
Oct 19, 2006
Excellent, thanks. We'll have some of that, then.
Nov 8, 2014
Excellent, thanks. We'll have some of that, then.

Well hopefully you enjoy it. The story kept me watching it, but it isn't perfect ofcourse. However you can't be too picky when it comes to western series. Aside Deadwood and Hell on wheel, I can't name any other decent ones. Maybe the Longmire if one stretches the western definition a bit. Anyhow Godless has few pacing issues I think and I'd have not minded if the writers had trimmed the series a bit as the slow pace in the middle serves little purpose, but the ending is definitely worth of your time.
Oct 19, 2006
Watched the first episode of series two of the Crown last night, pretty good so far. Not full of explosions or death/fight/battles, but lots of interesting historical details, some of which I'd certainly forgotten.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yes, I'm still watching AMC's The Walking Dead. Don't ask!!! :)

And browsing the Netflix catalog here, I discovered a series I'm really liking so far: Glitch. Nice job, Australia! :)
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Nov 15, 2013
Sep 23, 2008
Well if you mean dark as in gloomy, dont know, i dont think there is a scene in the whole show where you can see the sun:), they really nailed it in this show, and everything was amplified by the exceptional sounds and songs; but its main theme is time travel so you might like that.
also the opening credits is pretty awesome
Well if you mean dark as in gloomy, dont know, i dont think there is a scene in the whole show where you can see the sun:), they really nailed it in this show, and everything was amplified by the exceptional sounds and songs; but its main theme is time travel so you might like that.
also the opening credits is pretty awesome

I never heard of that show. Watched a little of it yesterday and it seems intriguing. It's got that Scandinavian gloom - even if it's German :)

However, I'm not a big fan of TV shows focusing on adolescents. Would you say this show is mostly about adults or kids?
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you will get plenty of the kids but its not bad since they are not your typical hollywood dumb ones, but later as the story develops and because of the events i wont spoil, adults will play a big role too
Finished now Dark, wow, just wow, one of the best tv shows in the last years..the dark atmosphere, the mysterious feeling, the fantastic sound…almost a masterpiece; be prepared for the second half of the season tho, your brain will work at full speed haha.

Never heard about this one! But not in a way where I feel it sux like DS, it's just not some mainstream rubbish so noone (here) is talking about it.

Thanks for bringing it up, I'm definetly watching it as soon as possible. Means, lemme finish first these few asian soaps I'm currently on... :(
Apr 12, 2009
I received the Twin Peaks season three event series for my birthday yesterday, and re-watched the first two episodes last night. I'm not exactly sure how Showtime showed this series the first time around, I seem to remember that anytime it was dark in the show that everything seemed to blend together. With the dvds, it is all crisp and looks way better. If you enjoyed the show, I highly recommend the blueray dvd.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Watched 4 episodes of Dark - and I like it so far :)

It does remind me a little of Twin Peaks - which could be a good or a bad thing.

If there's no definite resolution or explanation for what's going on, then I will be very, very disappointed indeed.

However, things are looking good so far - as certain things have been revealed early, that are usually saved for the last episodes for the surprise effect.

This would seem to suggest that it's a bit more elaborate than it would seem.

Lynch, to me, tends to create obscure scenarios for the sake of it - and not to serve an interesting or engaging tale.

Of course, that depends on personal preferences - but I'm a lot more impressed by shows that don't obfuscate matters on purpose - but play fair and yet manage to remain engaging.
I saw the picture of Dark (a bunch of teenagers) and noped out of it, I hate teen angst with a passion. Is there teen angst in the show?
Sep 23, 2008
I saw the picture of Dark (a bunch of teenagers) and noped out of it, I hate teen angst with a passion. Is there teen angst in the show?

I'm afraid there is - but it's not your typical teen angst. It's a very, very dark show - so there's not a lot of typical Hollywood high-school vibe about it.
Finished Dark.


Extremely good. Fantastic production values and solid acting all-round. Particularly impressed by most of the children. Not sure I spotted a single one that didn't do a good job.

Story is fascinating, and - thankfully - it makes sense :)

I had a hard time keeping up with names and families - for reasons that will be obvious when you get into it. That was one flaw.

Another flaw was that there's really not a single appealing character in the whole show. There are some intriguing characters - but not really any appealing ones. Well, maybe one or two - but not enough.

I know that's part of the whole "Dark" atmosphere and how the world is one big black evil place - but it didn't help me engage with the plights of the characters.

So, I wasn't as emotionally engaged as I should have been - and that's why I can't rate it higher. Had I cared more about these people - it would easily be a 9/10.

But I highly recommend it.
Is the dark subtitled? Fine for me but the wife won’t watch subtitled shows. Need to know if I’m watching this one alone
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Dark sounds good, and I'm going to be starting it sometime this week.

Against my better judgment, I ended up finishing The Punisher. My GF liked it more than I did, and that's really the only reason I continued to watch it. I feel like it was mostly wasted time though.

Other than the guy who played David Lieberman, I didn't find any of the actors convincing. It also became more over-the-top with the ridiculous amounts of violence as the season went on, and I thought last 2 episodes were particularly cringeworthy in that way.

Not that I have any aversion to violence in an action-based movie or show, but it seemed like in this case they were just trying to see how much they could cram in for no other reason than the sake of having it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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