Word of Advice - Don't smoke


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October 1, 2010
Word of Advice - Don't Smoke

So why did I make this thread? Well it's because something terrible happened this week. As my 69 year old father died of Lung Cancer yesterday, and it was not a nice ending.

My father was my best friend. and only relative still in the state I live in. We always talked , watched movies, and had debates about various political topics.

Now he is gone all because he was a heavy smoker for almost 40 years of his life. His end was very slow as his body deteriorated to the point his lungs collapsed.

So lets go into detail as his entire left lung was nothing, but pus and scar tissue that his right lung grew in size to compensate. His doctor said he never saw this before.

That brings us to last night as he slumped over on his left side unable to breath anymore. He was rushed to ER and put on pain meds, and a forced breathing machine.

After various tests I was told by his doctor he will never breath on his own again. I was given two options, and both were not good options at all.

The first option was to keep him on the breathing machine, but in time his heart, and other complications would happen, and he would require a tracanomy.

At this point the second option was to keep him sedated, and pain free so he could die peacefully. I was devastated to learn my father was basically dead.

Then my father somehow became lucid, and the doctor was able to talk with him for five minutes. He decided he did not want to be a vegetable, and wanted the plug pulled.

I had to watch my father slowly die the entire night all alone with no other family. So bottom line don't smoke, and if you do well do your family a favor, and quit now.:mourn:
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Oct 1, 2010
That sucks Couch. Having anyone you love die, is a terrible thing to happen. You have my sympathies.
And I agree with the non-smoking advice. I'm glad I quit that habit some 30 years ago.
Aug 30, 2006
So why did I make this thread? Well it's because something terrible happened this week. As my 69 year old father died of Lung Cancer yesterday, and it was not a nice ending.

My father was my best friend. and only relative still in the state I live in. We always talked , watched movies, and had debates about various political topics.

Now he is gone all because he was a heavy smoker for almost 40 years of his life. His end was very slow as his body deteriorated to the point his lungs collapsed.

So lets go into detail as his entire left lung was nothing, but pus and scar tissue that his right lung grew in size to compensate. His doctor said he never saw this before.

That brings us to last night as he slumped over on his left side unable to breath anymore. He was rushed to ER and put on pain meds, and a forced breathing machine.

After various tests I was told by his doctor he will never breath on his own again. I was given two options, and both were not good options at all.

The first option was to keep him on the breathing machine, but in time his heart, and other complications would happen, and he would require a tracanomy.

At this point the second option was to keep him sedated, and pain free so he could die peacefully. I was devastated to learn my father was basically dead.

Then my father somehow became lucid, and the doctor was able to talk with him for five minutes. He decided he did not want to be a vegetable, and wanted the plug pulled.

I had to watch my father slowly die the entire night all alone with no other family. So bottom line don't smoke, and if you do well do your family a favor, and quit now.:mourn:

I'm so terribly sorry to hear that :(
Oh! How awful. For you, for your father: a nightmare. My thoughts go out to you, Couch.
My condolances.

These coming days, weeks, months, years will surely be hard for you. Having to miss your best friend. I truely hope you have friends nearby who will help you to get through the most tough and darkest hours, although no one will be able to fill that hole your father left with his passing, I fear.

The way he died, the pain, the slow detorioration, the struggle to fight an illness that seems to insist on taking all human dignity, the choices you were faced with, the choice your father took: last night and the weeks (months?) before that must have been hell.
I wish you all the strength to cope with it.

I hope that one day soon the thoughts of you and him in more pleasant times will slowly replace the memories about the blackness of this disease he had to endure.
Still, remembering you and him talking at length about various topics, watching movies together, will make your heart ache too. Because you are here and he is not.

Take care, Couch. Whishing you the best.
Sorry to hear the loss of your father Couchpotato. My condolences to you and your family. Take care and try to be with your friends and family.
Oct 8, 2009
Hey Couch. Kevin. I'm sorry to hear about that man. Nobody should have go to through that. I don't really know what to say, but I hope you and your family find peace going forward. Take care man.
Another case of bad things happening to good people. This kind of thing always puts a damper on my day. I wish the best of luck to you and your family in the future.
Jul 22, 2012
Good advice. I lost my mom four days after her 60th birthday. Pancreatic cancer, which is another wonderful cigarette disease. She went from looking 10 years younger than she really was to a shriveled husk and it only took a few months. The stuff coming out of her body was pure poison by the end. Tragic. They had her on so much pain killer that she had no idea who or where she was for the last few days. My dad chose to keep her at the house and my sister, an RN, took care of her till she passed away.

Sorry to hear of your loss, Couch. It brings back horrid memories :(
Oct 18, 2006
Sorry to hear that Couch, my father died from cancer caused by smoking, too :(

Take care and join friends and family.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks everyone it just hurts right now. As every day I wake up he is not their anymore. I got used to a routine now it's just me in the apartment all alone now.

I was happy four years ago when he quit smoking but all it did was buy him some time. After this I will turn anti-smoking, and help support organizations who go after Tobacco companies. Now I just have to grieve, and put my life back in order.
Oct 1, 2010
My deepest condolences also Couch, I lost a good friend to lung cancer a few years ago and have been anti-smoking even longer.
Aug 31, 2006
Very sorry to hear that... And thank you so much for taking time and effort to provide everyone with the advice.
So sorry to hear that ... having watched too many relatives die that way, there are just no words. So sorry for your loss.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm so sorry Couch. First stage of mourning is anger but I'm glad that you want to turn it into something productive!
Jan 10, 2008
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