What Gender do you play?

What gender do you prefer to play in an RPG?

  • I prefer to play as a male

    Votes: 11 19.0%
  • I prefer to play as a female

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I enjoy playing as both a male and a female

    Votes: 38 65.5%
  • I strongly dislike being forced to play a gender I don't enjoy playing

    Votes: 2 3.4%

  • Total voters
I like ROLE playing, so I don't care about genders, races or classes.

Anything goes.
Jul 27, 2018
As the haze of ‘not me’ moral posturing from the ‘scaring females away’ clears, it is actually refreshing to have the misogynists and homophobes come here and declare themselves so boldly.

Of course, I would have been much happier being wrong …
People talking game preferences, or even things that turn them on/off, are not talking about how they treat/approach women or gay people in real life.

‘It does not feel right for me to be engaged in a scene where I’d have to accept the flirts or touches, sexual gaze, whatever, of someone of the same sex’, is not what someone makes a homophobe. In real life that person could have said to a gay person that was showing interest: ‘Hey guy, thanks for the compliment but I am heterosexual, sorry, try your luck with someone else’. Or do you think when someone is coming on to you, you just can’t say no? And have to accept whatever they started doing?

In a game it is more difficult to draw that line yourself because you are stuck in a fixed script, written by someone else.
I know all too well because many things Geralt did, he was mentioned in this thread here earlier, were not to my liking but I could not stop it from happening, it just went on and on, or again and again. Which only aggravated my frustration.

Liking to look at the behind of a virtual character does not make you a misogynist.
I like seeing a tiny, firm man’s butt. Now I am a misandrist?

Men and women are creatures that are triggered by what they see, what they hear, what they smell. What is attractive to one, is appalling to another.
All I can say is you, apparently, are triggered by other things in a game than some male members describe here. It might well be you don’t care at all what you are looking at or who is trying to flirt with you (and how?), because ‘it is just a game’ - others like to forget about the real world for a moment and live their fantasy.
Getting every attractive woman in your bed is a fantasy to some.
Having an ugly man using women who are like me, who could be me, could not be further from the fantasy I like to play.
And to others it is just a game, they simply wish to score all those cards, f*** morals, f*** fantasy, the best result, that is what counts.

Based on what I’ve read here and the TOS I don’t see reason to step in and deal with those you describe as homophobes or misogynist.

Based on what I have read in this thread I don’t see reason for you to accuse people of homophobia or misogyny. So change your tune.
If you want to talk about homophobia or misogyny in general: P&R is the place.
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People talking game preferences, or even things that turn them on/off, are not talking about how they treat/approach women or gay people in real life.

‘It does not feel right for me to be engaged in a scene where I’d have to accept the flirts or touches, sexual gaze, whatever, of someone of the same sex’, is not what someone makes a homophobe. Irl life that person could have said to a gay person that was showing interested: ‘Hey guy, thanks for the compliment but
I am heterosexual, sorry, try your luck with someone else’. Or do you think when someone is coming on to you, you just can’t say no? And have to accept whatever they started doing?

In a game it is more difficult to draw that line yourself because you are stuck in a fixed script, written by someone else.
I know all too well because many thing Geralt did, he was mentioned in this thread here earlier, were not to my liking but I could not stop it from happening, it just went on and on, or again and again. Which only aggravated my frustration.

Liking to look a the behind of a virtual character does not make you a misogynist.
I like seeing a tiny, firm man’s butt. Now I am a misandrist?

Men and women are creatures that are triggered by what they see, what they hear, what they smell. What is attractive to one, is appalling to another.
All I can say is you, apparently, are triggered by other things in a game than some male members describe here. It might well be you don’t care at all what you are looking at or who is trying to flirt with you (and how?), because ‘it is just a game’ - others like to forget about the real world for a moment and live their fantasy.
Getting every attractive woman in your bed is a fantasy to some.
Having an ugly man using women who are like me, who could be me, could not be further from the fantasy I like to play.
And to others it is just a game, they simply wish to score all those cards, f*** morals, f*** fantasy, the best result, that is what counts.

Based on what I’ve read here and the TOS I don’t see reason to step in and deal with those you describe as homophobes or misogynist.

Based on what I have read in this thread I don’t see reason for you to accuse people of homophobia or misogeny. So change your tune.
If you want to talk about homophobia or misogeny in general: P&R is the place.

For the love of god, Thank you. I could not have put it so eloquently and am glad I didn’t try.
Why is this such a thing? Y'all need to adjust your camera angles a little higher up.

Nah, they'll just need to realise games should be played in either first person or or some kind of top down view. Even CDPR has finally understood it! ;)
Dec 20, 2010
Nah, they'll just need to realise games should be played in either first person or or some kind of top down view. Even CDPR has finally understood it! ;)

Are you trying to start another game mechanics war? ;)

For my part, third person makes a lot of sense in a lot of games (mostly ones where you're rolling around, scaling walls, jumping, that sort of thing), but Cyberpunk 2077 makes no sense in 3rd person so I'm glad they're doing it in 1st. I'm sure if another Witcher universe game comes out down the road, it'll be 3rd person again.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Are you trying to start another game mechanics war? ;)

For my part, third person makes a lot of sense in a lot of games (mostly ones where you're rolling around, scaling walls, jumping, that sort of thing), but Cyberpunk 2077 makes no sense in 3rd person so I'm glad they're doing it in 1st. I'm sure if another Witcher universe game comes out down the road, it'll be 3rd person again.

Nah, I was just baiting. I agree with you on when 3rd person makes more sense. Although I'll never consider rolling a good mechanic.
Dec 20, 2010
Nah, I was just baiting. I agree with you on when 3rd person makes more sense. Although I'll never consider rolling a good mechanic.

It’s just another form of dodging animation used to create space. I rather like it as a mechanic but agree it looks a bit silly rolling around in full armor.
Why is this such a thing? Y'all need to adjust your camera angles a little higher up.
First off, it was a joke. But what made me start thinking about that was this: I used to like playing games with a third-person camera zoomed out for better situational awareness. And then one day I played Oblivion, created a male Redguard, and then laughed out loud at the effeminate walking animation. After that, I started playing Bethesda games in first-person.
Jan 31, 2015
Nah, I was just baiting. I agree with you on when 3rd person makes more sense. Although I'll never consider rolling a good mechanic.

I like the dodging animation in Kingdom Come. You swing your sword, bandit ducks and steps to the side. It's simple, it's smooth, and it works. Dark Souls needed something a little more dramatic. Granted, the rolling looks a little silly when you're fighting skeletons, but a little duck-and-sidestep move isn't going to protect you from a giant's sword or a dragon's tail.
Jan 31, 2015
First off, it was a joke. But what made me start thinking about that was this: I used to like playing games with a third-person camera zoomed out for better situational awareness. And then one day I played Oblivion, created a male Redguard, and then laughed out loud at the effeminate walking animation. After that, I started playing Bethesda games in first-person.

I responded to your comment because it was recent, but you were about the fourth or fifth person who referenced playing female characters in 3rd person games because "I may as well stare at a woman's butt if I'm going to have to stare at someone's."
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I responded to your comment because it was recent, but you were about the fourth or fifth person who referenced playing female characters in 3rd person games because "I may as well stare at a woman's butt if I'm going to have to stare at someone's."

Yeah, I've never understood that in the least. I've never paid any attention to my character's butt when playing in third person regardless of what sex they were. What would be the point?

"Man this game sucks, but I'm going to keep playing because…that ass!"
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think it is not a matter of continuing playing because the only thing they have done well in xyz game is an ass. If they can choose then they might as well look at, etc.

Same with the anchor (wo)men presenting the news on the tele. Reason: if you are going to learn about the stuff that has happened in the world recently you might as well look at something and hear something (voice) that is generally conceived as ‘pleasant’
Usually playing as a male. It's easier for me to actually immerse.
In replays (which are rare) I often play female. I remember a BG series playthrough with an all women party. Great fun.

I like it better to have a choice but I enjoyed for example the new Tomb Raider series.

On a related note I always play casters (or Biotics in ME) because I think magic is the unique aspect in fantasy settings compared to historical or pure futuristic settings. And I want to experience that as much as possible.

And on another related note, in my current Pathfinder PnP group I play as a female (Aasimar Divine Hunter). First tme I'm doing it and it's much fun.
May 6, 2013
Just deleted I think 3 pages of an reply by hitting some wrong keys ... I bet that there's a hidden key combination for exiting the Internet Explorer instantly ...

Summary of what's lost of my writing :

Developers too often force me to play as a male stereotype, and I hate being forced to do something.

Playing female characters helps me explore my own emancipation from the standard male stereotype - women are already emancipating themselves and going into "men's areas", so why not allowing men to doing the same, and emancipaing themselves from their standard stereotype ?

Plus, female bodies often are rather like me : Not bulky, not with big shoulders, and small. Unfortunately developers often force me to have male characters looking big, bulky, and with huge shoulders. I'm not like that, so I don't enjoy that.

And last : I rather look at beautiful female characters. It helps me to overcome my own ugliness. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
If there's a possibility, I always choose male characters. Simply because I'm male and it's the only way for me to identify myself with the character I play.
Feb 26, 2020
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