HellSign - Releasing November 7th


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
An update on HellSign announces a release date of November 7th.

Hey everyone and thanks so much for your enthusiasm regarding the HellSign upcoming release!

We have said that HellSign would be in your hands in the second quarter of 2018, and we wanted to give you an update on that.

We are very proud to announce that HellSign will be releasing on November 7th 2018! We know that this isn't as soon as you all hoped, and we hate not delivering when we say we will. As many of you know, we recently had a major upset involving trademarking issues which resulted in a name change for the game. Dealing with this setback cost us valuable time being two indie devs.

The other reason is we've added a whole lot of awesome elements to give you a more complete representation of the final game. These include deeper RPG elements, investigation mechanics, and (with the help of a professional author) a unique lore, story & dialogue.
We've decided to hold on localization, to keep things open ended for the community feedback, as we believe together we can create the best supernatural hunting experience, and a sincere apology to all our non-english speaking fans, we haven't forgotten about you :)

We are sure the wait will be worth it, and we can't wait to get HellSign in your hands! We've included a little sneak peek for the backstories of some of the characters for you to check out!

Finally, we want to say a big huge thanks to all of our supporters. This game wouldn't be happening without you, and we wouldn't be out here making our dream game. So we ask that you stick with us and hang on for the next five months; we are so excited to finally be able to share HellSign with you!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
This wasn't on my radar, but it sounds interesting. The gameplay clip on Steam with the guy exploring the dark house looks pretty atmospheric. I'll keep an eye on it.
Apr 13, 2012
What was the old name ?
Link - https://steamcommunity.com/games/606500/announcements/detail/1662263004655142900
Why we changed the name?

Hellhunter is becoming HellSign due to trademark issues. Given out limited indie budget, we had two choices, buy the trademark and cut large amounts of content from the game, or change the name. Needless to say, we chose to change the name as we want to deliver the best gaming experience possible for our loyal fans.

Why we chose HellSign?

As our new best seller writer, C. Michael McGannon is constructing the gritty game universe with a mouth droppingly shocking bloody story. HellSign has quickly become a central element in the world, a cursed tattooed brand which allows hunters to tap into the supernatural, but at a great cost.
Link - https://www.dsogaming.com/news/supe...ebellion-trademarking-the-phrase-hell-hunter/
The name change comes after the studio discovered that their childhood heroes Rebellion Developments – creators of Alien vs Predator and Sniper Elite – had trademarked the phrase ‘hell hunter’ in January 2017.
Oct 1, 2010
Ahhh, so that explains why it flew under my radar! It looks to have quite the nice atmosphere with a touch of the supernatural, I think this could be quite the game once completed.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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