Trailer for Star Citizen: Imagine

Pretty pictures but it remains to be seen how/if (and especially when looking at the already hefty delays) all of this is going to come together into an actual coherent, fun, balanced and polished gameplay experience.
Even though two years of development have passed by already, Cloud Imperium Games still have a very loooong road ahead of them before the full vision comes even close to being realized.
What's out there right now, i.e. Arena Commander 1.0 and the hangar is not very impressive to put it mildly so one can only hope that they put the pedal to the metal big time in the next year or two.
Oct 18, 2006
God I hope they don't release it before 2016.
Please, just please. I need postpones!
Either that or I'll have to quit my job, go hobo, steal power and wi-fi, not eat, only game!
Apr 12, 2009
Dev just mentioned download size will be about 100GB, and patches will be 2-5GB each. I feel sorry for those with slow internet and/or data caps.
Sep 23, 2008
If 10 hours long Wolfenstein can have 50Gb of size, just twice than that for Star Citizen with days, weeks, maybe months of content seems pretty reasonable.

Then again I've seen "well shit" threads on Steam when Thief reboot was released with "only" 20Gb of size - some people are not on flat and those comments came mostly from Australia. :)
Me? I'm not on some superfast internet (just 10Mbps) but am not capped and can download stuff 24/7 if I wanted to.
Apr 12, 2009
I'd like to see the system requirements for this. Probably requires a pretty beefy system to run properly.
Sep 15, 2014
System requirements this early?
I'd say minimum will be GTX990 and 8Gb of DDR4. Oh, it doesn't exist?
Of course it doesn't. Yet.
Apr 12, 2009
I'd like to see the system requirements for this. Probably requires a pretty beefy system to run properly.

The game was pitched as taking every advantages it can from the PC. So beefy system requirements should be expected.

These are the current system requirements for the Arena Commander and PU pre-alpha:
Minimum System Requirements
Windows Vista (64 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit) or Windows 8 (64 bit)
DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM
Quad core CPU
8GB Memory
Oct 13, 2007
The end of 2016. Is that for the single player campaign too ? I just need that, wc1/freespace style campaign. Planets are cool though, I'll take it. walking around is not necessary.

I have 150gb cap. And 120 GB HD, hmm
Jun 5, 2009
The first batch of Squadron 42 missions are currently scheduled for end of 2015 (they split the release). Not idea if they are going to make it though.
Oct 13, 2007
Assuming Google doesn't hit us with another delay, I should be able to pull that down in about 15 minutes. I'm going plaid!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Got me really excited. Thats why I like videogames. And if someone says that graphics don't matter…well for this genre they do!

And then ofcourse Moriendor dragged my ass instantly back to reality by reminding how much work there is left :lol: But yeah I'm not either expecting them to launch in any time soon. How many years would it take ? Difficult to even imagine, but they better take as much time as they need. This needs to be as close to "perfect" as it is possible. This kind of dream project should not fail. It just better not take as long as Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar or Duke 4ever :p

About system requirements… I doubt that the pc which could run witcher 3 on high details could run star citizen on high details :)
Oct 19, 2006
Personally, I do think their whole business model is a mess. I have NO idea how to buy this game. A pass here, a module there, ship upgrades for real money... Ill see when squadron 42 comes out, I hear they are recording fmv's now.
Jun 5, 2009
I suspect the sky's the limit for hardware on this one. Expect to see multi-SLI water-cooled insanity for performance at the highest possible settings. I don't mind that, so long as the game is still playable with a decent gaming PC. It'd be nice to see PC games that push the envelope, instead of being constrained by the consoles.
Nov 8, 2014
Well I was never interested in this game, but I'm happy for those who are. So I salute the beta testers, and players who keep spending thousands of dollars funding it.:salute:
Oct 1, 2010
Well, their campaign took off like a bottle rocket, so I didn't see any point in risking backing it. I'll wait and see what they deliver. It could be wonderful… or a redefinition of Epic Fail.
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Nov 8, 2014
Personally, I do think their whole business model is a mess. I have NO idea how to buy this game. A pass here, a module there, ship upgrades for real money… Ill see when squadron 42 comes out, I hear they are recording fmv's now.

If you want to get started right now then this is your lowest entry options, either an Aurora or a Mustang starter ship package.
The packages include a hangar for your ship, the Arena Commander (AC) pass so you can single- and multiplayer dogfight immediately, the Squadron 42 single player campaign in episodic format and the Star Citizen MMO (which you will be able to join as soon as it hits BETA so probably some time mid/end 2016).
Any modules that come out in between a purchase you would make now and the game's BETA status will probably be made accessible via separate alpha access passes, so if you want to play the first person shooter module that is due for release soon, then you will either have to wait for it to hit BETA or buy a $5 access pass if you want to join immediately and if they keep up the pricing from the separately sold AC passes (i.e. don't kill me if they ask for $10 ;) ).

Everything else in their store is completely optional. You can buy a second/third/as-many-as-you-like packages, (cross-)upgrade your package or buy/add individual standalone ships to existing base packages etc. etc. etc. ... you know, the sky is the limit... why not get the dirt cheap digital fleet pack for a measly ~$3K or how about the Warpack for ~$5K, Sir? Too cheap for you? OK. Do not despair... we also got some Wing Commander for you for the low, low price of ~$10K or why not give all them lowly plebeians the finger by going all out Completionist for ~$15K? :biggrin:

Well. Or you can just wait for the game to go live and get all of the ships and extras via gameplay (although it will arguably be a little time consuming probably to achieve Completionist status because people who dropped $15K on this game might feel a little disenchanted if the lowlifes collect all the same ships in a couple weeks ;) ).
Anyway, the choice is yours. All you really need if you want to start playing right now is one of the starter packages though.
Oct 18, 2006
Hmm. Not really impressed by this one. The gameplay looked like Call of Duty in space or something. Not really my style. I don't see what's so great about the graphics, either, but eh, I'm not much of a graphics person to begin with. :)

All in all, I was interested in this game when I didn't know much about it, but now that I see it in action, it's fallen off my radar.
Well, their campaign took off like a bottle rocket, so I didn't see any point in risking backing it. I'll wait and see what they deliver. It could be wonderful… or a redefinition of Epic Fail.

Backers got unlimited insurance...
Jul 22, 2012
Elite: Dangerous looks like a much fairer game at the moment. One-off cost for the license and then microtransaction for (ugly) ship skins and books only.

A lot of anger at that game is centered around it being an MMO (which it isn't though the pacing is definitely designed around the 'play forever' concept) and the tutorial (you need a mix of youtube plus a lot of forums to simply start and even then some vital things you learn only after you're killed). As an RPG fan, I would add a third criticism - that the factions are unfinished (unstarted?) and the NPCs are just emails, a la Mass Effect 2.

That said it is strangely compelling and very attractive. A sort of Skyrim in space. Hope Star Citizen doesn't kill it…
Feb 28, 2011
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