Mass Effect 2 - Officially Announced


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
We've had the doctors dropping hints, we've had the teaser trailer and now we have the official announcement for Mass Effect 2. It's not that far away and a PC version is included out of the gate:
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada – March 17th, 2009 – Leading video game developer BioWare™, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today officially announced Mass Effect™ 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the multi award-winning 2007 hit, Mass Effect. The Mass Effect trilogy is a masterful science fiction adventure set in a vast universe filled with dangerous alien life forms and mysterious uncharted planets. In this dark second chapter, Saren’s evil army of Geth soldiers has just been defeated, and humans, who are still struggling to make their mark on the galactic stage, are now faced with an even greater peril…

“We’re going to surpass the extraordinary gaming experience we brought our fans in Mass Effect by delivering intensified combat and expanded weapon options as well as increased depth of planet exploration, all while delivering a powerful, emotionally engaging story,” said Dr. Ray Muzyka, General Manager and CEO, BioWare and General Manager and Vice President, EA. “Mass Effect 2 is shaping up to be an unforgettable RPG-shooter experience, taking players on a non-stop roller-coaster ride filled with stunning plot twists and no-holds-barred action.”

Mass Effect 2 is coming to PC and the Xbox 360 video game system in Early 2010. To see the exclusive new Mass Effect 2 teaser trailer check out the website here:
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
"increased depth of planet exploration" sounds promising. If they manage to make the whole thing feel less generic, and provide more open and interesting places to explore, it could be a really good game. More than 3 instalation designs for the side-missions would also be nice, haha. The quest-design was also pretty forgettable, even if one or two of them were kinda interesting side-stories.
Jul 26, 2007
Please scrap the dialog system and go with something better. Along with that and the crappy planet exploration those are the reasons why I haven't played it for months.
Oct 19, 2006
I guess I was the only one that thought that planet exploration had a Starflight feel to it. I wish there were more to it than finding some minerals or downed spacecraft, but I didn't mind it too much. I didn't like that stupid vehicle jumping all over the place.
Feb 3, 2007
Cool, ME was a great game, only that generic planet exploration wasnt my thing.
Aug 24, 2007
Please scrap the dialog system and go with something better. Along with that and the crappy planet exploration those are the reasons why I haven't played it for months.

I don't real see anything being scrapped in terms of the core game ...
Oct 18, 2006
"Dark?" Oh my.

I liked the dialog *system* well enough; I just thought the dialog itself was on the bland and predictable side. Good news about the planetary exploration; IMO they would've done better not to include it at all, or include at most one or two planets.

Can't say this goes right to the top of my anticipation list, though, even if I will probably end up playing it anyway.
Oct 19, 2006
Feb 2, 2007
I did the whole planetary exploration thing, finding every last dang thing. It was very weak, largely boring, but I'm a "completionist" and couldn't resist.

I really hope they find a way to make that far more fun. They really could do a lot with, say, purchasable/findable modules and such for the rover (like sensors to find stuff at a distance!), better rover controls (like being able to control the thrusters independently), and far, far, far more interesting encounters. Oh and please have interiors on the planets be far less generic. I kept telling myself "well these are pre-fab structures sold by a construction monopoly so they are all the same" but that didn't make exploring them any more fun.

And "yey" for announcing the PC release up front.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know, my feelings have changed for Mass Effect since I played it when it came out. At first I was really into a new Science Fiction hybrid CRPG made by the company that made Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire and KOTOR1.

After playing it and letting the gameplay settle, I think it was missing many features that made both Baldur's Gate and Mass Effect's closest cousin KOTOR good games.

I feel Mass Effect is basically a FPS with some RPG elements all revolving around a Biowarian plot. But, when comparing it to KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2 (even though Bio didn't make KT2), it lacks

KOTOR 1 had some mysteries to solve like the trial on the oceanic planet.
KOTOR 2 had the excellent grey character of Kreia, C. Avellone's masery at work there. It had its own little mysteries like finding a solution to the Peragus fuel explosion.

But, as far as gameplay, I think Mass Effect's biggest mistake is in the lack of real hacking and stealth gameplay.
Hacking was put to great use in the two KOTORs as you were able to find alternate routes, spy on various areas, disable sentry drones & cameras, eliminate certain enemies
You were also able to split and go solo from the party and go complete stealth for some of the missions opening up another style of gameply to add variety.

It was much better being able to play as T3 to do hacking or repair mission, or the other chgaracters for their specific misisons. In Mass Effect you only play as Shepard...
In KOTOR 2 you even had a mission as T3-M4 sneaking into the droid warehouse

Mass Effect was just exploring and shooting with story. It missed about half of the gameplay the KOTORs had. One gets tired of the gameplay in MAss Effect much earlier then the KOTORs.

And thats not even mentioning how Mass Effect can definitely use some inspiration from the oldies like: Starflight, Space Rogue, Sentinel Worlds: Future MAgic, Hard Nova, Protostar etc.
Oct 18, 2007
Hungary and USA
Gritty, mature, and epic!!!! is the new cool, didn't you get the memo?

And heroic too! Not low fantasy nor high fantasy, but dark mature heroic fantasy with lots of gore!!!
Oct 19, 2006
And heroic too! Not low fantasy nor high fantasy, but dark mature heroic fantasy with lots of gore!!!

Also: inspired by George R. R. Martin despite all evidence pointing to Tolkien.

So we get: Gritty, dark, mature heroic fantasy inspired by acclaimed fantasy writer George R. R. Martin, full of collar-grabbing extreme action and the ability to sodomize whoever, whenever, however you want.
Oct 29, 2008
I totally ignored the planetary exploration, which I think helped me enjoy the game. Why would anyone bother with them?

To explore of course :) Never know whatcha gonna find...well you sorta do. Minerals, downed space craft and a lair of somesort. But when linked in with a quest, it wasn't so bad. Still think it had a starflight flare to it....maybe just a tiny bit like it.
Feb 3, 2007
Bleh, I'd be 100 times more excited about Drakensang 2 than ME 2, I guess shooters are not really my style of games.
Sep 23, 2008
I feel Mass Effect is basically a FPS with some RPG elements all revolving around a Biowarian plot. But, when comparing it to KOTOR 1 & KOTOR 2 (even though Bio didn't make KT2), it lacks

To each their own, I'd rather play ME than KotOR any day of the week, and that's despite the fact that I'm a Star Wars fan. I like the original setting and atmosphere of ME.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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