The TV Series discussion thread

Lemme return to The Orville just for a bit.
I marked the 7th episode of it's first season as a mustwatch before you die.

That day I wasn't aware how close the future is:
Big data meets Big Brother as China moves to rate its citizens

For now, technically, participating in China's Citizen Scores is voluntary. But by 2020 it will be mandatory. The behaviour of every single citizen and legal person (which includes every company or other entity)in China will be rated and ranked, whether they like it or not.
Governments around the world are already in the business of monitoring and rating. In the US, the National Security Agency (NSA) is not the only official digital eye following the movements of its citizens. In 2015, the US Transportation Security Administration proposed the idea of expanding the PreCheck background checks to include social-media records, location data and purchase history. The idea was scrapped after heavy criticism, but that doesn't mean it's dead. We already live in a world of predictive algorithms that determine if we are a threat, a risk, a good citizen and even if we are trustworthy. We're getting closer to the Chinese system - the expansion of credit scoring into life scoring - even if we don't know we are.

It is still too early to know how a culture of constant monitoring plus rating will turn out. What will happen when these systems, charting the social, moral and financial history of an entire population, come into full force? How much further will privacy and freedom of speech (long under siege in China) be eroded? Who will decide which way the system goes? These are questions we all need to consider, and soon. Today China, tomorrow a place near you. The real questions about the future of trust are not technological or economic; they are ethical.

The article is not a joke nor is postapoc horror sci fi. China is transforming into reallife Facebook with hates and likes.

So before it happens for real, watch the damned seventh episode, the title is "Majority Rule"! You don't have to watch the whole series, just that one. Please.
Apr 12, 2009
Thankfully, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to TV shows. I don't watch many - and 9 out of 10 times I watch something other people recommend, I hate it.

So, I probably just don't know or get what I'm missing :)
You're expecting from fiction and entertainment products to be a documentary where protagonists aren't aware of filming process.
Of course you hate recommendations. :p
Apr 12, 2009
Finished up season 3 of The Black Mirror - much better than the prior two seasons. A nice stylized series reminiscent of The Twilight Zone with a lot more money thrown at production.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Honestly, I think it's just that my brain doesn't suddenly stop working when I'm exposed to entertainment - like the case is for you, joxer ;)
I have trouble focusing when watching TV or movies. I have to stop/pause many times, which can cause problems on tablet/phone if there are also advertisements. (Many apps are glitchy or unfriendly in this regard.) Pausing mid-game is not as big a deal, since most likely you will be doing so during combat and not during dialogue, and there are no advertisements.
May 2, 2017
Honestly, I think it's just that my brain doesn't suddenly stop working when I'm exposed to entertainment - like the case is for you, joxer ;)
I wish it was true so I could rest in front of a screen. Sadly, I have an odd problem where I can't fall sleep if someone is talking, the brain can't shutdown.

Anyway, what happens with you in front of the screen is getting automatic blinders. Why is that so, dunno, but well, people are different.
Apr 12, 2009
We finished watching the Punisher series today, pretty good fare as far as Marvel television goes. There didn't seem to be much of a connection to the other shows, other than Karen somewhat in the show, and the obligatory Turk briefly making an appearance. I didn't even catch a single references to "the incident", which may be a first. I'd also venture to say that this might be the leanest show of all, I found it to be almost completely filler-free.

It is also the most violent, bloody Marvel show. But then again, duh, it is the Punisher after all! I've no doubt at all that we'll see a second series of this, at some point in the future.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Based on an insistent recommendation, I tried getting into Orville again.

I actually succeeded. It's growing on me - and I find it charming in an odd sort of way.

Now, I haven't watched much of Voyager - as I hated most of the cast - but, so far, there have been a few unique twists on familiar material, so it's not a carbon copy of TNG episodes at least.

Could have done without the excessive moralising, though - but then that was always part of classic Trek.

I think the primary reason I enjoy it is the cast. There's actually not a single character that I don't like. Probably has to to with the "comedy" angle.

I tend to have a problem taking ridiculous characters seriously - like in Voyager - but here it's ok and they're actually pretty subdued overall.

Biggest issue is only 12 episodes pr. season :(
I wish they would fix up deep-space 9 so it would be blu-ray quality and start replaying.
This won't happen ever.
It'd be cheaper to remake the whole series than redo the old one. Unless some executive decides not to use PC and rerender everything but to go cheap rubbish PlayStation/Xbox route and upscale CGI from original 480p to 1080p.
Apr 12, 2009
Another show I'm enjoying immensely, Kevin (probably) saves the world. It's a feel-good show very similar in style to Quantum Leap, where they help someone every episode. I need me some feel-good after reading Trump's news here.
Sep 23, 2008
Orville keeps getting better - aside from the odd ridiculous and ill-thought out episode (like EP7).

But EP10 is my favorite so far. Quite good!
Orville keeps getting better - aside from the odd ridiculous and ill-thought out episode (like EP7).

But EP10 is my favorite so far. Quite good!

I thought I was alone in my disgust. But it seems like a lot of folks here like that episode but the Black Mirror just did it far better without all the family guy snark. I thought EP7 was terrible.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I thought I was alone in my disgust. But it seems like a lot of folks here like that episode but the Black Mirror just did it far better without all the family guy snark. I thought EP7 was terrible.

It was indeed utter crap.
Was S01E10 of The Orville the one with the security officer with the ears testing herself because she lost confidence? If so, wow, I thought that was one of the worst things I ever saw in a TV space opera. An absolute mess. But since it was the first truly bad episode I let it slide.
May 18, 2014
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