Elex Elex First Impressions

The robot companion is quite close to the beserkers actually - I'm using him, dumped Duras (The Useless). If you complete the berserker quests you will likely find him otherwise, assuming he stays put,

he's on top of the alb converter closest to the beserkers

Nooooo! Not Duras! He is awesome. I plan on staying with him to the very end :p

The robot is rather cute though :)
Jun 4, 2008

It was found that attributes in Elex dont have any meaning (eg. more strength = more damage). They are just prerequsites for weapons and skills apparently..

If this is true, Elex is ruined for me. (Wanted to buy next week)

I wouldn't let that stop you from enjoying the game. Attack damage/etc. is just tied to your gear and skill choices more than ever now. At least from what I understand. Apparently the wording in the attribute descriptions in-game are poorly worded.
The robot companion is quite close to the beserkers actually - I'm using him, dumped Duras (The Useless). If you complete the berserker quests you will likely find him otherwise, assuming he stays put,

he's on top of the alb converter closest to the beserkers

That's not the robot companion that crpgnut is referring to, that's
the Cleric (?) companion that speaks rather emotionlessly (or maybe he is a robot? Don't tell me if that's the twist! :p)

The robot/drone companion is here:
Northeast of the Domed City, just where the snow starts. South-east of the Alb converter (not the ruined converter, that's way south, I'm meaning the still-running Alb-occupied converter just above the snowline.)
You get the location on your map when you find the other drone/robot in the pit in the Berzerker town
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand

It was found that attributes in Elex dont have any meaning (eg. more strength = more damage). They are just prerequsites for weapons and skills apparently..

If this is true, Elex is ruined for me. (Wanted to buy next week)

Yes, it's true. There's quite a big uproar about it though so that might get patched at some point. At the moment its at the stage where the devs are simply defending why they did that and how they are more likely to patch the attribute descriptions to actually be accurate instead of misleading.
Nov 1, 2014
Elex also has romances.

Though apparently no gay romances, because this is a manly game for manly people who like their games HARD and ROUGH etc etc.
Nov 1, 2014
I'm still discovering things that surprise me after 60+ hours. I just saw a Skex catch fire after a guard knocked it into a torch.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
My one quibble with this game is that far too many monsters have aerial offensive capabilities. I know the developers probably hated it that there was far too much snipping going on in their prior games (I read as much a few years ago). But I wish they just would have had attack birds that dropped rocks or small goblin types that threw rocks. But when your dog types and lizard types and frog types all have aerial and melee abilities it seems more of a balance trick than a real world thing, at least to me.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I liked Duras until I discovered his dirty little secret. :)

Lol well all things considered I think he had reason to do what he did although it is hard to say for sure. Regardless compared to what was going on with everyone else, and the fact he dealt so fairly with me (Jax), I was okay with it all.
Jun 4, 2008
Among all companions, the drone is the most useful.
1. lightshow
2. no melee
3. humor

The only negative is - there is a most important romance achievement and you can't get that one with the drone. Which means you need to stick with either… Wait.
Any modder around here? :D
Apr 12, 2009
I tried to get the drone, but it required me getting… something… and I kept getting fried by Albs :(
I'll try again later, maybe.

Yeah, that was a beyotch to get. I was level 10 or 11 and finally got it after several tries.

I shot the big enemy to lure him out of the main battle area. Once he was down, I took each of the guys up high from as far away from the other dude as possible. If you get two enemies, you're toast.

Romancing a drone would be… interesting. If only they'd put that in.

They did! House with the Robot girls. It was electric!

After I got him, I restarted again though, so I'm back in Goliet again. I always prefer the low level stuff for some reason...My goal this time is to really take note of the level 3 chests as I wander.
Oct 18, 2006
Hm. Finally got to level 15 and promotion (yay)! to warrior…only to be told I have to *BUY* my warrior armour!!?? It's 10,000 elexit…seriously, that's shameful.
'here's your reward! You owe us 10,000 elexit!'
All I could afford was the pants (for my modesty) and the helm. Cheapskate beserkers. I can't recall having to buy my promotion armour in either gothic or risen. I then took 'haggle' (wasting a precious skill point) and the price dropped to 9500 elexit. wow.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
They did! House with the Robot girls. It was electric!

After I got him, I restarted again though, so I'm back in Goliet again. I always prefer the low level stuff for some reason…My goal this time is to really take note of the level 3 chests as I wander.

There are two very early and both are in berserker settlement.
- Hotel, one floor above the "chief"
- In a shack below the hotel, opposite of named NPC who's name begins with C
By the time I found another level 3 chest, my lockpicking was level 2 and with the early amulet equipped all the time on me (because armor bonus) I didin't take notes, but there are plenty of those to find.

I'm more interested in level 3 hacking keypads. After 50 hours in the game still didn't find at least one. Level 1 and 2 are everywhere, level 3 nowhere. Some keypads cannot be hacked though, you need to find the correct code.
Apr 12, 2009
Hm. Finally got to level 15 and promotion (yay)! to warrior…only to be told I have to *BUY* my warrior armour!!?? It's 10,000 elexit…seriously, that's shameful.
'here's your reward! You owe us 10,000 elexit!'
All I could afford was the pants (for my modesty) and the helm. Cheapskate beserkers. I can't recall having to buy my promotion armour in either gothic or risen. I then took 'haggle' (wasting a precious skill point) and the price dropped to 9500 elexit. wow.
You have to buy most armor in most PB games. You get a few of them for free (initial mage armor for example), but then you still have to pay a huge sum for the actual upgrade (such as high fire magician armor costs 1650 ore or some such thing).
Oct 18, 2006
But in Elex it's not a pain to get required funds - by the time you get to armor buying you'll be filthy rich. Even without those few money exploit schemes. All you need is:
- thieving and looting
- trophy skill at least on level 2
- haggling

Additionally there are quite a few $ rewarding easy quests, for example:
- getting drone guard in Fort will periodically earn you $
- claw questchain in Domed City for a huge pile of $

If you ask me, IMO it is done right. Every game needs a money sink, especially an exploration game where you loot stuff everywhere. In this game it's a few recipes, armor, base upgrades and elex pots.
Maybe getting some OP armor for free is possible in the game, but I didn't find such one. I didn't even find a freebie miner shirt which is the best factionless armor anywhere but bought it. Looted a few hunter, thief and worker armors though.
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Apr 12, 2009
Every game needs a money sink, especially an exploration game where you loot stuff everywhere.

This is one point I see quite regularly as an excuse to explain all kinds of weird design choices in games, but I've never really got why people get so hung up about the amount of gold you have in your stash. If the game doesn't provide enough gold to make it relevant, then sure, that's a problem, but too much? Can't say I've ever been bothered by that. You can't buy XYZ piece of equipment until you come across a vendor selling it, the gating of that equipment is therefore gated by when you meet that trader, not by how much money you have. Yes, open worlds are awkward in this regard, but then open worlds are supposed to allow for people abusing the crap out of them, that's why they're 'open'.

Further, and more to the point, if you were an adventurer in the setting for real, you'd want to be stashing some gold as a nest egg surplus anyway wouldn't you. I personally find it more immersive to think my guy wont be buying XYZ item because he'd rather end the game a millionaire than a broke guy with a nice sword…
Nov 1, 2014
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