The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

U12 news:

Shroud has gained additional chests after part 5, on Hard and Elite difficulties only. Might make it worthwhile to actually run on hard or elite.

FoM no longer protects against giant stone hands rising from the ground and grabbing you. WF are also not immune to giant stone hands grabbing them anymore.

Vision of Destruction and Hound of Xoriat have some new loot, only a single ring found, with Insight AC +4, +25% exceptional Fortification, and +2 exceptional Reflex Save (these stack with other sources save themselves). I think the new stuff can only drop on elite, but who knows? I've only seen stuff in those raids drop on elite anyway.

Mobility now increases the max dex bonus of armor and shields.

Deepwood sniper, as if anyone would take that over Arcane Archer, ability to shoot while stealthed has been broken.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I decided to sell some of the motes I had from Mabar on the auction and I screwed up. I just got 35,000 pp in the mail and can't take it because of the money cap.
Oct 19, 2006
The Holy Avenger sword was added to the Elite VoD loot list.

In the hands of a Paladin, it has both holy and axiomatic burst, radiance (4d6 light damage on crit, chance to blind), greater dispelling and spell resistance 35. Otherwise, it is a +5 Cold Iron Longsword.

Somewhat meh, as axiomatic burst only affects a smallish subset of critters, and holy only about half the critters. It only breaks Demon DR, so only the three or four Mariliths are affects. And the Demon queen is lawful I think. So either not much better, or worse than, the level 14 Holy Sword. The Spell resistance is the nicest part; 35 is the highest I've seen, and may even have a marked effect in epics; pre-epic it will be very powerful, though this is a ML18 sword.

re:money cap - You become premium by buying points in the store and buying something. You could just grab the cheapest points pack, but it's up to you if this game is worth that much or anything to you. Otherwise, I don't know of anyway to get that plat, and the mail will probably vanish after awhile.

On a further note, check the AH and brokers regularly. There was an Alchemical Light Hammer in the House D weapons broker, and I bought an Icy Bursted Paralyzing Khopesh off the AH for a mere 18,000pp. There was also a Jorgundal's collar for 58kpp, which gives 10% melee alacrity .In other words, very nice item to have. Yes I bought it and no you can't have it. The others up were close to 500k each.
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Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Sorry, but I kind of dropped out, not playing during the last 1-2 weeks.

I plan to do so these days, though, if possible even today.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Good, we look forward to playing with you eventually.
Aug 31, 2006
What I'd like to do is meeting in-game some of the other members from here - and I especially mean low-level characters ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well, in a couple of weeks, some of us will be ready to TR our current chars, so you'll have a whole bunch of lowbies to run with.
Aug 31, 2006
What does TR mean ?

Sorry that I'm always asking.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It means basically that your character reverts to a new level 1 character (with a few special bonuses) and you can change them to whatever you want. These new characters need extra XP in order to level, but the bonuses make it worthwhile. So, I could change my elf sorc into a human ranger for example after he reaches level 20. Hope that helps.
Aug 31, 2006
Aha. Didn't know that.

And thanks for your patience with me, everyone ! :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It was getting close to the deadline before losing the money I had in the mail so I decided to use my retail box code to become vip in order to get my money before it disappeared.

PS. I was wondering if you get access to all of the special feats if you were multiclassing when you TR or is it only your highest class?
Oct 19, 2006
For the original core classes (Fighter, Bard, etc) it is alphabetic order; if you have 10 levels of Bard and 10 of Wizard, then you're considered a Bard for the TR feat.

Favored souls, Monks, and Artificers are tacked on to the end of the list, and thus are out of order; e.g. A Bard 10/Artificer 10 will still be considered a Bard. Between these classes, I think Monk came out before Favored Soul, but I'm not sure; they are in order of release.

Otherwise it is your highest level class; a 16/2/2 Bard/Fighter/Rogue will be considered a Bard, a 18/2 Cleric/Monk a Cleric, and so forth.

And remember, there are no stupid questions; just stupid people who never asked them.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Who was that guy yesterday whom I quickly met on the ship ? He had been running around, using the ship's "goodies", and was gone again almost in an instant.

Peter, was that you ?

I learned a hard lesson yesterday : These small, lizard-like beings (they're called "kobolds" in the German-language texts) are relatively weak, but in masses they are absolutely deadly for a level 3 character. I died so many times in the sewers … :(

Unfortuntely kobold ? goblin ? shamans and throwers don't stop attacking when a character is unconscious - in stark contrast to the normal ones and the warriors. That's the exact reason why my char died so often yesterday.

Another lesson learned : Being sttubborn is sometimes a good thing. I solved the quest called "Arachnophobia" with less than 5 points health ! - My character was knocked out I think it was 10 times ( ! ), but luckily I discovered that he is able to stabilize himself if the healthpoints are not below -3 points … I barely made it ! I was sooo proud of myself afterwards … ;)

My character is now in the midst of level 3 - I can't wait until I get level 4 because of the ability to cast spells ! ;)

During level-up to level 3 I gave him the ability to use magical items, but his points in this talent are still relatively low.

Smashing containers also made my character rich. He has now something around 200 of … what is it ? silver coins ? Platinum coins ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
My character was knocked out I think it was 10 times ( ! ), but luckily I discovered that he is able to stabilize himself if the healthpoints are not below -3 points … I barely made it ! I was sooo proud of myself afterwards … ;)
You have a chance to stabilize all the way down to -10hp. If you don't make your roll at -10, iz time to release.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Watch out for the Kobold Shamans since they are worse then most other magic using enemies (that I have encountered so far) especially with their hold person spell which is really irritating.

PS. I can't believe you have so little money at your level. I had over 600 platinum by the time I left Korthos Island and currently at level 5 I have 41,000 pp but 35,000 of that is from selling motes of the night on the auction. (motes of the night are what you get from doing the Mabar event killing the undead and turning in the items)

PPS. You should do the event even if you don't want to sell the motes on the auction since you can get some very useful equips. I got a cloak that has a chance to turn you invisible when you get hit which is very useful since most enemies can't hurt you while you are invisible and since you can still attack with this invisibility you get free attacks every time it takes effect. (It has been extremely useful for me)

EDIT: I forgot one thing and that is if you go to Delara's Grave to do the Mabar event be careful of the red named undead since they will attack you even if you don't attack them but I think someone else has to attack them first since that was the only times they attacked me. They are not hard to get away from but I had one curse me and I had to go to a spirit binder to get cured.
Oct 19, 2006
Particularly for the folks with lower level toons, don't forget to update your information in the roster thread every once in a while. There's likely to be a bunch of TR's coming before the end of the year that will be able to run with the newer guild members, but we'll need to stay organized so nobody takes a powerlevel penalty.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
PS. I can't believe you have so little money at your level.

Sometimes I just don't smash barrels etc. because it's so tedious. Plus, I tend to rather hoard items (*blush*) - especially in the beginning, when I'm not quite able to distinguish what's better and what not and what I might keep for future excoursions …

Right now I'm becoming more and more used to everything, which also means I can distinguish what I need and what I don't much better. I especially sell items which I can't really use (without any penalty, that is).

Besides, what I can say is that the Guild Ship's "Goodies" are really helping me ! A good investment ! :)

PPS. You should do the event even if you don't want to sell the motes on the auction since you can get some very useful equips.

Okay, thanks for your advice. Now I need to ind out where this location actually is (I lready reaf about it in the DDO News).

Particularly for the folks with lower level toons, don't forget to update your information in the roster thread every once in a while. There's likely to be a bunch of TR's coming before the end of the year that will be able to run with the newer guild members, but we'll need to stay organized so nobody takes a powerlevel penalty.

Ah, thanks for the reminder ! :)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I will be MIA for Friday. Taking a weekend trip to KY to see Mom. I am going to try and squeeze in some game play this week so I can eventually catch up again. That is if the game will let me.
Had the same issue Dte did last week.......tried everything and finally got fed up and logged off. Lost some bank items I was trying to move in the process so be forewarned. If the game is being funky with locking up and needing reboots you might want to watch what you are moving in and out of your bank. :cm:
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Will miss you this week Cm and I will be MIA the following week as I have a compulsory annual PD session for all marriage celebrants.

Alrik, you do realise that you get bonuses to XP for smashing things don't you!!
Aug 31, 2006
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