Kingmaker - Review

Turned on the vid for a few secs just to check it, he does although is not as fast as yahtzee or something. Or some others.

And of course, although the game is hearing impaired friendly, the review doesn't contain closed captions. It's such a chore I guess to make a proper transcription.
Apr 12, 2009
As someone still playing the game, it is great. I'm pretty sure once I've completed it the game will be in my top twenty of all time.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Oct 18, 2006
The Definitive Edition is console-only, right ?
How does that translate/compare to PC editions ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The Definitive Edition is console-only, right ?
How does that translate/compare to PC editions ?

Yes, but it's just the game with all the patches/DLCs AFAIK.

I don't think there's anything there that the PC version doesn't have.

Also, there are some excellent mods for the PC version - some of which I highly recommend - which, naturally, don't exist on consoles.
Okay, then it probably translates as the "Imperial Edition", then.

I always wonder why consoleros always get "definitives", but PC players nearly never ?
Does marketing want us PC players feel inferior ? And consoleros feel superior ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Okay, then it probably translates as the "Imperial Edition", then.

I always wonder why consoleros always get "definitives", but PC players nearly never ?

I never noticed that.

I consider them marketing words more than anything else, which means I struggle to invest in them.
I agree, I did not notice that either. Using therms like enhanced, GOTY and definitive are in my opinion indeed just marketing words and not linked to a platform. Although semantically one could say that a definitive edition is definitive, in that there will not be anything after that, whereas enhanced or GOTY would allow room for future versions.

Larian used two of the terms for their games. Original Sin 2 had a definitive version, whereas Original Sin had an enhanced edition. Both were available on PC and both had the same implication. It was the last version they would release with all content added. Then again, maybe Larian is not a good example of how this works in the marketing world as they give these versions away for free to everyone owning the original game. Which obviously makes them a good example of how it should work.
Aug 30, 2006
I don't think the console version offers any advantage over the PC either. This game was made for the PC platform (and honestly, the PC audience) then ported to console because Unity is allegedly compatible, so "why not".

It turns out some console players are experiencing new bugs and low performances. Hopefully that will be solved and Owlcat will get more experience there. I would be interested by the relative sales numbers, and the overall score on each platform. I've seen some reviews or opinions from console players who were lost by the complexity of Kingmaker, not really the casual game that you play for a 20-minute session on the couch while sipping a cocktail ;)

Yeah, it's a bit of a cliché, but some console reviews do say that.

As long as they don't oversimplify their games for that customer category (and I'm pretty sure they have no intention of doing that), I'd say the more the merrier.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Oh, plenty of PC gamers have had that same reaction to Kingmaker :)

I wouldn't discount the console audience as less hardcore, certainly not these days. They're just not used to this kind of game being on that platform.

But I've played enough of the more obscure jRPGs to understand that complexity and richness of mechanics aren't things that console gamers necessarily shy away from.

Of course, Kingmaker wasn't helped by the terrible PC launch, with endless bugs and vastly overtuned early combat encounters.
Oh, plenty of PC gamers have had that same reaction to Kingmaker :)
I must admit I've seen that reaction from PC players too! ;)

It's more a style of player than a style of platform, for sure, and they buy the platform that fits their style. But I'd argue that consoles are the perfect fit for action games that you can play with a set of controller, sitting together with friends in front of the TV.

Some action games look incredibly complex too. I've played my share, I won't say they're less fun or dumber, just a different style.

The boundary certainly get more blurred with time. I have no stats to back this up, just random comments I read or videos I watched.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
From what I’ve seen couch co-op is pretty much dead. Multiplayer on console is same as PC, over the internet.

With most games being cross platform and the number of gamers that game and all platforms I’m surprised that console gaming is still seen as a “less hardcore” audience than PC by some. Given that a large portion of each audience are the same people.

As for kingmaker add it to the list of games I still need to play.
Dec 18, 2020
On a related note, I will say that Kingmaker has a surprisingly solid gamepad controls implementation.

That's a big thing considering the port.

Also, my brother almost exclusively plays games using a gamepad - even if he's very much a PC gamer.

Strange guy all told :)
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