M&M Legacy Starting tips


Magic & Loss
November 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Very little in the way of comprehensive Race/Class/Skill information out there at the moment, so here we go…

  1. Character creation and skills
    The skill section is especially useful:
    • Magical Focus – Magical Foci allows the mage to channel their arcane arts through these foci. Those with higher points in this area will be able to raise their spells to a higher and more critical intense level, and increase their power. At expert tier bonus level, the hero can equip two-handed magical foci. At master tier level, the hero can equip two one-handed magical foci. At grandmaster tier level, the hero can increase his critical spell damage by a certain amount. Also, the damage with magical focus is increased by a certain amount of the normal damage.
    • Air Magic – Air magic allows the mage to cast spells of the air magic category. At higher tier levels, air magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The air magic at higher levels provides more magical powers (usually damage) for the air magic spells.
    • Dark Magic – Dark magic is the domain of necromancy and negativity on the enemies. At higher tier levels, dark magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The dark magic at higher levels are also more powerful.
    • Primordial Magic – Primordial magic governs the domain of prime magic spells. At higher tier levels, prime magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The prime magic spells at higher levels will be more devastating for enemies of the mage.
    • Arcane Discipline – arcane discipline allows critical magic damage dealt onto the hero to be reduced. The higher the tier level, the greater the damage reduced.
    • Mysticism – allows the hero to increase his or her maximal mana. The higher the level, the more the mana. Each higher tier level increases the maximum mana by a certain amount.
    • Fire Magic — Fire magic allows the mage to cast spells of the fire magic category. At higher tier levels, fire magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The fire magic at higher levels will almost certainly incinerate the enemies. [Note] - the expert fire magic training is located outside Sorpigal-By-The-Sea, in a place northeast of the town. See map. Go there to level up fire magic to the expert level and then go back to town (Arcane Library) to get the fireball spell.
    • Water Magic — Water magic allows the mage to cast spells of the water magic category. At higher tier levels, water magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The water magic at higher levels will be powerful indeed.
    • Earth Magic — Earth magic allows the mage to cast spells of the earth magic category. At higher tier levels, earth magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. The earth magic at higher levels will draw on more powers from the earth to power the spells. [Note] - characters should have Earth Magic from the start. Then go get the regeneration spell from the Arcane Library.
    • Light Magic — Light magic allows the mage to cast spells of the light magic category. At higher tier levels, light magic spells ignore some of the enemies’ resistance. At higher tier levels, the light of Elrath will become overwhelming for the enemies. [Note] - training in expert light magic training is located in the Church of Elrath in Sorpigal-By-The-Sea. Go train there and then get the heal spell from the Arcane Library.
    • Dagger – once leveled up and more points are distributed into the dagger category, the hero gets better and better with the dagger. At expert tier level, the hero gets one more strike for each equipped dagger. At master tier level, the hero's critical hit chance is increased. At grandmaster tier level, the hero gets another strike for each equipped dagger.
    • Crossbow – the crossbow will improve once more points are added to the crossbow category. The critical damage of the crossbow skill is increased with each increase in the tier of the crossbow.
    • Dodge – at the expert tier level, the hero’s evade bonus is increased by a certain number of points. This will continue with the tier levels until the grandmaster level, where the hero will retaliate with one melee attack.
    • Mace – the prowess of the mace wielding skill increases as the hero levels up and puts more points into this category. The expert tier level increases the critical hit chance of the mace. At master tier level, the target will be stunned until the end of his next turn. The grandmaster tier level allows the hero to increase the damage of the mace by an additional amount.
    • Spear – the hero becomes more skilful with the spear as he levels up and gets points into the spear category. At the expert tier level, the hero gets more block attempts against melee strikers. At the master tier level, the strikes with the spear ignores some of the target’s armor value. At the grandmaster level, the damage with the spear is increased.
    • Two-Handed – the hero becomes more proficient with two-handed weapons as he levels up and gets more points into this category. At the expert tier level, the hero gets one block attempt against melee attackers. At the master tier level, the critical hit chance with two handed weapons is increased. At the grandmaster tier level, the enemies cannot block the attempts against the strikers.
    • Endurance – the hero’s maximum health is increased. With each increase in the tier level, the maximum health of the hero is increased by a certain percentage.
    • Bow – the hero’s prowess with the bow is increased once the hero levels up and once points are added to this category. With each increase in the tier of the bow, the attack range of the bow is increased by a certain amount. At the grandmaster level, the archer shoots twice with his bow.
    • Axe – the hero’s axe skill can be increased with level up. At the expert tier level, the axe critical hit chance is increased. The critical damage with the axe is increased further at the master tier level.
    • Dual Wield – the hero’s dual wield attack is increased on level up. The expert tier level will allow the hero to block whilst he has two melee weapons. The damage with the hero’s off hand is increased by a certain amount at the master tier bonus level.
    • Warfare – at the expert tier level, the hero gains the ability Skull Crack, and Unstoppable Assault. At the master tier level, the hero gains the ability Intercept and Furious Blow.
    • Medium Armor – at the expert tier level, the critical damage of melee and ranged attacks is reduced whilst the hero is wearing medium armor. Each tier level will further reduce the critical damage of the melee and ranged attacks.
    • Crossbow - at the expert tier level, the critical hit chance of the crossbow is increased by a certain amount.
    • Sword - at the expert tier level, the hero's critical hit chance is increased. At the master tier level, the hero gets one additional strike with his main hand weapon for the first successful strike with a sword.

  2. Trainer locations.

  3. Spell information via Somethingawful:
    1. Air Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Mercenary, Druid, Crusader, Ranger, Rune Priest, Hunter, Freemage, Shaman
      • Air Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Air Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Sparks
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 1.3 per enemy
        Desc: Spreads sparks of lightning, dealing 13 - 27 points of damage (Air) to all enemies in adjacent tiles.
      • Wind Shield
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Strong winds surround the party and increase each party member's Evade value against ranged attack by 13 for 3 turns.
      • Gust of Wind
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 1.06
        Desc: A gust of wind starts blowing and deals 5 - 11 damage (Air) to target enemy within a range of 2. The target is pushed back and dealt 5 - 11 damage (Physical).
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Mercenary, Druid, Crusader, Ranger, Rune Priest, Hunter, Freemage, Shaman
      • Eagle Eye
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: All party members are granted +5 Perception. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Lightning Bolt
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 2.2
        Desc: Hurls a bolt of lightning on a target enemy within a range of 4, dealing 21 - 45 damage (Air).
      • Clear Mind
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Clears the mind of target Feebleminded party member.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Druid, Crusader, Ranger, Rune Priest, Hunter, Freemage, Shaman
      • Chain Lightning
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: 0.88 per enemy
        Desc: Hurls a bolt of lighting at a group of enemies within a range of 3. The bolt will jump and fork from one enemy to another in an electrical chain-reaction, dealing each time Lightning (Air) damage equal to 16 - 37 times the number of targets.
      • Cyclone
        Cost: 50
        ADPM: 0.93 per enemy per turn.
        Desc: Summons a cyclone that hunts enemies for 4 turns and deals 33 - 60 damage (Air) to enemies or party members it reaches.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Freemage, Shaman
      • Thunderstorm
        Cost: 50
        ADPM: 0.8 per monster2 per turn. Best case 21.6 (3 monsters for 3 turns)
        Desc: Summon a storm for 3 turns in front of the party. Each enemy in the storm is dealt damage (Air) equal to 31 - 49 times the number of affected enemies.

    2. Earth Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Blade Dancer, Ranger, Freemage, Druid, Rune Priest, Shaman
      • Earth Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Earth Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Entangle
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 1.76
        Desc: You deal 20 - 33 damage (Earth) to target enemy within a range of 3. This enemy can't move this turn.
      • Regeneration
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: 3 health immediately, 7.5 after 3 turns
        Desc: Restores 20 - 27 health to each party member immediately and 11 per turn during the next 3 turns.
      • Cure Poison
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Withdraws Poison from target Poisoned party member.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Blade Dancer, Ranger, Freemage, Druid, Rune Priest, Shaman
      • Poison Spray
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 0.9 per monster (initial), Additional 1 per monster per turn.
        Desc: You poison each enemy in front of the party: they are dealt 7 - 20 damage (Earth) and a further 16 damage (Earth) on each following turn. Their evade value is decreased by 11.
      • Stone Skin
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: The skin of each party member hardens like stone. This increases Armour value by 8. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Strength of the Earth
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Cures target Weakened party member.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Ranger, Freemage, Druid, Rune Priest, Shaman
      • Poison Cloud
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 0.925 per monster initial. Additional 1 per monster per turn.
        Desc: Spreads a poison cloud in front of the party, lasting 3 turns, dealing 16 - 21 damage (Earth) and poisoning all enemies within. They are dealt 16 damage (Earth) on each following turn and their Evade value is decreased by 11.
      • Acid Splash
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: 1.6
        Desc: Deals 33 - 47 damage (Earth) to target enemy in close combat and decreases his Armour Value by 50%.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Druid, Rune Priest, Shaman
      • Crushing Weight
        Cost: 35
        ADPM: Varies; 0.43 per 100 hp remaining.
        Desc: Target enemy in close combat loses 15% of his current health.

    3. Water Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Freemage, Druid, Shaman
      • Water Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Water Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Consciousness
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Awakens target Sleeping party member.
      • Frozen Ground
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You freeze the ground beneath a group of enemies within a range of 3. They can't move this turn.
      • Ice Bolt
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 1.76
        Desc: Hurls a bolt of ice on target enemy within a range of 4, dealing 20 - 33 damage (Water) and decreasing it's strikes by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the turn.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Freemage, Druid, Shaman
      • Ice Prison
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Target enemy in close combat gets captured inside an ice prison this turn. The enemy can't attack or move but also can't be attacked.
      • Circle of Winter
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 0.925 per monster
        Desc: A circle of frost radiate from the party dealing 13 - 24 damage (Water) to each enemy around and decreasing their strikes by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for the turn.
      • Water Flows Freely
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Cure target Paralysed party member.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Freemage, Druid, Shaman
      • Blizzard
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 2 per monster
        Desc: Each enemy in front of the party is dealt 33 - 47 damage (Water) and strikes 1 time less (to a minimum of 1) this turn.
      • Liquid Membrane
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You generate a transparent and fluid membrane which protects the party this turn, reducing incoming damage by 7%
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Druid, Shaman
      • Tsunami
        Cost: 40
        ADPM: 1.3 per monster
        Desc: Deals 47 - 60 damage (Water) to all enemies in front of the party, pushing them away.

    4. Fire Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Defender, Scout, Shaman, Freemage, Rune Priest
      • Fire Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Fire Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Torchlight
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: A torch like flame improves your vision in darkness for 33 turns.
      • Fire Bolt
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 2
        Desc: Hurls a bolt of fire on target enemy within a range of 4, dealing 33 - 47 damage (Fire).
      • Danger Sense
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You sense the presence of nearby enemies and see them on the minimap. Lasts 33 turns.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Defender, Scout, Shaman, Freemage, Rune Priest
      • Burning Determination
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Burning determination bolsters the party, protecting them from getting paralysed, sleeping or stunned. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Inner Fire
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: All party members are granted +5 Might value. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Fireball
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: 0.9 per monster
        Desc: Hurls a ball of fire on a group of enemies within a range of 3, dealing 20 - 33 damage (Fire) to each of them.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Scout, Shaman, Freemage, Rune Priest
      • Fire Shield
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: All party members are protected by a Fire Shield dealing 5 - 8 retaliation damage (Fire) when the enemy strikes. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Fire Blast
        Cost: 45
        ADPM: 1.2 per monster
        Desc: Shoots a blast of fire dealing 47 - 60 damage (Fire) to each enemy within a range of 3.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Rune Priest
      • Fire Burst
        Cost: 60
        ADPM: 1.325 per monster
        Desc: Generates a storm of fire dealing 73 - 86 damage (Fire) to all enemies in adjacent tiles.

    5. Light Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Druid, Scout, Freemage, Crusader, Rune Priest
      • Light Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Light Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Light Orb
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: A floating orb of light improves your vision in darkness for 33 turns.
      • Celestial Armour
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: 2.4 health
        Desc: A celestial armour protects the party from the next 60 damage they would be dealt during the next 3 turns.
      • Clairvoyance
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: The light of Elrath reveals nearby traps. Lasts 33 turns.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Druid, Scout, Freemage, Crusader, Rune Priest
      • Cleansing Light
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Dispels any Curse on target party member.
      • Heal
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: 4.9 health
        Desc: Restores 67 - 80 health to target party member.
      • Radiant Weapon
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 1.35
        Desc: A radiant weapon swings at target enemy in close combat. Target is dealt 7 - 20 damage (Light), 7 - 20 damage (Physical) and can't block this turn.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Druid, Scout, Freemage, Crusader, Rune Priest
      • Resurrection
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Target party member is resurrected
      • Heal Party
        Cost: 35
        ADPM: 5.3
        Desc: Restores 40 - 53 health to each party member.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Crusader, Rune Priest
      • Word of Light
        Cost: 40
        ADPM: 1.35 health, 0.34 per monster
        Desc: A heavenly light deals 7 - 20 damage (Light) to each enemy within a range of 3 and restores 7 - 20 health to each party member.

    6. Dark Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Freemage
      • Darkness Ward
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +7 Dark Resistance for 5 turns.
      • Dark Vision
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: The darkness discloses what it hides and improves your vision in darkness for 33 turns.
      • Shadow Cloak
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You blend the party in shadows, making the next attack from any enemy miss during the next 5 turns.
      • Whispering Shadows
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You sense the presence of secrets and able to discover them for 33 turns.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Freemage
      • Purge
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Dispel all positive conditions from target enemy in close combat.
      • Drain Life
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 1.075, 0.375 health
        Desc: You drain 16 - 27 health (Dark) from target enemy in close combat and transfer 7 - 8 of them to the party.
      • Sleep
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Target enemy within a range of 1 falls asleep. They can't attack, move, block or evade but will wake up if dealt damage.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Freemage
      • Terror
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Target monster within a range of 4 is terrorised and runs away for 2 turns.
      • Agony
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: Varies
        Desc: Inflicts the Agony condition on target enemy within a range of 4. The target is dealt 8 - 11 damage (Dark) each time it is dealt damage (Physical).
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Freemage
      • Weakness
        Cost: 45
        ADPM: 0.15 per monster per turn
        Desc: Each enemy around deals 20% less damage (Physical) and is dealt 7 damage (Dark) each turn. Lasts 2 turns.

    7. Primordial Magic

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Rune Priest, Druid, Freemage
      • Arcane Ward
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Each party member is granted +3 Resistance to all schools of magic for 5 turns.
      • Sundering
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: The armour of each enemy within a range of 3 is sundered: Armour value is decreased by 11.
      • Time Stasis
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Target enemy in close combat is trapped in a timeless state. They can't be attacked nor attack or move during this turn.
      • Mana Surge
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: 2.68
        Desc: Next time target enemy within a range of 5 casts a spell, they are dealt 47 - 60 damage (Prime).
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Rune Priest, Druid, Freemage
      • Dispel Magic
        Cost: 30
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Dispels all positive and negative conditions from all party members.
      • Heroic Destiny
        Cost: 20
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: All party members are granted +5 destiny. Lasts 3 turns.
      • Identify
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Identifies one unidentified item in the inventory.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Rune Priest, Druid, Freemage
      • Implosion
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: 2.14 + 1.2 per remaining target 100 hp per additional monster
        Desc: Target enemy within a range of 3 is dealt 47 - 60 damage (Prime). Each other enemy close to it is dealt 30% damage (Prime), based on targets remaining health.
      • Spirit Beacon
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Summons a beacon or teleports the party to the last summoned beacon.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Druid, Freemage
      • Hour of Power
        Cost: 35
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: The Might, Magic, Perception and Destiny values of all party members are increased by 3. Lasts 12 turns.

    8. Warfare

      Novice Rank
      Classes: Ranger, Hunter, Crusader, Blade Dancer, Scout, Barbarian, Mercenary, Defender
      • Challenge
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. That enemy must attack you next turn.
      • Shatter
        Cost: 5
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. It's armour value is reduced by 11.
      Expert Rank
      Classes: Ranger, Hunter, Crusader, Blade Dancer, Scout, Barbarian, Mercenary, Defender
      • Skull Crack
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. The target enemy can not cast spells until the end of his next turn.
      • Unstoppable Assault
        Cost: 10
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. The first strike will not miss and can't be blocked.
      Master Rank
      Classes: Crusader, Blade Dancer, Scout, Barbarian, Mercenary, Defender
      • Intercept
        Cost: 15
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: Select a party member. You intercept all attacks aimed at that member during the enemy's next turn.
      • Furious Blow
        Cost: All mana
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. The first strike will deal 0.5 additional damage per mana consumed.
      Grand Master Rank
      Classes: Mercenary, Defender
      • Taunt
        Cost: 45
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: All enemies will direct their attacks at this party member during their next turn.
      • Flawless Assault
        Cost: 25
        ADPM: N/A
        Desc: You perform a melee attack on target enemy. The first strike will not miss, can't be blocked and will be a critical. The target can not block until end of turn.
  4. Gameplay tips from a user on the Ubisoft forums
    valenesence said:
    Hi, am on my 2nd playthru with WARRIOR difficulty. The talk on the forum scared me SILLY about how tough it would be.
    I think Warrior is the PERFECT difficulty. Adventurer becomes too easy later. Warrior is just nice really.

    • Magic : Be careful about how you judge magic, it's really hard to guess how good/bad it is til you're GrandMaster in it.
    • Earth - It's a must have. It starts out the game with regeneration which is the best heal early on. Get cure poison too, will save a ton on antidotes.
      At expert you get an aoe toxic spray that does a great permanent damage-over-time effect on the enemy. It's a steal at so little mana. Stoneskin, cure weakness are all great too. You should have enough money to pick them up.
      Mastery in earth is a little tricky, u have to try make yourway to The Crag (far west). If you can make it, you get a wonderful 3 turn toxic cloud. It's phenomenal aoe poison damage. Also acid splash does great damage and reduces armor by 50%, even on all bosses!!!!!!!!! WOOT
      Look at the GM tooltips for all spells. You'll notice they increase the power of your school like CRAZY. For earth, this means super regeneration, stoneskin, toxic clouds etc. Earth is a must to GM asap
      NOTE : made a Druid for fun. His promotion quest is SO EASY! no combat, just talk to one guy in Karthal and done, you're promoted. Elder druid gets Nurture, an earth skill that heals (for me) up to 300 per turn on the lowest HP char of your team. Is that insane or what? So many bosses that can knock chars to near death, they instead get healed up close to full again before my turn starts. Druid skill is by far the best Promotion skill i've seen. Combine it with stoneskin and Regeneration, not much can kill you (unless u have crap max hp)
      EDIT : I forgot to mention, Acid splash, is a must get asap. It stops the enemy from blocking one attack per char, and reduces their armor by 50%. Having fought ALOT of mobs that block all my hits, it's unbelievable. Not only that, earth poisons are useless against undead. But acid splash works! This is one of the best boss skills.
    • Prime - Get it to expert FIRST. You want the identify spell especially on warrior mode where it's super expensive. After that you'll find this school weak. Implosion does 70-100 damage which is crap. But the second you GM this school, it becomes insane damage, easily hitting for 300+ if your magic score is high. Throwing up Hour of Power is easy and very fun. As much as i love this school, remember to GM it after you do Earth or protective schools. It's great for a resist all spell too. I like sunder, but it gets resisted alot when i try use it.
    • Water - everyone hates this school. Damage is pathetic, you don't get to expert til Seahaven, and worse, you don't get new spells til Karthal. Guess what? The tooltips are wrong too! The Membrane spell apparently reduces 15% damage for one turn. It doesn't. It reduces damage up to 10+ turns (i think). It's really decent if u can find the points to GM it. Also, blizzard does great damage for 20 mana. I'd considering GM this school, but it always loses in priority to other schools. Water is a school i'd GM IF you can cover all your survivability bases first. people always talk about loving how it can root enemies or push them away etc. I don't see that as a strong appeal.
    • Light - I pushed this faster than Earth. I LOVE celestial shield. it prevents my healers from being knocked unconscious in one hit. Also, it's hard to earth heal someone who's gotten a huge hit. Light does the job better and faster. Light does suffer from some weaknesses though, it's amazing to start with, but the higher skills are a little lack luster. The GM skill is meh at best, and master skills (resurrect) and group heals are worth getting. I pump light up simply to strengthen Celestial Shield. I would suggest pumping it up to master, then focusing on other magic skills first.
    • Fire -I didn't like this school at first. tons of mana for okay damage. I had to get it to expert to get Burning Determination to prevent my group from being paralyzed or stunned. (very good skill). One skill suddenly stood out for me BIG time. Fire Shield. It looks crap on paper. When u hit master and get it (can get it in seahaven and spells can be bought in karthal, making it one of the easiest of hit master with), you'll see that monsters can get hit by it ALOT. I have monsters suffer up to 100 fire damage in retaliation, EACH. Not to mention, it's a very cheap spell, and lasts for many turns. This, combined with all the other perks fire offers makes it shine for damage. Consider hitting GM with Fire first if your survivability is covered.
      EDIT - i have to mention, i normally state that mages are supposed to protect the party first, then dps. THere is one exception and that's The GM Fire spell, Fire Burst. I've had it hit for over 3000 damage when i was surrounded. I've never seen anything hit so hard, on so many enemies, ESPECIALLY if you're surrounded. I actually began TRYING to get surrounded so i could spam this ridiculous spell. It's 60 mana, so i'd spam it about 4 times, then use a 250 mp pot. But honestly, no mobs surrounding you will survive 4 Fire Bursts. Expect it to crit for 1k+ per mob.
    • Air -I chose air over fire first in my first playthru. I thought sparks was cute and mana cheap. Air provides the cure to feeblemind which is only useful if you have two spell casters. Master air suddenly gives u chain lightning and CYCLONE. It's really fun aoe damage that lasts 4 turns, and chain lightning is extremely powerful IF it hits. Also, lightning can save u big time against ranged attacks with the wind shield. Grab GM air asap if you want to be doing good damage.
    • Dark - only freemages can go dark. (damnit) the whispering secrets skill is great to have (tho i'm playing without a freemage so i've had to use scrolls until i could hire the doggie) I don't like this school so far. I rushed it to Master and have been very underwhelmed. I suppose when you're GM, the skill Agony (which DOES work on all bosses) is decent. Lifedrain is ridiculously bad damage and heal, and… that's it. Still, if you're freemage, don't ignore this school, you'll love having dark ward when you attempt end game stuff. It's possible you'll like this school alot when you're GM, but i'd suggest focusing on other schools first. Oh, make sure you have Purge. When you DO want to use it, it's fantastic.
    • Mysticism, Magic Focus, Arcane Disciplines- Don't bother pumping tons of points into these. Mysticism is worth getting to 7 (expert) just before you reach seahaven. In fact if you know what you're doing, you should pump up one school to expert first, then go mysticism as you'll need the mana (plus, at the beginning, 35 extra max mana is heaven). The numbers in Magic Focus made me chase it like crazy but it turned out to be a complete waste. Why? Because towards end game, my spell caster is… spell casting. He's healing, doing crazy damage etc. Magic focus just takes up TOO many points for too little benefit. I'd get it to expert if you're desperate to use a 2 handed relic. Other than that, save your points for magic schools. If you're running out of mana, buy and use POTIONS, invest in spirit etc; just remember to prioritize your skill points for schools of magic instead of this.
    NOTE : mages in this game can use medium armor etc. Go for it. you're not going to be dealing tons of damage melee etc anyway.
    EDIT - Do note that after you hit a high level, consider using magic focus for spell crits. Fire Bursts of mine crit for 1k per enemy. It's RIDICULOUS. I always say leave DPS to the Might heroes, i happily stand corrected when it comes to that spell.

    • I use the 2 Magic, 1vitality and 1 spirit for ALL my mages.
      You can try to make a hybrid but i won't bother. Why? cos you can't do two things at once. You can't attack AND cast magic in the same turn.
      It's better to focus on one thing and do it well. You'll soon have tons of mana pots that heal over 250 mana. So go ahead and spam spells. Leave trash mobs damage to your bladedancer or barbarian. With 25-30 mana, you can prevent all damage for 3-4 turns, or inflict about 20% damage of their max hp. Use your discretion.
      Remember the difference between all classes and your mages.
      You can all take damage.
      You can all do damage.
      But only the mages can keep the group alive.
      Even taunting doesn't work, especially when they use aoe attacks.
      So remember to use mages as healers/buffers/shield-ers first, dps second.
      That way, your bladedancer will never feel like he's got poor survivability, and rape everything

      For all my melee classes, i use 1 might, 1 dest, 1 perception and 1 vit.
      Never make hybrids, you just don't have the points to bump your magic skill high enough

    Freemages go to Crag after you've saved Falagar in Karthal, will be on the right section of The Crag. (i couldn't find him for ages)
    Druid - Quest is from a guy northwest of karthal. Basically can be completed by talking to someone in the slums, no combat required, so easy
    Runepriest - UGH. Quest from Seahaven but you need to get Shard of Air to get to the temple in the mountains to the east (access from behind the Castle)
    Shaman - dunno, haven't played one yet

    TIPS (that may be completely WRONG)
    • Don't make ranged classes. What i mean is, don't bother upgrading bow or crossbow. There's no point. you'll always end up trying to pull the enemy towards you. Also, in a ranged fight, you WILL lose. you have 1 great archer, and 3 poor ones. Considering they can one shot u from range, you really want to back around the corner so they'll run into melee with u.
    • Start with 1 point in ranged skill (bow/crossbow). Best investment ever when u make a new char. You get a free ranged weapon, and it'll save u alot of pain early on. Remember, ALL chars should start with 1 point in ranged. Just don't bother upgrading it (unless u find a relic u want to use). This goes for warden too, focus on daggers instead.
    • Make sure you have Earth GM. on SOMEONE.
    • Dual wield shines alot more than 2 handed. Apparently if you GM 2 handed, it might be decent.
    • Think twice before you roll a mercenary, each point in a weapon skill increases the attack rating by 2. By chosing someone who cannot GM in a weapon, you're losing out on 20 attack rating, and ALOT of damage. Always always always pick a weapon you can GM in. You CAN get decent damage out of a mercenary, but it won't beat a blade dancer etc.
    • Don't make multiple copies of the same class. You generally don't have enough Relics to go around. Also, it's less fun.
    • Prime -> Earth -> Light -> Fire -> Air -> Dark -> Water is the order you want to raise ur magic to expert. Remember the crappy numbers u see at the beginning might become insane if you Grandmaster the school.
    • Warrior isn't very hard. If you're having trouble, ask for help or tips on the forums. Find out how you're dying, how to survive and how to do insane damage.
    • Leave damage to your melee classes. Mages should do damage IF surivability is not the issue. Sometimes mages can help destroy a boss that seems to block everything etc.
    • Warfare lvl 1 is good enough. THink about it. for 24 skill points to Grandmaster Warfare, you get… 48 mana! Yay! It's crap. And the skills u get from grandmaster warfare are just not worth it. spend your points in your weapon, then dualwield/2handed. EDIT - Towards endgame, it can be very decent. Do note that if you rush for it, you're giving up 24 skill points that really should go to maximizing your damage. Also, do note that by using warfare, you have to care about your mana, which means you'd want to consider spirit or mysticism. Not the best option, but doable.
    • Shields are not a bad way to go. My crusader was doing insane damage with GM sword and shield retaliation.
    • Dagger damage looks terrible, look at what happens when u upgrade them all the way up to GM.
    • Tanking isn't needed in this game. Alot of mobs are immune to taunt. Focus on great damage mitigation instead from Liquid Membrane (looks SO crap, but is actually really great), regeneration, Stoneskin, Hour of Power, and the very beloved Celestial Shield (seriously an amazing skill, even if u spam it every round for super tough boss fights). Use wards too.
    • Druids are super easy to promote and Nurture is insanely good.
    • To find out what wards to use, look at your combat log in the upper left corner. It'll tell you what damage you took, could be Physical+Air. So use air wards.
    • If you have a freemage, you'll love PURGE(dark spell) against enemies who throw up 50% damage reduction shields and regenerate.
    • Invest in a good weapon when u hit Seahaven. Particularly a sword. i got lucky and found a blue sword with +1 extra strike. My crusader's dps doubled.
    • Sword is the easiest to GM. Make sure you help Lord Haart and he'll train u to GM sword easily. Be warned, the bladedancer promotion quest can be pretty tough. Crusader's easier.
    • Make sure u have potions to cure feeblemind and ailments you know u have problems with. Use Burning Determination from fire to be immune to paralyze+stun etc.
    • With this set up, you can ignore tank classes. Instead, focus on insane melee damage and leave survivability to the Earth and Light mage.
    • You can roll 3 might 1 magic, or 2/2 or 1 might 3 magic (FUN!). But make sure you have one so you won't fail all the MIGHT/MAGIC/DESTINY/PERCEPTION secrets.
    • Do puzzles as soon as you can. They give you a RELIC each, and that alone makes them worth it.
    • Armor, Endurance, Dodge, Mysticism are all good to have, but should take a backseat. If your blade dancer isn't the target of every attack, there's no point in GM-ing his dodge straight away. However, he DOES ATTACK every turn, so focus on that first.
    • There are NO useless classes in the game (i'm not sure about mercenary). Find a way to utlize them to their fullest. My scout is using GM axes and Master dual wield. He's very happy with great damage. Also, being a dwarf, he's got tons of hp and more mana for some reason.
    • Remember, fights are an endurance game. It doesn't matter if your mage explodes all his mana to knock enemies down to 50% health. You're still going to be taking full damage. It's smarter to outlast the enemy, play defensively and take down one enemy at a time. Hence, mages are healers first, dps second.
    • Buy potions. Use potions. That way you won't feel so guilty about burning through your mana if you have a tough fight.
    • When trying to heal a ton of damage, it might be smarter to chug a healing pot.
    • SAVE constantly with proper saves too. There's a horrible bug that places u in permacombat, you'll have to reload an earlier save if that happens.
    • When you get 30 uplay points, quickly unlock the relic set first. It's the most helpful one for your game.
    • This game is really fun! Don't stress if you've bumped into a wall, chances are it's already a topic on the forums, look it up!
    WATER SHARD is in LOST CITY LVL 4!!! Don't miss it!!!
    AIR SHARD is in SKULL TOMB. (i think)
    The obelisk quest gives a RELIC SWORD. Aim for that ASAP if you have anyone that uses swords.
    Best companions I've found are the Chef (first tavern in Sorpigal) and the doggie (cos i don't have a dark caster). I enjoyed using the +10% exp astronomer in Seahaven too. Can consider the bodyguard found in the north east mountains.
  5. Invaluable chart linked from this helpful thread.:
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Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Thanks for posting - helpful stuff.

My current party has a mercenary and a blade dancer as the melee experts. I've been getting a bit suspicious that the mercenary wasn't a great choice - I rolled him before I'd gotten to grips with the rules, and the lack of GM for any weapon looks like a big disadvantage.

I may re-roll a party and swap the mercenary for an orc barbarian, specialising in two-handed (to go with the blade dancer, a free mage, and a rune priest, all of whom I'm happy with!)
Apr 13, 2012
I'm playing on Warrior difficulty, too.

I'm using a 2 Tank / 2 Mage party setup.

All can use ranged weapons, but I'm not investing many skill points.

The Mages can fight and heal and handle some offensive spells.

The Tanks take the damage and attract the enemies, they need mana for this!

-> this party rocks.

But I think they are many character combinations that could beat the game.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks Drithius very helpful. I can't stop playing this game and I am having a great time. It just feels like a Might and Magic game and for me there is no higher praise. Blast some Soundgarden or Alice in Chains when you are playing and you will think it is the 90's again :)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Drithius, thanks for this.
The game is basically pots, pots and more pots. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I got it too upon finishing act 2 and am a bit disappointed. It contains a mercenary/orc only relic and I didn't want a merc nor orcs in my party. The other three items however are too nifty to skip!

Starting tip however should be if you have another uPlay game, do not unlock wallpaper and crap stuff from uPlay points, but keep those unspent so you may unlock the relic set before you even start playing M&M10.
I'm stupid because I've unlocked all I could in other uPlay games. But because of this, I won't unlock the lamp genie follower (unless it gives something really extraordinary, for example instakill Shelob in level 3 lost city or provides unlimited amount of free manapots) nor the wallpaper so I can use uPlay points for M&M11! :D
Apr 12, 2009
If I'd stop restarting, I'd have all the stuff. I just like beginning games and wimpy characters I guess :) I've never gone past the Elemental Forge.
Oct 18, 2006
If I'd stop restarting, I'd have all the stuff. I just like beginning games and wimpy characters I guess :) I've never gone past the Elemental Forge.

Heh yeah I just restarted because my mercenary was rubbish (or I wasn't using him well, which is also a possibility!). It was actually a lot of fun rebuilding a party with a better idea of the rules.

I'm loving my new orc barbarian, two handing his way through the hordes with his club (and sarky comments to boot). And I've made some more sensible magic choices as well. Battles that were previously difficult are now much easier, although I'm still not that far in and I suck at blobbers so it will go wrong soon I'm sure.

PS - just have to add that the elves have by far the worst Irish accents I have ever heard. I'm counting this as a plus overall 'cos they're so bad it keeps making me laugh.
Apr 13, 2012
In regards to the relic set that you can unlock on uplay, how does it impact the game balance? Does it feel like the game was designed with it in mind, or will it just take away the fun of finding new loot, and trivialize (early) battles?
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Relics start as pathetic but unbreakable items. They get upgraded with your XP.
By the time you manage to bring them on level 4 (max), it won't really affect the balance, much XP is needed. In fact you'll probably find a first ingame relic before any of these 4 get a level.

But since those are unbreakable, you won't be returning to towns frequently to repair items just because your favorite sword/shield/armor got broken and is 10+% less effective.

Just to credit point 3. in the original post. That guy got it completely right about earth magic. It's not just early OP school, but stays OP the whole game as once grandmastered in act 3 with the spell set it gives you'll plain adore your druid or shaman.
two different AoE DoT acid damage spells, -50% armor on an enemy that works even on bosses, stoneskin AoE armor boost for your party, regeneration (AoE HoT spell) and grandmaster's -15% of health on the target!

What I want to say is that with a GM druid with maxed earth school in the party I just nailed in 3-4 turns cyclops and quasidragon plus didn't have to use any mana pots! Those two tons-of-health ghosts in front of the Cursed ruins shared the same fate, and when I tried them the first time while still in act 1, they instakilled my whole party in the first turn.

Which means, do please take a druid or shaman with you and work on the earth grandmastery on him.
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Apr 12, 2009
That's interesting Joxer. I restarted so I could have another fire caster. With a dwarf priest and two free mages and blade dancer I took down the Elemental boss in 3 turns. Not sure how well it will work with the Cyclops.
Guess that will happen with the next party
Oct 18, 2006
The hard part is getting to the Crag. Must be why they hid the earth trainer there!!
Aug 31, 2006
redman, why 3 fire? I'd try with 1 fire and 2 air - you start with sparks and later you grab chain lightning and cyclone! :drool:
Apr 12, 2009
It doesn't. Magical Focus is there to make your spells do more crits. Now you might choose to skip it on a healer, but since there are (at least) two expert level needed foci relics, you should get MF skill at least on expert level.
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Apr 12, 2009
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