Things you don't need to know...

This year. I flew first time in my life. Before now the furthest i had traveled was stockholms harbor. Now in space of 9 months im travelling to greece, estonia, italy, norway, bulgaria, hungary and spain. This year i also became landlord, my forum post about gaming in relationship was released in the editorial of the biggest scandinavian gaming magazine, became the unbeatable office megazone champion, got better apartment, two salary raises, fulfilled dream of ultimate summer cottage, lost 14 pounds doing nothing and got into most important project in the company. I have cute smart gf and amazing 4yo kid to look after. I also have one more beer left. It feels like everything i want is becoming true. Lifes good.
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Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Except for only having 1 beer left!! :) You need to fix that quickly.
Aug 31, 2006
Hmm I ran out of beer the other day, so I started on the the cider someone had left at my house. Then I ran out of cider so started on the bottle of white wine someone left at my house. The wine ran out last night and I think that's it - I won't go out of my way to get more. I have a vague theory that I'm happier without it.

Corwin, I need someone else to validate theory. Kindly stop drinking for 6 months and tell me if you feel happier by the end of it.
May 29, 2010
I believe that here in Oz, it's against the law to stop drinking for 6 months!! :) After all, Red wine is a necessity of life.
Aug 31, 2006
So they found a thingy which lookes like, feels like, tastes like and not very unlikely is, like, the Higgs boson. A slight "yay" seems to be in order.

pibbur who foresees that this event will be celebrated on this very day for years to come in the US. Just like he and most Norwegian still celebrate the release of the second witcher the 17th of may.

And while we are in the realms of elementary particles: Today's picture on Wikipedia is a gif animation of a PET (positron emission tomography) scan showing a malignant tumour in the colon and a huge metastatis in the liver.
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As science goes, scientists will rather be inclined to believe this than that something can be faster than photones … Because this is what everyone has been looking for and is expected.

Headology tells us that people are rather to believe what they expect than what they don't expect.

Edit : Found in The Guardian :

Sean Carroll, a physicist at California Institute of Technology, said there was the slightest sign of something unusual in the results.

"It's clear that the LHC has discovered a new particle. It's very much like the Standard Model Higgs boson – but there are just enough differences to be interesting. If the differences are real, they very possibly come from new particles interacting with the Higgs. The fun has just begun!"
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It's no secret that today is independence day in Solomon Island(s).

world news from the mouth of pibbur aka Yersin Neisser.
Ah, but from whom did they become independent?
Aug 31, 2006
Last year a new species ogf box jellyfish was discovered outside Venezuela. It's name is Tamoya ohboya.

pibbur whose latin studying daughter will probably hate the name.
From the news today: Somewhere in Bergen, a car was found parked on a lawn. The people originally seated in said car was found running away from it. High speed. Highly suspicious!!

But so, when at last the police came by, rickety-tickety-tin, it turned out to be not that dramatic, except for the people directly involved: A pair of parents and a small child of otherwise unspecified age, who just HAD TO GO TO THE LOO. NOW!

pibbur who failed miserably back then, when informing his two daughters about the basic physiology of the human bladder, that it fills gradually, and therefore it's not possible that you 10 minutes ago, before leaving the parking-lot-close-to-a-public-loo and despite repeated questions from your superiors, had no needs whatsoever concering the bladder, and now it's urgent. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!!!

To all you newborn parents (and soon to be parents): Keep those diapers on at least until the age of 5.

EDIT: pople, huh? *looks away from the person below*
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From the news today: Somewhere in Bergen, a car was found parked on a lawn. The pople originally seated in said car was found running away from it. High speed. Highly suspicious!!

I wish I could have been there to see that. If nothing else, I'd like to know what a pople is. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Apparently there is a cemetery with over 350 graves close to Lewis and Clark County Hospital. The hospital buliding was destroyed by an earthquake in 1935 and rebuilt. It was eventually converted (1961) to a covalescent home, but left the premises in 1984. And nobody knows exactly where the graves are. I'm waiting for the horror film based on this true story.

Establishing a graveyard close to a hospital is practical, even if patients may find the arrangement unsettling. Here in Bergen@Norway our largest cemetery (Møllendal) is the neighbour of our largest hospital (Haukeland), the view from the patient wards is excellent. However, as one of my teachers at med school taught us: "The purpose of patients being admitted to Haukeland is not to get them to Møllendal as quickly as possible". So, as usual, their (possible) worries were completely unfounded.

This particular teacher was quite funny. He was a very big man and his skin was somewhat reddish in colour. His subject was blood transfusions, so in general we referred to him as the world's largest erythrocyte (red blood cell).

pibbur who subscribes to the view that medicine would be more interesting and fun if there were (significantly) fewer patients. Less is more!
Well, if we're going into graveyard symbolism, how about the 1976 Olympic ski jump in Austria?

That thing past the grass landing zone? Yep, graveyard.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Well, if we're going into graveyard symbolism, how about the 1976 Olympic ski jump in Austria?
That thing past the grass landing zone? Yep, graveyard.

One of the reasons you won't catch me ski jumping. Or mountain climbing. Or bungee jumping. Or downhill skiing. Or <insert high risk activity of choice>. *shivers*

One exception: I would go into space.

pibbur who thinks that if you don't succeed on your first attempt, you probably should give up skydiving.
It's still there. In Austria. You can visit it. I did so 2-3 times. But you never get up there (read : you're not allowed to), only at the bottom, even below the "jumping path".

They still use it sometimes for the "Winter Jumping Tour". It takes place in several of similar places.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It was actually there from an earlier Olympics and I've climbed to the top of both and have pictures to prove it. That is one of my favourite cities in Europe.
Aug 31, 2006
Hm, I thouight climbing up was impossible/not allowed ? But I must admit that it's lots of years since I was there for the last time ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hey, I was there first in the very early 1970's when security wasn't as strict as it would be now!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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