How many RPGs do you like to play every year?

How many RPGs do you like to play every year?

  • 1-2

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 17 28.8%
  • 7-12

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • 13-24

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • 25+

    Votes: 4 6.8%

  • Total voters


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
What do you think makes for a healthy RPG market that keeps you happy all year?
That one big epic game per year/six months that dominates your free time and leaves a lasting impression? One epic every three or four months or how about every other month, your itch needing some cooldown time, but not excessive?
Or are you more of a monthly type, new month, new game? How about up to two per month, heck there's time so why not put it to good use? Or are you a complete completionist and if it has RPG in it's description then it's good for a trial, giving you an average of more than one new game a fortnight but perhaps not so many actual game completions?
Poll includes replaying or buying old games. Vote now!
Aug 30, 2006
Hm. Voted 5-6. I tend to start a lot of games, but persist only with a few. I might only finish 2-3 games every year.

Also, my backlog is so long that I run a few years behind, so I haven't played any of the recent titles yet (the most recent one would be D:OS EE). Big advantage is by the time I get to them, they're fully patched up and as complete as can be.
Heh, I might even go back to even older titles on a whim. I just started my umpteenth attempt at G3, for example, and G1 is also sitting on my disk waiting to be continued.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
I'm around the 3-4 kind of guy, I like to have one per season, one that I've fully researched and am personally hyped to play and will try my best to intend a full completion, exploring every nook and cranny, an event that sucks me dry for a couple of months. My only caveat is when I buy a set of old games, like a box-set of 1-4 in a series or something, then I'll try to play the whole series at once, though I still often don't get much further than 3 games if I do that and is quite rare.
Nov 1, 2014
I play a "new" game at least every month. The thing is, not all are RPG. Another thing is, I can't imagine spending thousands of hours on one single game.
So I've put 5-6, should be something like that.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, I play somewhere 15-20 RPGs per year I'd say, but quite a few of those are replays. As for new RPGs, it's usually about 5.
Oct 18, 2006
I think I stand somewhere in the 5-6 and the 7-12 categories. Depends on the year and the games that get released. Games with 80+ hours playthrough can take me 2 months to go through and there was a few of those in the last 2 years.

So far in 2016, I played and finished 3 games already and currently have playthroughs started on 5 others. All of them are older games, I'm not sure if I'm going to finish all of them either. My only planned purchase for the year is DX:MD though, so I bought games in sales to have something to play... I just started them all at the same time.
Oct 13, 2007
Well, I replied 5-6, but I have 500-600 in my backlog. So in about 100 years from now I'll be ready for the latest and greatest...... oo, wait by that time my backlog will probably be up to 5000-6000... oo well, great times to be an RPG fan.

Too bad that very few RPG's are fun from start to finish, it is actually quite seldom I finish a game.
Oct 25, 2006
I'll not persist past a 10-15 hour mark with something which ain't floating my boat, as I am to finish most games I start (if I like it, then 9/10 times I'll finish it)

With that in mind, I probably play 7-12'RPGs a year. Summer has a big say in that, as does my personal situation on the whole, but it's rare a year goes by where I don't give at least 7 a go.
Nov 15, 2015
I answered 5-6, but then realized I was thinking only of PC RPGs. If I add my console RPGs, that's probably doubled.
Sep 23, 2008
I put 7-12. I play at least that many a year if I include partial playthroughs. Now if "play" means a full playthrough to the end then that number would probably be 5-6.

I also play a lot of games from other genres throughout the year as well.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Like others I think there could be a distinction between games you have played to ones you have finished.

Going with games I finish I would be 1-2 a year although I went with 3-4 as I think that could cover 2-3 games I might have liked but did not finish. I also am not counting replay unless it was an old game remade currently (like BGEE).

For 2015 I completed FO4 and think that was the only one. But I also started W3, POE, and DDOS but didn't finished any of them.

In 2014 I think the only game I completed was DAI but I tried a couple of others.

This year I am still playing FO4 and Skyrim and not even sure any of the new ones I am hoping to see will make a 2016 release date. But my plan for 2016 is to get all the BG EE games (BG1, BG2, and expansions including Siege if it comes out this year) and replay them (depending on how the first one goes).

I tend to prefer a good meaty game I can really get into for the long haul so I prefer just 1 or 2 games a year if they are big ones I can focus on for a long time - that usually means mods, graphic tweaks, or possibly an MMO.

But if there are some shorter ones with replayability then I might fit in 3-4. So many variables affect my time and motivation when it comes to games. I have maybe 6-8 games on Steam I would like to play some time but my desire to play them isn't strong enough to overcome my current desire in games (which right now is FO4, Skyrim, and BGEE). Hoping to finish POE when the expansion comes out and some day finish DDOS.
Jun 4, 2008
I'm a completist so RPGs typically take me 100-200 hrs each. Last year I set aside Oblivion after 9.5 years and 2.5 playthroughs, and Skyim after 1 playthrough. This year will be DivinityOS( original and EE), POE and Skyrim 2nd character. Next year Witcher3 and FO4. Im also playing a lot of ESO.
Jul 7, 2010
If we're talking just played, at all? Then I'm 25+. I've played 16 games, 13 of which were rpg's just this year. Some though for less than an hour, just trying to see what I was in the mood for.

If we say games I play for a significant amount of time, say 30+ hours then it would probably drop to 3-4 on average.

Then if we break it down to finished games it would drop again to 0-2 yearly, depending on personal life and what's released that year.
2014 I've played and finished:
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Age of Wonders 3
  • Shoadowrun: Dragonfall
  • Wasteland 2
  • Das schwarze Auge: Blackguards
  • Divinity: Original Sin
  • Risen 3: Titan Lords
  • Bound By Flame
  • The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt/Hearts of Stone
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Shoadowrun: Hong Kong
  • Might & Magic: Heroes VII
  • TDE: Blackguards 2
  • Fallout 4
  • Sword Coast Legends

There have been some weeks where I didn't have much to play, so I voted for 7-12.
May 6, 2013
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