The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate - Beta Available


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The Bard's Tale Trilogy - Thief of Fate is now available in Beta.

Thief of Fate BETA Released!

22 December - Linds
Hi all!

As we have previously mentioned, we're working away furiously on the Thief of Fate remaster, but it's going to take a little more time to get all the various elements in place, to make it the best that it can be!

As promised, we have made a new BETA branch available in Steam, which has our current work in progress version of Thief of Fate. The game is fully playable (completable from start to finish), but various art for monsters, locations and environments are not complete; and there may be bugs throughout the game.

This BETA version is for the people who would like to participate in the final development push for the Bard's Tale Trilogy. It will be lacking in the spit and polish that will be in the final release. If you just want to play the game and relive past glories, we would recommend waiting for the full release.

If you wish to access this BETA build:

  • Quit and reload the Steam client.
  • Right click on the game in your Steam library.
  • Select "Properties".
  • Select the "Beta" tab.
  • In the dropdown, select the "beta" option.
  • Hit OK.

The BETA version including Thief of Fate will then be queued to download.
A special "beta bugs" subforum has also been set up in the Community Hub. Please post any problems, comments or questions there!

In addition, this BETA version has a partially implemented Legacy Mode available for all three volumes. Some Legacy features will not be available until work on them has been completed. Currently, the following Legacy Mode options are available:

  • Original XP levels (characters level up more slowly).
  • Grindable fights (99 Barbarians for teh w1n!).

As per the previous volumes, there have been various changes made, to fix bugs of yore as well being part of our remaster efforts. We've compiled a short list of the major items below. We have blacked out some very heavy spoilers, so if you want to go into the game spoiler-free, please do not highlight the blacked out text.

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Why oh why would they replace Bringaround Ballad with Badhr Kilnfest? This must be my most vivid memory of my 1989 BT3 experience.
Oct 18, 2006
Why oh why would they replace Bringaround Ballad with Badhr Kilnfest? This must be my most vivid memory of my 1989 BT3 experience.

They have already said that this will be an option in Legacy mode.
Oct 18, 2006
That does it, I'm really not going back to this series until the Legacy mode is fully functional. When that happens, I suspect I'll lose a month or two while I replay all three of these great old classics!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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