Low Standards



guys, i'm from Chernigov,it's a kind of shitty town near Chernobyl ,
i've downloaded this fascist game but it's on their swine language ?does some body have a program to make it run on english.
thank you very much
Downloaded??? I hope you don't mean PIRATED!! The game is not yet available in English.
Aug 31, 2006
guys, i'm from Chernigov,it's a kind of shitty town near Chernobyl ,
i've downloaded this fascist game but it's on their swine language ?does some body have a program to make it run on english.
thank you very much

I had the program you're looking for, but I left it inside the reactor. Do you think you could fetch it for me?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I had the program you're looking for, but I left it inside the reactor. Do you think you could fetch it for me?

Realy?!!! GReat thanks man, in a few days i'll take my antiradiation protective costume from the cleaner's . You can consider that you already have it? don't you remember? what was the number of the reactor?
hahaha?what 's you IQ level, dude,or you are just from USA ?

Your first post was to ask for a pirated copy of a RPG on a site that looks to support RPG's and their developers ... and your second is to insult folks based on nationality (despite being half-a-world wrong with your guess) ... I think you are the one in need of an IQ check.
Oct 18, 2006
guys, i'm from Chernigov,it's a kind of shitty town near Chernobyl ,
i've downloaded this fascist game but it's on their swine language ?does some body have a program to make it run on english.
thank you very much

Absolutely, you can download it right here. Always happy to help!
Oct 19, 2006
Your first post was to ask for a pirated copy of a RPG on a site that looks to support RPG's and their developers … and your second is to insult folks based on nationality...

So you're saying that "fascist game" and "swine language" are not insults based on nationality then? ;)
Oct 18, 2006
guys, i'm from Chernigov,it's a kind of shitty town near Chernobyl ,
i've downloaded this fascist game but it's on their swine language ?does some body have a program to make it run on english.
thank you very much

You've just been rickrolled, biiatch.:D
Feb 3, 2007
don't be mad guys - it's all btcause of the radiation, it's eating my brain!!!GUSH I CAN FEAL IT RIGHT NOW...
P.S. do you all have obsolete sense of humour, or it just the result of neuralpathogenic germs , that your government spreads on you
Your first post was to ask for a pirated copy of a RPG on a site that looks to support RPG's and their developers … and your second is to insult folks based on nationality (despite being half-a-world wrong with your guess) … I think you are the one in need of an IQ check.
do you now , how the IQ test is performed in my country-in the age of 16 you are brought to the deep forest with no food and an axe.....
after 10 days you go back home , and the level of your iq is concidered to be the same as the quantity of radiactive wolf's heads that you gathered during that time
p.s. my IQ LEVEL is 87 (Can you imagine 87 radiactive wolfs)
I like this guy, he's funny. Can I keep him as a pet? Ahhh come on. The last one, TAN, he ran away and joined a Tanning Salon. We all knew that was coming and had a good cry about it, but this one's different. He's brining radioatcive wolves heads. How cool is that?

I'll just have to whack him on the nose and say "bad pirate" and in no time he won't feel the need to download anymore. Works with dogs, should work with a human/radioactive mutie.
Feb 3, 2007
I like this guy, he's funny. Can I keep him as a pet? Ahhh come on. The last one, TAN, he ran away and joined a Tanning Salon. We all knew that was coming and had a good cry about it, but this one's different. He's brining radioatcive wolves heads. How cool is that?

I'll just have to whack him on the nose and say "bad pirate" and in no time he won't feel the need to download anymore. Works with dogs, should work with a human/radioactive mutie.

oh I've understood, such freak dreams may be the result of the germs activity ,that you are infected with(don't it fast food) haven't you ever wished to rape a dad rat? such desires can be the result of thalamus patology ....be afraid of the next stage of your pathology ,oh i have seen such guys like you, first saying some insane things..... then the germs spread to you medula oblongata and you even don't have a possibility to shit.... the only way out is stimulation of your anus with with electric impulses... ask you mom to take you to the doctor, while it's not to late, or for the rest of her life she will stimulate your anus with electricity....
You guys either don't have moderators/bans or have a very high tolerance for stupidity.
Sep 6, 2009
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