Pc’s with multiple personalities


December 24, 2018
This is a thing that I often hear about new players wanting to do. In addition to older more experienced players occaisonally.

I have never seen it work well, have you? Not like a “this one time” where it worked. But in all your gaming careers how often attempted and how often worked?

It always appears to me as an attempt at

switching for no other reason than its advantagous

randomly going complete murderhobo

extra free skills per personality

different mental attributes per personality

extra spotlight

super edgelord snowflakes

Its never worked out at a table for me.
Dec 24, 2018
1. Bot alert

2. "murderhobo" is not a player character personality but game design (shooter, mmo)
Apr 12, 2009
Murderhobo is a pretty established term:

Whether it is really a "player character personality" or rather a "player personality" is another question (I'd go with the latter).

And regarding multiple personalities in tabletop RPGs: sounds super sketchy.

Oh, and regarding bot alert: the post is a copy, see:

Not much time between them though. So may still be a legit attempt to discuss this in multiple places?
May 18, 2012
Ban because somebody copy/pasted and couldn't be bothered to actually change the format so it looked right? Seems a bit harsh.

Multiple personalities for a main character (whether table top or video game) sounds like a mess. It's not like people with that problem can simply switch from one personality to the other as the situation warrants - they're going to switch basically at random. It would be better to just give the player two characters, IMHO.

Though it could be fun if you had one of those party-of-4 RPGs with one quest where, for the duration of the quest, all four characters had some sort of mental swap so all the characters' mental stats and personalities switched around but physical stats stuck with the bodies. Or maybe just have all 4 work together to make one entity, Voltron style.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Ban because somebody copy/pasted and couldn't be bothered to actually change the format so it looked right? Seems a bit harsh.
My daily job here is banning spammers.
So my first reaction to bots is: delete everything (which is normally only visible to moderators and administrators) and ban them.
In this case I initially thought it was okay. On second thought, after reading the reactions, I chose to wait and see, but to remain vigilant.
The first seven posts of every new member are monitored btw, to see whether they are spammers. So nothing new there.
Ignore him Eye as I did the same thing when I was moderator. As 99.8% of new signups are bots/spam posters, or eventually posted spam when I didn't notice.

In my two years I only messed up twice and deleted thousands of fake accounts. I'm glad to see accounts get deleted nowadays after thirty days if you don't post.
Oct 1, 2010
I recently read an opinion ? article on the web site of the German gaming mag "Gamestar" about the Assassin's Greed player character killing a whole village, not once, of course, but step-by-step through missions, but then refusing to outright KILL an NPC with the words "I'm not a murderer !"
Now THIS is what I'd call a "split personality" …

Imaginary talk :
"Players want to kill in games.
So we give them killing games".
"Isn't it actually the other way round ?"
"This can't be."
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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