Dragon Age - I'm A Naughty Boy @ RPS


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Alec Meer writes about "cheating" by using the mod tools to respec his Dragon Age character:
I do feel that Bioware might have been wise to build some official respec feature – say, for a frightening amount of gold, or the loss of a level – into the game, as it does expect you to make some fairly far-reaching choices long before you’ve become au fait with the combat and know what your party setup will be. But then again, there’s something proud and wonderful about making your own organic progress through the game, living with those bad decisions and surviving despite them. That’s how we used to do it, right? But I suppose I’ve become inured to respecification of my RPG characters after all these years of playing MMOs. Once you’ve flown first class, it’s doubly unpleasant to fly cattle class again, and all that. The net result is that I’m enjoying the game more, and so surely my cheating-or-was-it means the game is now better serving its intended purpose. Others will enjoy the struggle against adversity more. I don’t – I’m a hedonist in this regard, prizing my own enjoyment over Doing It Right No Matter What. That niggle, that strange, pointless guilt will likely never quite fade from me as I play, though. I know I’ve rewritten history. What would you do, gentle reader?
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I've never used cheats in games to "pass an impossible obstacle" nor ever will.
The last "cheat" I've used was with IWD2 when I got it's critical bug in timeshift underground episode where your saved games don't work, and you could proceed only by setting a certain local variable through the cheatconsole.
I simply don't understand where is fun in playinf a game where you turned your character in a god? Are we supposed to run through the game and finish it in (less than) an hour?
Just to add... Cheaters/scripters/boters are the main reason I quit MMOs. I won't say every MMO is full of cheaters, but I'm too tired to try each MMO just to find out later that it's crawling with cheaters all over the place.

However, the debate about cheating is an old thing - cpt. Kirk in ST (OLD!) movies admits that he passed the unpassable test (a version of simulation) by cheating. And that was decade(s) ago. So cheating is not always something negative. For example, in case of reviews or writing a walkthrough, pumping your character is a good idea if you want to see and write about everything that's based on stats and skills.
Apr 12, 2009
I used the toolset a few times to increase my inventory ever since I forgot to buy one of the cheap ones in Ostagar. I paid for it by deducting the cost from the party's gold stash though.

I also used it to respec my own character two times when I wasn't happy with the choices I had made. I kept the original talents of the NPC characters because I think they are important for roleplaying purposes. I don't consider any of that cheating. I might be resetting the NPC talents in my second playthrough, however.
Aug 30, 2006
I don't think it is cheating to respect characters when you're not happy with a choice you had made and want to undo it and make a different choice.

Why? Because it's almost exactly like replaying the game from the beginning or an earlier save, except it removes the repetitive replaying tedium that can ruin the fun. It is all about the fun factor.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I remember the first time in BG 2 when I realized it was possible to "cheat" in the first battle against Irenicus. I threw time stop right before the conversation with him started and as soon as the fight started, time stop was in effect. This allowed me to throw lots of spells at him before he could get his defenses up. I felt so damn great when I found this out :)
Feb 15, 2009
"I do feel that Bioware might have been wise to build some official respec feature – say, for a frightening amount of gold, or the loss of a level – into the game, as it does expect you to make some fairly far-reaching choices long before you’ve become au fait with the combat and know what your party setup will be."

It would be a nice feature but not necessery imho. Party setup is very flexible with many characters to choose from and you always save you character creation points until you really need them so they dont get spent to useless things. Also the game isnt really that hard to require ultimate min-maxing. Som mistakes are acceptable.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
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