Eschalon: Book 1 - Now Available

I think I'll pass.

Why? I think it is so fitting!

BTW do you happen to know anyone making lesbian mods for Icewind Dale?
Nov 11, 2006
Well, if she's not the same one that has been bugging every internet forum lately, I do apologize. But from her writing style I think that's highly unlikely.

And yes, she's being doing lesbian mods, that's her hobby. I don't have any problem with that, do you?
Nov 11, 2006
Even if it is just a personal preference it still has it's roots in my world view, and while Basilisk Games probably wont miss my $37.95 it's still a statement.
I know that there are female gamers who just dont care, but personally I see such restriction as a source great annoyance, and particularly in this case because they are trying to wriggle out of it with "storyline" and "being old school". I dont remember Origin having any problems with allowing female Avatar.

I know what you mean and I think this can be a game breaker issue. A lot of older rpg's just never had much graphics or heavy story cut scenes and the like; so, there was never really much of an issue adding both sexes to the games. Even The Witcher, that has a lot of time and money spent on it, doesn't give you a character choice. It's not just games that do this though other forms of entertainment don't give you a choice. Sometimes you just have to enjoy something for what it is - not what it isn't.
Oct 26, 2006
Well, if she's not the same one that has been bugging every internet forum lately, I do apologize. But from her writing style I think that's highly unlikely.

And yes, she's being doing lesbian mods, that's her hobby. I don't have any problem with that, do you?

^^ I think Asbjoern missed the context there.
Oct 26, 2006
I dont remember Origin having any problems with allowing female Avatar.

Actually plenty of the Ultimas did. Including the later offerings - no female avatars allowed in about half of them IIRC.

Still, to each their own. I just can't help thinking that you're cutting your nose off to spite your face... is gender really such a huge issue that it overshadows everything else that's good about a game?
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know what you are trying to obtain, but would you please start treating your fellow members with some courtesy.
As Lethal Weapon says, I'm betting it's the same person who complained on the official forums about The Witcher only having a male player character, who tried to make a female-protagonist-mod for Torment because she refused to play an ugly scarred male, etc.

From where? The File front link gives me an error.
I had an average rate of 260 kB/s from Filefront.
Nov 18, 2006
Not playing a game just because you cannot make a woman character sounds about as silly to me as someone who refused to purchase NWN2 simply because it did not feature right away every classes included in NWN1.

Anyhow, I played the game this morning. Looks good and very promising so far. I will take my decision once I finish the demo but up to now, I'm positive about it. I just wish there could be a better help included. For the keyboard shortcut and the like.
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
p.s. : who leaves a treasure chest in the wilds anyways?...
that always irritates me. why not show a sign that something has been buried or somenthing... enough rant.

I don't know about all treasure, but some of the treasure chests and whatnot found in the wilderness are revealed based on your skill ability to find hidden things. So if you're skilled in that, you will find treasure deposits that others may never see.

The forest we see in the intro to the game is captivating.
Very good job Basilisk Soft.

The intro is gorgeous, isn't it?

Found a bug though, i saved my mage character and started a rogue. Upon the first cut scene ending (the scary face, thanks now I have to go to bed) my rogue character was standing in the ocean and couldn't access the beach at all. He started near the two slimes on the northern edge of the coast near the first town (details in case a dev reads this).

Yeah, that happened to me too once while I was doing the demo beta test. Reloading fixes it. I was never able to replicate that bug, so it could be a truly random glitch somewhere that can't be isolated and repaired.
Jun 17, 2007
Well, if she's not the same one that has been bugging every internet forum lately, I do apologize. But from her writing style I think that's highly unlikely.

And yes, she's being doing lesbian mods, that's her hobby. I don't have any problem with that, do you?

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not her, whoever this person is.
Aside from occassional delurking to make a random zero-content comment at the Codex, I very rarely post anything anywhere.

I know what you mean and I think this can be a game breaker issue. A lot of older rpg's just never had much graphics or heavy story cut scenes and the like; so, there was never really much of an issue adding both sexes to the games. Even The Witcher, that has a lot of time and money spent on it, doesn't give you a character choice. It's not just games that do this though other forms of entertainment don't give you a choice. Sometimes you just have to enjoy something for what it is - not what it isn't.

I might be mistaken, but I thought that the Witcher had the restriction only because it was based on some polish fantasy novels and they wanted to use their hero as the main character?
In any case, the Witcher and Gothic -trilogy are only the rpgs from recent years I can think of that restrict the gender, so I'm not sure where you are going with that.

Actually plenty of the Ultimas did. Including the later offerings - no female avatars allowed in about half of them IIRC.

Well I passed on the last two for other issues (general crappiness and system requirements for Ascesion), and I'm too young to have played the first ones. I stand corrected.

is gender really such a huge issue that it overshadows everything else that's good about a game?

No, but I dont want to support a developer that chooses to alienate itself in such way.

Not playing a game just because you cannot make a woman character sounds about as silly to me as someone who refused to purchase NWN2 simply because it did not feature right away every classes included in NWN1.

Huh? I thought NWN2 had all the classes from NWN1.
Oct 18, 2006
$37.95!!! Wow! They must be impressed with themselves. I admit the pricing of the game makes me want to download the demo. I've heard the graphics compare with Avernum. If so, $37.95 is ridiculously high-priced. It's not like they have a whole team of developers and artists to pay. Just my personal opinion, but for me to register a shareware game that costs that much, the game would have to last me 6 months. If it has a 200 hour campaign, then it might possibly be worth that amount of dough. Of course, I'm cheap :D I only paid $20 for Gothic 3, Spellforce 2, Heroes V, etc. I haven't played a second of the demo yet though. Maybe I'll retract this statement later. I truly hope so....
Oct 18, 2006
I've heard the graphics compare with Avernum. If so, $37.95 is ridiculously high-priced..

Closer to Arcanum than Avernum. Very pretty in my opinion, and concidering the overall production values observable from the demo the prices are perfectly reasonable.
Oct 18, 2006
Downloadable version is a mere $29.95 - and I have already purchased the game after having played the demo for app. half an hour. What can I say? It's refreshing to see this sort of game with so much attention paid to detail and nices touches everywhere. I think I will enjoy Eschalon: Book 1 a lot. And every penny spent for a good game by an indie developer is a penny well spent...
Oct 18, 2006
You're missing Planescape Torment out of your list also, and none of those are bad games (though I haven't played Witcher).
Oct 26, 2006
No, but I dont want to support a developer that chooses to alienate itself in such way.
Of course, this is your choice, but it certainly is also your loss.

Some games, like some books and some films, have a male protagonist. A true demeaning or brutalising of female characters is a different story, and worth making a statement about, but being unable to enjoy a game based solely on the appearence of the avatar--because your female toon will have exactly the same lines,same choices and same experiences as a male figure--is somewhat pointless. It's a question of pixels and imagination, not reality. :)

Anyway--won't get a chance to dip into the demo today, but good to hear from everyone that it's shaping up well.

AFA the price, I think we can look for the prices of almost everything to increase--especially in the US--as energy costs go through the roof. Less than $40.00 for a good game is about the price of dinner for two at a mediocre restaurant, and lasts a lot longer. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I had no problem with paying $37.95 for a game that I enjoy. There isn't the best selection of quality rpg games out there and when one developer specifically targets the kind of games I enjoy (story intensive, turn-based rpg) then I'm more than happy to pay for his (or her) efforts.

As far as the whole male/female main character thing goes, it doesn't matter to me as long as the story of the game makes sense. You have to remember one thing, this is one person who made this not a multi-million dollar company. I'm sure if he had the resources he could of made the choice of the main character male, female, elf, hobbit, gnome, draconian, alien etc.... but at some point I would believe he would have to either choose to spend months on making that feature or releasing the game ontime.
Feb 3, 2007
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not her, whoever this person is.

It's up to you to prove me wrong, if you are here to discuss RPGs then this will become self-evident. I hope you don't mind me saying that you've made a bad start though, complaining in your first posts about character gender in this manner. I'm reading this thread to find out info about Eschalon and it would bother me to see it deteriorate into one of those idiotic discussions about male protagonists that are flooding the net lately, started from the same person.
Last edited:
Nov 11, 2006
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