options for wedding achievement cards :)


May 23, 2012
Help me create achievement cards for my wedding
Hey guys,

me and my to be hubby are Pc gamers (mainly rpgs) and would like to put something fun on the tables.So we decided to make achievement cards that can be filled out per family.The winners get something, like a bottle of wine and candy.Just for fun and giggles.Dinner is "world buffet" and "dessert buffet".

I am looking for fun and original options to put on there.It's a normal Belgian wedding.One of the achievements will be "I tried 1 or 2 gueuze/lambic beers for example (special beer that can only be brawn here)"
Another will be "I have something green in my outfit" (something we have been leaking to our families,nice effect for the pictures).I'm looking for more :)

Any funny quirky ideas for me


something like that
May 23, 2012
Sorry I'm out of ideas, but the whole thing will IMO be fantastic experience.
Apr 12, 2009

Funny bride/groom story achievement?

Danced with Bride/Groom achivement?

Ate so much I loosened my belt achievement?

Loudest/longest belch achievement? You did mention beer.
I streaked dwelfusius wedding achievement.

Some one will probably do it if you have an achievement for it.
Wow lambics! My partner loves them! In fact according to her, the more sour the better.
Hmm, achievements?
- fish eye - got photos of all the bridal party (separately)
- greeter - met and talked with at least 5 people I'd didn't know (the people have to sign the achievement sheet or similar as 'proof')
- social butterfly flock - had selfies taken with at least five other tables (this is as a whole table not just one person with another table)

Have fun!
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
"Made out with a bridesmaid Achievement."

I can't have been the only one thinking of posting this. :biggrin:
Nov 8, 2014
Really funny idea :)

How about, I gave the most valuable wedding gift achievement? ( hmm probably would want to leak in advance that such an achievement is there :D )
Oct 25, 2006
some nice (and slightly disturbing:D ) ideas here.Thank you so much guys.
check it out, my wedding invite .. This is what happens when you put a gamer/tech geek/creative person in charge xD

can you spot the easter egg?

Oh yeah, we're also thinking of making it PER TABLE so we have some "teams".So individual as wel as group things are allowed :) Bare in mind there are some elderly people, nothing too...:) creative ;)
Last edited:
May 23, 2012
We would like them to have "gamey" names or references (or light scifi ref.).So if you still have some suggestions for achievements or names of achievements ,come at me :)

ATM we have:

"Next-Gen" - Whoever brings a child

"Been there,done that" - Whoever's already married or engaged

"Single player" - Solo the wedding

"Professional" - Anyone over 60 at your wedding.

"Around the World in 80 Dishes" - Try everything on the buffet.

"Sweet Tooth" - Try each dessert

"Loot and scoot" - eat and leave before dancing

"Super Stealth" - try not to show up in wedding pictures

"Photobomb" - be in at least 25 wedding pictures

"Hoarder" - take more than one centerpiece home.

"Name not found" -Participate in five each of both
traditional and more stereotypical wedding dances.

"Greeter" - met and talked with at least 5 new people (they have to sign the achievement sheet as 'proof')

"Social butterflock" - selfies taken with at least three other tables (this is as a whole table not just one person with another table)

"Name not found" - Successfully sneaked a drink from 3 guests' cup.

"Leprechaun" anyone that has a beard and some green in their outfit.

"Green as grass" have something green in your outfit

"All Your Cake Are Belong To Us" - Steal a plate of cake from another table

"Game of gnomes" - Find the hidden gnome and take a picture of him as proof

"In the credits" - sign the guestbook

"Name not found" - Be the first to dance with your tie around your head

"Friends in Strange Places" - make awkward conversations at the toilets

"No Child Left Behind" - dance with a child

"Explorer" - sit down atleast once at each table

"Hall of Fame" - leave a video greeting
May 23, 2012
At my wedding, my wife came up with exactly the same version of contests. But we had contests to see who would drink the most or who would stand longer kissing their soulmate. Thank you for the nostalgia I received.
Nov 13, 2020
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