Torment: Tides of Numenera - Beta Test Live


December 16, 2013
If you've been waiting for your chance to get in on Torment's beta, your wait is over (well, so long as you're in the right backer tier, anyway). There's also new info on companions, and a special comic by Pat Rothfuss.

tl;dr: Beta test released, companions with Colin, IGN stream

Hello everyone,

Chris Keenan here!

Today we are absolutely thrilled to announce that the Torment: Tides of Numenera beta test is now available to all applicable backers! This also brings what is likely to be the final part of the Road to Beta series of updates, though we will of course be sharing more details with you going forward throughout development.

If you pledged at a level which comes with beta test access, you can get your Steam key by logging in with your Torment account, visiting the Rewards page, and clicking the "Manage Keys" button you see there.

While your beta test downloads, please be sure to check out our Beta Release Notes, which covers some known issues and contains notes on a few game features. And remember, the Beta Test Access add-on is still available to all backers who want to join in and experience the game first-hand before final release.


One of the defining elements in the original Planescape: Torment wasn't just its weird and wondrous world, but also its characters. Players remember many of the game's companions today for good reason, and with Torment: Tides of Numenera we are hoping to create deep, nuanced and interesting characters who you will be able to connect with, and in some cases, change.

Previously, we have been a little quiet on sharing our characters with you, in large part to avoid spoiling them. However, with the beta release now available, we thought it was an ideal time to introduce a few.

I'll be turning things over to Colin to give you a quick bio on some of the fine folks you can expect to journey with while exploring Sagus Cliffs. Of course, this isn't a full list of companions in the final game – it's not even a full list of companions in the beta.

As a warning, there are spoilers contained below, but nothing that will go beyond what you will see in the beta.
More information.

More information.
Dec 16, 2013
I watched the beta preview, and not sure this game will be for me. I wasn't really a fan of the original, and this one may not be to my taste either. But I did get this game in a pretty good 2 for 1 deal, and I'm glad to support this company. I'm actually more interested in what comes next! (I know about the Bard's Tale game sequel too, I mean, what new game they are doing after all these.)
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Well, with T:ToN tormenting me already before the beta release (should I watch trailer, should I play or wait) it promises well ;-)
Jan 22, 2010
Anyone who has tried the beta have any comments ?

Beta testers if you are allowed please comment on how nice its graphics is in motion and how much fun is the beta? Disregard bugs of course.
Mar 21, 2013
I've just started looking at it. Won't play much of it, just enough to get an impression. The game crashes almost immediately after starting it on my floortop machine, but it works fine on my gaming laptop.

As soon (or in my case mostly as late) as I have something to report, I will report it here - after checking what I'm allowed to say without being tormented.

pibbur who sometimes enjoys very primitive jokes.
I played most of character creation (yes played) and think they did implement the Numenera rules pretty well. The writing is interesting, and I felt compelled to keep playing. I stopped after the initial area because of my schedule, but I plan to finish the beta this weekend. The bugs I noticed so far have to do with UI elements being very slow to open, and some voice-overs are missing. I'm sure there is quite a bit more under the hood, but my hour of play had zero crashes despite my efforts.
Oct 18, 2006
Barva, Costa Rica
I've just started looking at it. Won't play much of it, just enough to get an impression. The game crashes almost immediately after starting it on my floortop machine, but it works fine on my gaming laptop.

So your saying it's optimized for mobile.:lol:

Hear that Joxer.:p
There's a whole thread about it on the backer beta forum. Game basically doesn't work for a lot of people.
There's a whole thread about it on the backer beta forum. Game basically doesn't work for a lot of people.
It is a known issue, where essentially a dialog file is still playing when the game tries to start the Broken Dome dialog. It is triggered due to the character screen not blocking interaction beneath it. It's top priority for us to work on, but in the meantime it's essentially the kind of bug that randomly happens so saving before going through the portal and reloading generally fixes it.
Oct 19, 2006
So your saying it's optimized for mobile.

No. But of course, I should have said that. I'm getting old.

When will it be released on iPhone?

Pibbur who also like teasing the joxer. Occasionally.
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I don't own the beta, but from what I've read on the official forums it is quite buggy (no spoiler on the link).

That's the whole point of what beta tests are for, though - to find those bugs that they didn't during development and report them so that they can attempt to fix them before release.

I crashed in the Pillars of Eternity game several times during early beta, for example, which they went and fixed.
Mar 23, 2012
That's the whole point of what beta tests are for, though - to find those bugs that they didn't during development and report them so that they can attempt to fix them before release.

I never said it wasn't. :/
Oct 13, 2007
I won't lie, I'm a little put off by this.

I found out today that beta access is the same as early access on if you kickstarted and backed to beta level you get access to early access, just like anyone else on steam....what do you have to pay on steam to get access?
Apr 17, 2007
I won't lie, I'm a little put off by this.

I found out today that beta access is the same as early access on steam….so if you kickstarted and backed to beta level you get access to early access, just like anyone else on steam….what do you have to pay on steam to get access?

Early access apparently activates on the 26th, so it's later than beta access. No idea of the price, but if it's anything like Wasteland 2 it'll be higher than the by-itself game's release price when it comes out (Wasteland 2 early access was $60, for example, as opposed to, from memory, $40 for its release price) so that theoretically people who bought beta access aren't paying more than those who early access it.
Mar 23, 2012
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