Legends of Dawn - Review @ IGN


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
IGN is the next site to review Legends of Dawn, and judging by the 2.8/10 score given they hate it. Here is what they thought of the game.

The Verdict

Even ignoring its frequent crashes and bugs, Legends Of Dawn's clumsy roleplaying systems and combat are poorly done. But you can't ignore those issues. This amateur roleplaying game shouldn’t even be sold as it is, let alone purchased and played. If you already did, the most efficient way to deal with it is to delete it from your hard drive and demand a refund.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
That is harsh, and while I can't really disagree, I think IGN is a little tough on the indies and way too lenient towards the studios.

If anyone is playing this, Chris, one of the devs is looking for input into fixing the game. Create an account on their forum: http://www.dreamatrix.net/forum/index.php and join in the news topic about patch 1.05 where he is looking for suggestions. He seems willing to listen, though he doesn't have a lot of time to post, naturally.
Oct 18, 2006
That is what you get when your company doesn't pay for a proper review. IGN is a bought and paid for review site plain and simple. LoD is not the best game out there but fun enough for the price. I have about 30 hrs in to it now, one thing to be said it certainly does not hold your hand and you must figure things out on your own. I would rate it in the 6-7 range, and things are improving as it has been patched.
Jan 8, 2008
Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
That is what you get when your company doesn't pay for a proper review. IGN is a bought and paid for review site plain and simple.

People really believe this kind of nonsense? Comedy gold, thanks for the giggle.
Apr 22, 2013
Rowan Kaiser the IGN reviewer is a newbie and needs more old school type game-play experience.

I've gained many levels, i've pleased the gods, my faith is maxed out, i'm using only the bow, i travel light to reduce encumbrance lag, i leave loot in strategic stash locations.

The storyline is coming more dominant and meaningful now, not had any drop-outs or hang ups, its a huge game-world, i'm playing vanilla, i am enjoying the game so far.
Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
Hmm, why should IGN and similar be more lenient towards indies? If player X is going to invest Y time playing a game, he or she will only care about how much fun is to be had during Y time. Who developed it is irrelevant. Price might be relevant, but in this day and age you can get most games relatively cheap through summer sales at Steam and so on.

If it's an open world RPG and it simply sucks compared to the likes of Skyrim, New Vegas and Gothic, then that's exactly what a review should point out: People are better off buying Skyrim/New Vegas during a Steam sale or Gothic on GOG.

That being said, I haven't tried Legends of Dawn myself, so I have no idea if that is the case here. I'm just pointing out that the developer behind a game should not be taken into consideration when discussing the quality of a game.
Oct 18, 2006
Nah. Skyrim, New Vegas and Gothic shouldn't be compared with this game at all, it's a completely different type of a game.
I mean cmon, Gothic games have no inventory cap, making your world exploration and looting easier. And you've certainly read that in LoD you have to micromanage the inventory. Another difference? No endless respawns in Gothic (apart from dingos in G3). Etc.

The closest to it at least visually and recent IMO is Dragon Age 2. Dunno if the developer behind a game should or shouldn't be taken into consideration, but IGN does take it. Not the name. But cash.

One thing more IGN says about LoD:
Even ignoring its frequent crashes and bugs,
What crashes, what bugs are they talking about? IGN was definetly playing another game than I did. Or they were describing another game you've mentioned - Skyrim.
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Apr 12, 2009
Too harsh. I never had any gameplay crashes or meltdowns.
Oct 18, 2006
The game keeps crashing on my system everytime I want to change a setting in the video section. And generally these are hard crashes that only solve with resetting the system. I'm using Drm free version with 1.05 patch. By the way do you know how to turn of bloom in the game? There's a blurriness on the screen and I don't like one bit.
Oct 30, 2006
I have to say I really think IGN's review is very unfair and does not reflect upon all the postive aspects of this game. Even though the game needs further patching, it still is a lot of fun to play because of the interesting world the devs have created. I hope they will be able to keep patching the game further and finally move on to create their next RPG.
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Oct 22, 2011
Nah. Skyrim, New Vegas and Gothic shouldn't be compared with this game at all, it's a completely different type of a game.
I mean cmon, Gothic games have no inventory cap, making your world exploration and looting easier. And you've certainly read that in LoD you have to micromanage the inventory. Another difference? No endless respawns in Gothic (apart from dingos in G3). Etc.

The closest to it at least visually and recent IMO is Dragon Age 2. Dunno if the developer behind a game should or shouldn't be taken into consideration, but IGN does take it. Not the name. But cash.

One thing more IGN says about LoD:

What crashes, what bugs are they talking about? IGN was definetly playing another game than I did. Or they were describing another game you've mentioned - Skyrim.

There are bugs in the game, don't be a fool and think otherwise. I think you have your nationality getting in the way here. It is an average game at best.

And no Joxer, it is not even in the same realm of quality as Skyrim.
Apr 17, 2007
I've never said the game is bug free. If you read my early posts when the game got released I did speculated over possibility that some things are bugged.
Also I've never said this game is above average. At least not yet.
But to state that the game has frequent crashes and bugs is unfair and untrue. If it was written on some anonymous site, I wouldn't care at all, but it's on IGN.

And please don't bring my nationality into this. Would I say something is a masterpiece when it's not just because it comes from my country? No. Maybe they do things like that in your country. Here, it's not the case, sorry. If the king is naked, he's naked, no matter who's king it is.
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Apr 12, 2009
Hmm, well, I haven't played LoD, so I can't really say whether IGN's review is accurate or not, but any site which gives DA2 the rating "Great" and makes it "Editors' Choice" loses a lot of credibility in my eyes. :D
Dec 3, 2008
Well, I stopped playing after the last patch I put on wrecked crafting(none of the crafting components get used when you craft so you can craft anything unlimited) Not sure if this was fixed in 1.05 anyone know?
Apr 17, 2007
Rune, they're having a hard time duplicating the crafting bug and I will say that the bug only happens sporadically for me now. 90% of the time, stuff gets used up. It is much better, but still not perfect. There is also a new patch (today):

•- fixed faith regeneration bug

•- min experience for killed monster above lvl8 is now never zero, no matter what the difference between player's and monster's level of experience is

•- fixed sort runestones bug

•- escape key now deactivates main windows before activating options panel

•- item sorting by bags, not by entire inventory

•- max weight due to stregnth ability score increased (~2x), player slowdown due to encumbrance reduced (from 50%-100% to 75%-100% range)

•- ranged combat modified so that damage is reduced when target creature is too close (ranged attacks for creatures closer than 5m always result in 1-3 damage, no matter the weapon damage)
Oct 18, 2006
Joxer, I don't find respawning to be a problem at all in this game. It takes days and days for stuff to come back, though it does eventually. I've probably cleared the road to the Oracle about 3 times in 6 levels of play. That's a slow regen, though I turn respawning as low as it can go under the custom options.
Oct 18, 2006
Apr 12, 2009
IGN may be harsh on indies from time to time. But I've found you guys usually waaay too easy on indies.

That might be true for some here, but personally I prefer the people here going easy on $10-$15 Indies than IGN going easy on $50 AAA games. ;)
Dec 3, 2008
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