Elveon - Preview @ Hooked Gamers


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Hooked Gamers serves up a preview of 10Tacle's action/RPG Elveon:
The various arenas where gamers will find themselves have also been tailored to create as much realism as possible. In old, overgrown ruins, trees and plants have erupted through the stone foundations, creating debris which remains instead of mysteriously having been removed, as was the graphic style not that long ago. In one of the forest scenarios, light filtered convincingly through the trees, creating shades and illuminated pockets on the grass the swayed in the occasional breeze.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I'm looking forward to this game but this made an impression:

The Unreal engine creates a feeling of reality in Elveon.

As with many games in development at this time, Elveon is being built upon the Unreal 3 graphics engine, which is the latest in graphical design.
...The weather changes in real time, where you can watch a clear sky be covered with clouds, and then start to rain.
... When the rain stops, the clouds disperse differently than how they appeared.

Were not realistic weather effects already present in Gothic 1?
Nov 11, 2006
Were not realistic weather effects already present in Gothic 1?

I wouldn't call the weather effects in the first two Gothic games 'realistic' in a modern sense. Sure there is rain and sun and clouds and dark, but if you play more modern games you get a feel for how things like that can be different.
- Snow impacts your speed and stealth (and should impact your fatigue)
- Rain dampens sound
- Shadows change in real time as well.

Who knows what *will* happen and how it will impact things - I just know that most games that have this stuff *look* better but don't necessarily *play* better ...
Oct 18, 2006
now new information here.
Oct 18, 2006
The only reason I brought this up was that if someone who has never played a video game were to read this article, he would be left with the impression that things like "clouds disperse differently than how they appeared" have not been done before - that is bad journalism.

Sure, as technology progresses, simulations are becoming more accurate and new dimensions to gameplay are being introduced. But as far as 'looking better' goes, there is much more to it than tech advancements. It is also a question of talented artists, original ideas etc, which is the reason why several previous-gen titles definitely look better than today's best-sellers (and their awful implementation of bloom). Also keep in mind that there is a significant number of gamers who prefer 2D. 3D only shows in motion, an individual frame will always be inferior than its 2D counterpart, the reason being of course that the screen itself is 2D.

On-topic, there are several things I've heard about Elveon that I like so far. Its setting is original and there is not a huge amount of promises - which is good. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the PC and console versions are being developed seperately; if that's the case the PC version will hopefully not play as a dumped-down console import.
Nov 11, 2006
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