Opinion - Games Are Not Art

I'm saying you can't objectively define "high art". Well, of course you can, you could say "high art" is everything that gives you a profound experience. But then you'd have to accept your own definition and concede that Bioshock Infinite is high art

Mate, you are just shovelling words in my mouth at this point. I never once claimed “high art” was an objective definition (I specifically told you it wasn't), I also never remotely defined it as “everything that gives you a profound experience.” Your entire critique of my posts seems fixated on those two points, despite the fact I've repeatedly failed to make either of them.

Meh! If you are happy to just go around in circles, hanging your own meanings on a single silly phrase I throw out there, and then insulting me for saying things I never said, then you don’t need me to help you do that. I’m off to don my polo-neck, and then read the works of Gothe whilst smoking a gauloise and listening to Bache.

We're all stupid in a variety of ways.

Amen to that :roll:
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I would suggest that novels are really good at conveying those types of experience; also films, though in a slightly different way. That is just what they are naturally good at. Games *may* have that potential, though I'm yet to experience anything close; maybe when that genre matures enough, things might change, and I really hope they do.

There are some games (e.g., interactive novels) which may do that for you even now. But compared to actual novels, the selection is indeed much smaller, meaning it is harder to find something that really resonates with you on that level.

Anyways, dont worry about seeming arrogant or irrational. If the original article would have been phrased in your words, I would probably have had no reason to roll my eyes as heavy as I did. Or at all. ;)
(I'd still disagree tho :p)
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May 18, 2012
My powers of clairvoyance are becoming more pronounced. A vision came to me on Thursday of what this thread would look like. And, lo, it came to pass.
Nov 8, 2014
Mate, you are just shovelling words in my mouth at this point. I never once claimed “high art” was an objective definition (I specifically told you it wasn't), I also never remotely defined it as “everything that gives you a profound experience.” Your entire critique of my posts seems fixated on those two points, despite the fact I've repeatedly failed to make either of them.

Meh! If you are happy to just go around in circles, hanging your own meanings on a single silly phrase I throw out there, and then insulting me for saying things I never said, then you don’t need me to help you do that. I’m off to don my polo-neck, and then read the works of Gothe whilst smoking a gauloise and listening to Bache.

Amen to that :roll:

How odd that you missed my primary point over and over again - and only noticed it now - considering how often I've repeated it :)

I'm glad you finally concede that your opinion is merely your opinion, and maybe - one day - you might actually mean it when you say it.

At this point, I find it utterly unconvincing - based on your suggestion that people should go to the library if they think games are art, or that maybe Bioshock Infinite is "as deep as the rabbit hole goes" for me, as if to suggest that wasn't as "high" as anything else.

No one who actually understands that his opinion is nothing but his opinion would say such things and he wouldn't need to say derogatory things about other opinions.

Conclusively, you don't actually consider your opinion just an opinion, but an objective measurement that people really should agree with - or go to the library until they do.

Anyway, thanks for the exchange once again.
I'm glad you finally concede that your opinion is merely your opinion, and maybe - one day - you might actually mean it when you say it.

HA! I just KNEW you would return to this topic, and try to get the last word in. Only someone childish would do that; I definitely wouldn't do something like that :party2:

Anyway, the only subjective experience I've had lately was your mom :|

(that was humour, in case you missed it …Maybe lighten up a little?)
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