The New World - Iron Tower's new RPG


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Iron Tower's RPG in development got a name: The New World - A Generation Ship RPG:

What do people think of when they hear "The New World", absent a video game?
  • a time when people were migrating in their millions across the Atlantic to the strife and uncertainty of an unknown destination
  • people fleeing an awful life of toil for a new almost entirely unknown life, which unbeknownst to them would also be full of toil
  • people of all different religions, origins and castes jammed together on the voyage; even rich and poor, otherwise always segregated, shared the same boat
  • European pioneers, the migration West, the Mayflower, colonization, it's a package of all the sub-themes
What will people see when they're playing the game?
  • The passengers of the Ship are headed to a New World
  • The Ship itself is a New World, away from Earth for so many generations it might as well be a myth
  • The player is like one of those hapless migrants of the five hundred year migration to North America, surrounded by conflicting factions, different religions, philosophies and ideals
  • The player is headed for the absolutely unknown in a chaotic, dangerous environment where he must live by violence or his wits
Other benefit: the name doesn't sound like any current computer games, or suggest other types of computer games. Like The Age of Decadence it really stands alone. So while at first glance it seems bland, in very few words it completely identifies the practical details of the game *and* the philosophical underpinnings of the game. It's not perfect, but I think it's the best we've come up with and likely the best we ever will come up.

* * *

Stealth System Overview:
You know what to expect (more or less) from the character, combat, and dialogue systems. A proper stealth system is something new, which means there are many exciting ways to screw it up. So let's take a look at the rough "on paper" concept and get some feedback. Keep in mind that The New World isn't a stealth-focused game like Thief and we can't allocate all our limited resources to the stealth system alone. Having said that, we do want to offer an interesting and well-designed alternative solution to many side quests and a well-supported path through the game (like the talker's way in AoD - you couldn't talk your way in and out of every situation but you could talk your way through the game).

Let's start by giving you a specific example from one of the early quests and then go over the features. You need some energy cores, one of the scavenger crews has them, so you can either talk to them (pay a lot of money or con them like a pro), kill 'em all (always popular), or sneak around and do some breaking and entering.

There’s a built-in air purifier out back, you can use your Mechanics skill to open the hatch, making some noise in the process. If nobody comes to investigate, you enter the premises and TB stealth mode. The crew's leader is in the room next door, drunk after celebrating a successful run (if you come back later, he will be more alert). We check if he heard the noise. If he didn’t, he stays where he is. You need to make your way to a locked strongbox. Each step generates some noise, if he hears it, he goes to investigate. Finally, lockpicking the stronghold generates some noise too. So again, if he hears it, he goes to investigate. If not, he remains where he is and you get away clean.

If he does hear the noise, he goes to investigate, heading for the place where the noise originated from, meaning you should get as far away from that place as possible (as far as your AP allow, which means that sneaking will require high Dex and proper feats) or ambush him.

If he sees you (i.e. you're caught in his cone of vision), he goes for his gun, otherwise he starts searching. During the searching phase, if he comes close to you but doesn’t see you, you get an optional interrupt allowing you to insta-kill him using your trusted Critical Strike skill. Failing the attempt starts combat. You can also attempt to sneak up on him and kill him during your turn. If he sees you, he gets an interrupt attack and shoots you in the face.


1) Each action (movement, lockpicking, hacking, etc) is assigned noise points. The points, modified by your gear and Stealth) will add up with each action and will determine whether or not an NPC acting as 'guard' is alerted and goes to investigate.

So in this case you open up the hatch, the guard hears a light click but ignores it. You step inside, he hears something but ignores it too. You take several steps and finally get the guard's attention, raising his alert level. You success depends not a dice roll but on your skills and gear (either you can stay below the guard's radar or you can't). You can trigger his alert level the moment you step inside or when you make it to the strongbox and open it. Each subsequent action increases the alert level. A good thief can clean up the entire room, a not-so-good thief would have to stick to his objective and consider himself lucky if he isn't caught.

2) The movement’s noise points start at 1 and go up with every step (i.e. with every tile). It’s not that the third step makes more noise than the first two but the act of walking produces more noise than taking a single step (i.e. a single footstep may not be enough to trigger a guard’s attention but 3 footsteps might, plus it takes more skill to silently cross a hallway than to take a step or two). Thus more challenging tasks will require much higher skill levels and better gear. Same goes for optional objectives.

3) Your skills and gear will modify the noise points. For gear, we won’t go with % penalty but with +1, +2, etc. So if you wearing army boots with +2 and metal armor with +3, but your Stealth is 5, you generate 1+2+3-5 =1 points plus 1 with each step. Remove the armor and it will take a lot longer to make enough noise to alert the guards but if you’re caught, you’ll be wearing nothing but your jumpsuit.

4) Each guard's alert level is determined by his PER, something like 15-PER. So a guard with PER 8 will be alerted when you generate more noise points than 7. Thus the goal for the player is to have the right gear (not just the armor but the tools of the trade like jammers and electronic lockpicks) to reduce noise (if it takes you 5 min to open a lock, odds are you'll make more noise than someone who can open it in 30 sec). Overall, longer infiltration missions are much harder to pull off than shorter/simpler ones, which makes sense (without relying on higher checks, I mean).

5) In more open areas you can move freely during your turn. As long as the guards won't see you or won't become alert, you'll be able to get in and out without any problems. Getting caught doesn't always mean combat and painful, vividly described death. The exact outcome will differ based on each situation. Maybe your designated thief (can be you or any member of your crew) can talk his/her way out. Maybe the guards rob the thief and throw him/her out. Maybe they kill him or maybe they yell "we have your guy, come out!" and then you either come out and talk or leave him to his fate (to be killed).
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
It's good to see a new sci fi rpg in development and I enjoyed AoD. Definitely going to be keeping an eye on this one.
Apr 13, 2012
How long until Amazon send them a lawyer's letter for that game title? They have a game coming called "New World".
Oct 13, 2007
I like the sound of that stealth system. I've always liked to play sneaky when the option has been available.
Dec 20, 2010
I really enjoyed Age of Decadence and played through it multiple times. The stealth system sounds interesting and I'm going to be looking forward to this one as well. I'm glad they are trying a new setting to keep things fresh.
Nov 10, 2006
I wonder what they mean by 'tile'? Is it going to be grid-based movement as in Underrail?
Mar 22, 2012
People call their product the way they call it.
Especially when the way they justify it is marketingly driven.

The ship is supposed to be a new world. Yet there has been so many generations that people have turned to believe Earth is a myth.

In this context, people of course do not consider their ship as their home but as a new world (new world that is new relatively to their mythical home)
And of course, they prefer to consider their point of origin as a myth rather than their point of destination.
When travelling to the unknown, people for sure forget where they come from and are sure where they are travelling to.
Mar 29, 2011
Hopefully this game is different enough from AoD so it is fun to play.
Oct 3, 2014
I wonder what they mean by 'tile'? Is it going to be grid-based movement as in Underrail?

Doesn't AoD have grid based movement too? It's been a while since I played it.
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Dec 20, 2010
Name is cringy, but I don't care. I'm suspecting gameplay will be good.
Mar 9, 2015
Did they say how many years it'd be till this saw the light of day? AoD took a decade.
Oct 18, 2006
Did they say how many years it'd be till this saw the light of day? AoD took a decade.
AoD took a decade because we worked part-time for the first 8 years and had neither the tools nor experience. The situation is different now but it would still take several years. Here is our schedule posted in one of the updates back in 2016:

2016 – pre-production. The goal is to have all systems, quests, and locations designed and ready, so that we have a clear blueprint to follow.

2017 – laying the foundation. Once the dungeon crawler (i.e. Dungeon Rats) is released, we’ll focus on the CSG. The goal is to get to the content-building stage fast but that’s a long journey, requiring the following 3 steps:

- Engine familiarity and systems/tools porting IF using Unreal 4; at least 6 months
- All systems (character, crafting, inventory, dialogue, stealth, combat); probably a year
- Models and animations. AoD has over 500 unique animations, so it’s not as simple as it sounds, but we should be able to do it in a year.

So IF everything goes well, we’ll have everything we need by mid 2018 and start working on the content. That gives me 2.5 years to develop the setting, factions, quests, characters and party members, which is plenty of time. I’m already working on the main quest and it’s shaping up well (good range of choices plus a really great fork in the middle where you can disregard what you’ve been working on until now – or continue if you still think it’s the best option – and change the goal and the endgame scenario and endings). More on that in the future updates.

Our goal will be to deliver a 4-location demo by the end of 2018 and start gathering feedback and tweaking systems, which is a crucial step. I assume it would take us about 6 months to make changes based on the feedback, at which point we’ll be ready to move forward once again.

The next step is to get to the Early Access stage, which will require 50% of the content (it’s not an actual requirement but we don’t want to offer less). I’d say it would take us a year to get there, but if we can do it faster, it’s a bonus.

So, Early Access by the end of 2019, release by the end of 2020. So far it looks reasonable but it always does when the finish line is 5 years from now. Either way, we’ll keep you posted of our progress and since you now know what to expect and when, you’ll be able to tell the moment we get off schedule.
Oct 18, 2006
Okay, so 3+ years away. Not something I have to think about for a long time. Thanks! I'm a buy on release or when there's a sale type of purchaser.
Oct 18, 2006
After AoD and DR, there's not much doubt in my mind that this game will be the best RPG in whatever year it does come out in... The improve-through-usage skill system bothers me a bit though, never really seen one I liked.
Sep 26, 2007
So not interested anymore.

I still can't get it, that I believed in Vault Dwellers propaganda for so long. Must be a long term effect of being at the Codex for too long.
Feb 20, 2009
So not interested anymore.

I still can't get it, that I believed in Vault Dwellers propaganda for so long. Must be a long term effect of being at the Codex for too long.

Were you burned in some way? I'm likely missing something because I don't see where this hostility is coming from.
Aug 13, 2013
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