Hellgate London?


October 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Anyone taken a swing on the re-release of Hellgate London? I never did get the game back in the day for some reason but I very much enjoyed the demo they put out. I actually found out about the release from a couple Steam friends putting it on their wish list, so thanks to those folks. Just curious if it's still an interesting game.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I was going to try it, but an overwhelming amount of negative feedback on the Steam forum convinced me otherwise.

Supposedly, the English localization is terrible and there's very little challenge even on the hardest difficulty. It's also extremely dated as nothing was done to modernize it for this release.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Tried it for a bit, because I liked it back in the day. Can not recommend it anymore. The poor english translation and just in general poor quality of the parts that were added by HanBitSoft really kill this game. If you remember the Flagship-produced Hellgate London: this is not it. (and if you do not know it at all, well, you won't even have nostalgia to improve the experience…)

If you want a decent looter shooter go for something else. There's enough of that. Or go for some decent diablo clone.
May 18, 2012
dteowner? Doth mine eyes deceive me?

But, no, I have no idea about HGL. :D
Pop in on rare occasions for our RPGWatch DDO group. Started this topic while I was in the neighborhood.

To the rest of y'all, appreciate the input. Not generally a "looter shooter" (I like that term) player anyway, so this would have been a nostalgia buy. Looks like I'll keep my wallet in my pocket this time around.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
DTE good to hear you are still breathing!

I bought it, I guess i am kind of a Hellgate hardcore. I have every other version plus a bunch of time spent on modded single and multiplayer, so why not.

I am enjoying it but although it may be the Global version, they are holding back on the Tokoyo content for awhile. Must not be completely baked yet. It could also use a swap feature for transfering your equipment between characters also but as soon as someone else realizes a modder made a program to do that already then someone will probably ressurect it to work with Global. Its even a bigger loot fest then I remember, with huge bosses popping up every level.

There are a lot of hard core fans still like the game and petions are already up for loot transfers and larger stashes and of course a plea for turning the servers back on. A few bugs, I am having no problems playing it but a few people are trouble getting it running. I still much prefer it to borderlands. IT was 9 bucks so I am good.

If you liked it before there is more to like and if you want to play multplayer then just go over to project 2038. If you didn't like it then stay away.
Oct 18, 2006
Stay away from the Steam release.

If you want a proper taste of this game, I highly recommend checking out London 2038 instead.



It's based on the latest version of the game - just before the developers went under and it was abandoned.

The Steam version is the cheap asian rip-off stripped of multiplayer.

Just play London 2038 in multiplayer and solo it - if you're not into coop. It will be a vastly superior experience.

But remember that the game is what it is. It's essentially Diablo with a different perspective and a more visceral take on combat.

It's also 11 years old.
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