Wizardry 7: Crusader of the Dark Savant

Biggest problem with Gold was text scrolling too fast. Eventually they found a fix for this which works great. Diplomacy doesn't work. It just no longer matters to the gameplay (you can't coax characters into doing things, you have to wait until they are ready to deal with you).

Also don`t like the portraits in Gold version. Agree about narrator. He is great.
Jun 13, 2007
Forgotten Realms
More info on the diplomacy bug. Well, it's not really a bug since it's flat out broke: http://vnboards.ign.com/official_wizardry_8_board/b5140/55250627/p1/

Thanks GG, I don't quite understand what you mean by replacing 2 wav files with another one?

Oh and a couple more pluses for the Gold. It's automap and it has a hintbook if you need it and I did :)
Feb 3, 2007
I think Ill just choose the original version like most fans advice. So many things wrong in the gold. Some even talk of corrupt savegames and items. The graphics are just upscaled old ones. Propably get better scaling in dosbox. And I like the old characters portraits more. Narrator was okay but not that great. I can read text just fine. Dont need the ingame hintbook or onscreen map.

and minuses - clunky interface, sluggish movement, bad voice acting (except narrator).

For me CotDS is a way to go. It works like a charm under dosbox.
Tried gold few years ago I remember somthing about interface. It was awful.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Thanks GG, I don't quite understand what you mean by replacing 2 wav files with another one?

The wave file which is played in beginning of the combat has a name... and is in a directory.... can't remember what now... since it is too long ago, but after you find it replace it by a empty wav file..... this will prevent the sound from playing before the combat and slowing everything down.
Oct 25, 2006
I wonder if Android has a Dos Emulator? I'll load up some old school RPG's! Currently I only have some Sega/Genesis/NES/SNES emulators and a few of the RPG's I've finished from my younger years to replay. Not finishing Wiz 7 bugs me.
Jul 24, 2007
I'm not sure about Android, but for iPhone it is a big deal. Apple used to not allow stuff like this and even version 1.0 of iDOS was pulled because you could easily add new games to it through official means. Now, you can only to do with third-party apps and it is possible that the iOS team was sleeping when they allowed this in the store (read: could be removed at any time).

But Android gets all the cool emulator thingies... stupid Apple. I'm not jailbreaking my device again for a while. :(
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I realize this is an ancient thread hopefully someone has played this recently. I'm trying to open a chest in the Steam version. The disarm "blinker" is going crazy so its impossible to time the disarm to a green light. Anyone experience this?
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Finally opened the chest. Yikes what a process. That blinking light is a big problem. I hope raising the Skulduggery skill makes it less of an issue?
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
So many sleepless nights later I’ve decided this game is both amazing and torturous. Feels a bit like Baldurs Gate 2 where it’s a culmination of “best of” previous work while being a punishing gauntlet to test loyal player abilities. Some of this combat is just insane. I’m constantly wondering if I should be in an area but there is nowhere else to go that isn’t worse. Aside from that the complete lack of handholding is both good and bad. I’ve learned that the best approach is take notes and walk away trusting that solutions to problems will materialize a dozen hours later halfway across the planet. Finally, I have an Open Office spreadsheet with various tabs for areas for annotized mapping from screenshots and expansive notes. I don’t see how I could survive otherwise. The game has a huge draw despite frustrations with combat and unresolved areas. Many sleepless nights. Can’t not play!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
I share and understand your pain. Played it few months ago and thank god my hard disk failed and lost my save - the unpredictability and slow start killed it for me.

I had a balanced gang and two healers and random mobs were also random in their difficulty. You can try saving and going back to the same fight and you will see sometimes huge differences in the same mob levels.

The map tool you find earlier in the forest is a pain to use. Chests are almost impossible to unlock earlier on without triggering and killing or damaging most of your party (I had a thief and he was still useless).

Your party of hardened mothers will drown in an inch of water if they don't have swimming at 10 or more!

I don't think that it is possible to make any progress with this game without a guide (GoG version comes with that - how am I supposed to know that I need the name of a dead dude in a dungeon is needed to enter the first city!), and that just tells you about the difficulty of this beast.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Its on one hand a great game, but it is also a great game I've started 3 times and never finished. After about 70 hours I've always been just frustrated with the endless hordes of enemies that can wipe out your party by winning initiative, and this when trying to complete increasingly difficult puzzle dungeons. I finished Grimoire, Wizardry 6 & 8, and both Elminages, but Wizardry 7 is just too much for me. I prefer 6 & 8 which I've finished twice and three times respectively.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
I started with 7. To not die I find myself prepping for big battles (usually a door) with big level buffs - Enchanted Sword (does all weapons), Bless, Armor plate and level 6 haste to handle initiative. Failure to get Silence off early can turn catastrophic. I’m a mixture of level 10 with 3 multi class characters at this point. You know “when” a character needs to multiclass when they stop contributing meaningfully to combat when you start the damage dealing phase which was the case of my Bard turned thief who would toggle lute and shadows only to sneak attack for minimal damage. Now he is a Psionic who will end up a Ranger or a fighter. Current: Monk, Psionic (started Bard turned thief), samurai (started fighter), Valkyrie (started Priest), Mage & Alchemist.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Did you start with VI or jump right into VII?

Is there is any benefit to this? I've looked at, and even started V and VI but they are too ugly for me. They hold no nostalgia to compel me either like I-IV.

The big draw would be to make the faerie ninja. Is this easier to do in VI and then transfer it over?

I am told you can make it naturally in VII but it looks like the necessary stats are next to impossible to roll. Can you gain the stats later and switch classes?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I wonder if Cleave could transfer this to the Grimoire engine ;). It might make it easier to play.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
It wold help. Game needs a self recording journal & annotated automap certainly. The Cosmic Forge automap is essential but I still need to create map composites with screenshots of the automapper and use drawing tools etc for annotating. Given the pace of the game and it’s dificulty it doesn’t really slow me down to do that. I’m also more likely to remember things if I record them myself vs. an auto journal. In Grimoire I find myself looking at the journal after several automated entries and that means you’d be much less likely to remember things. I’m taking notes in Wizardry 7 good enough for a future replay
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Man, if Cleve did that, I'd easily pay fifty bucks for the privilege of playing it in an updated engine. Probably a lot more than fifty, because I'd be gifting a bunch of copies to buddies along the way. Great game still, but not terribly easy on the eyes these days.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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