The TV Series discussion thread

I've also been re-watching the Leftovers, a sobering show, and perhaps even more-so in these current times. Watching several episodes back to back might actually depress a viewer, because these are some seriously damaged folks.

And zoinks, Scooby Doo is always a fun watch!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Anyone watching Resident Alien? Like The Watch it's a weird, but fascinating show. Give it a try.

I've been watching it.. I actually binged through five episodes in last weekend. It is a great mix of science fiction, drama and comedy. The series really surprised me in a good way! :)
Oct 19, 2006
I thought Carnival Row was pretty good. I almost forgot about it since it's a been a couple of years now. The second season was delayed because of the pandemic but is due out sometime this year.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I've almost checked out Carnival Row more than once, I'll have to make it so one of these days. I've been re-watching the last series of Mayans MC in anticipation of the new series coming soon, and really wondering what a non-Sutter MC show will look like.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I've almost checked out Carnival Row more than once, I'll have to make it so one of these days. I've been re-watching the last series of Mayans MC in anticipation of the new series coming soon, and really wondering what a non-Sutter MC show will look like.

Oh wow, I had no idea until this moment that there's a Sons of Anarchy spin-off. I watched all of SoA until the last season and just read some recaps of that. I got tired of some of the elements of the show. Kind of curious about Mayans now, though.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Mayans is a different beast from SoA....and yet, pretty damn good. I've spent some time in Southern Cal, New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico for that matter, and rode with some folks some decades ago, so this culture has always intrigued me. Come to see the youth sparring, stay for Olmos chewing through some serious dialogue! I'd say it's a slower burn show than Anarchy, but equally good in its' own right.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I've stumbled on the trailer of the Foundation series, that I had completely missed before. It's due Fall 2021, on Apple TV+ (and yet another subscription service...). Now, who knows how the geographic restrictions will apply to this one, but I'd be curious to see how they adapted Asimov's books :)

It's apparently not the first attempt, I see it had been mentioned before in this thread (HBO).
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Such a great book series, Foundation is, and yet these days I'm leery of film studios picking to convert tales from text to screen. After such failings as the Avenger films (shiny and bright I'll grant you, but pale to the comic tales they derived from), Ice and Fire, and quite few others. Jackson's Ring series is probably the only one that I think came close to being equal. Asimov's series is among the best ever penned, and I hope it is done well.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
From that trailer seems that this won't be Asimov's Foundation, but a bunch of eyecandy cretinisms instead that want to sell by stealing the title.
And of course, disrespecting the deceased author with politically correct bs:
Three major male characters in the original novels are portrayed by females. Salvor Hardin, Gaal Dornick and Eto Demerzel (although Demerzel doesn't appear at all in the original trilogy).

I am gonna skip this travesty.
Apr 12, 2009
Hmm, it's probably best to wait for some review then.

I'm still curious, and it makes me want to read the series again (which would be silly, with that pile of unread books waiting there).

As @Carnifex; said, it's pretty rare to have a TV series made from books and which is accurate to the original work. I can understand that an adaptation is required because not everything can be effectively conveyed with a different medium, but sometimes I'm wondering whether they read the same books. As a simple example, they mixed up two characters in the first minutes of Game of Thrones, they're unimportant so it's not a serious mistake, but I couldn't find any good reason except a confusion on the script.

As long as it's close enough, I suppose it's fine, maybe it's just another perspective on the same story?
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Why exactly is it rare? Because of certain producers who are not artists treating the audience as if everyone is an idiot - medically speaking.
If Fingersmith could closely stick to the book 15 years ago with it's topic and when political correctness was not a trend, then what are we talking about?

Note that I like the korean adaptation more, but because of changes their movie title is not the book's title Fingersmith.

Of course this is the rotten apple and they will not rename the show that massacres the book. No sir. They'll swindle the unsuspecting viewer into believing this is a faithful adaptation instead of admitting "inspired by, sjwed though".

Asimov will be turning in his grave, but why would anyone in Apple care about some dead author they've never heard of.
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Apr 12, 2009
I've really tried to like the new show, Clarice. Even knowing it's done by the same brain-challenged folks that are doing the current non-Trek, I gave it a solid chance. I adore Harris's books and the characters, some of the stories are a bit...odd, but that can happen with any series.

The casting is good. The lady portraying Starling is fine, no Foster obviously but adequate. The bloke playing Krendler is excellent, I've enjoyed his talents since Southland, although in many ways he's mis-used here. The stories are just pathetically weak, and last nights episode was enough for me. Four and done! No fault on the actors, they can only work on the materials given them, which is pretty slim here. I'm not sure which parts are more laughable, when this show tries to ape Hannibal (and fails miserably), or the constant, worn-out tropes done by older and far superior shows.

I'm not a fan.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I'm doing well with documentaries at the moment. Started watching the Netflix documentary series Night Stalker, about the serial killer investigation. Dark stuff, but a very good documentary.
Nov 8, 2014
I'm thinking of giving Sharp Objects a try. Without spoilering too much, can anyone tell me if the show really ends on Season 1? I mean, no loose ends are left etc (since Ive read there won't be a second season).
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Nov 15, 2013
I'm thinking of giving Sharp Objects a try. Without spoilering too much, can anyone tell me if the show really ends on Season 1? I mean, no loose ends are left etc (since Ive read there won't be a second season).

Yeah, it’s just one season. It was pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking, but very decent. The atmosphere in particular I very much liked.
Jul 31, 2007
Not sure where I wrote so if I am repeating myself forgive me.
After several shills (who adore TWD thus I should have expected it) I did watch it.

Sharp Objects is a drag-o-rama that could and should have been half episodes shorter. It covers a certain disorder we saw in other movies and series before.
If you can't stand useless filler or banalities, I suggest watching on the same topic with a different approach though, underestimated Fragile instead.
Apr 12, 2009
I watched Sharp Objects when it originally aired. There are a few annoying characters you'll have to contend with, but the overall story is decent.

Wanda/Vision show didn't end well. It's like Disney makes all the right moves, sets up things nicely, and then drops every ball possible. It does get old when basic story-telling seems so difficult for some.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I did get around to watching the new Superman show...
So I'll be watching at least a few more episodes to see where this all is going. The Smallville references hooked me hard ( a Pete name-drop, the board in the kitchen on the Kent farm, and so help me god if the wall of weird shows up I will watch EVERY DAMN EPISODE!), Lana being a factor, and many more subtle elements in this pilot. The potential is there, the whole CW thing is a concern, but for now I'm going with it. Oh, and this looked a lot less….cheesy, for lack of a better word, than some of the other CW offerings. I have to also say I don't watch Batwaman or Black Lightening, so I'm not familiar with all of the Arrow-verse shows.
Smallville and Arrowverse are most definitely linked. A few seasons ago, there was a Supergirl episode all about it. The new Superman is a spin-off from Supergirl, so there you have it. I haven't watched Batwoman yet, but Black Lightning is good. Also if you haven't already, I highly recommend Swamp Thing and Stargirl which both seem to have a much higher budget than the CW shows.
Jul 7, 2010
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