Kingmaker Pathfinder: Kingmaker Question/Tips & Tricks Thread

Pathfinder: Kingmaker
You didn't ask question about gnomes?? Jubilost went there to specifically find answer to that question??

I asked about gnomes and bleaching, which he answers by another riddle. I won't spoil anymore here, you'd rather find it out yourself.

My second question was who is my true love. Again, you don't get straight answer - they will mention your current active romance option (in my case, Tristian), but they say there's another (a secret romance option, only unlockable in the later chapter).

My third question was why they have this debate, which you also asked :p

Oh cool. :) Yeah I asked the question you're talking about, but I meant for the second question you get. Interesting stuff. I wonder what your second question's answer means...
Sep 5, 2018
Can't spoil it for you here ;) You will eventually find out (or at least have an inkling soon).
Here's another performance tip: If the game gets a bit laggy due to possible memory leak (as I said before you could restart your PC), you could also improve performance by deleting all the old autosaves and quicksaves. I can run the game now for long sessions without it getting laggy once I did that. Just keep your main save file and a quicksave to be safe, delete the rest and start making new ones. Game hasn't got sluggish at all since I did that.
Sep 5, 2018
Some kind soul posted most of food recipes, DC, and bonus info. I think the list is missing a few dishes still, I remember there was one that involves spider which is Nok-Nok's favourite.

Adding three recipes missing from the list above:

Baked Spider Legs: DC 23, +3 fort save bonus for a day, ingredients are flour, vegetable and giant spider legs, Nok-Nok's favourite, +5 bonus to Stealth checks

Broiled Tuskwater Oysters: DC 24, +1 bonus to all spell DCs, ingredients are butter, soft cheese and tuskwater oysters, unsure who's favourite meal this is.

Whiterose Oysters: DC 33, +4 bonus for all concentration checks and caster level checks for a day + spell DC +2 for a day (crazy stuff!), ingridients are rice, soft cheese, tuskwater oysters, and "white rose" chardonnay (which I was missing, so never been able to cook it)
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Some kind soul posted most of food recipes, DC, and bonus info. I think the list is missing a few dishes still, I remember there was one that involves spider which is Nok-Nok's favourite.

Adding three recipes missing from the list above:

Baked Spider Legs: DC 23, +3 fort save bonus for a day, ingredients are flour, vegetable and giant spider legs, Nok-Nok's favourite, +5 bonus to Stealth checks

Broiled Tuskwater Oysters: DC 24, +1 bonus to all spell DCs, ingredients are butter, soft cheese and tuskwater oysters, unsure who's favourite meal this is.

Whiterose Oysters: DC 33, +4 bonus for all concentration checks and caster level checks for a day + spell DC +2 for a day (crazy stuff!), ingridients are rice, soft cheese, tuskwater oysters, and "white rose" chardonnay (which I was missing, so never been able to cook it)

Wow, epic stuff. But I wish the game had who's favorite dish it is in the game so you could easily see it. Didn't even know these dishes did half those things, like Galt Ragout decreasing Valerie's penalty for fighting defensively, etc..
Sep 5, 2018
Regarding the tomb you recently discussed: As I pointed out previously, this is the one event I know I missed the timer on. I did not get the "blood brother" option, so there is a difference. It was probably just a bug for you, @purpleblob;. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, sounds about right. Well, I got lucky with the bug :D

My hubby just got to debate part and asked about best pet name.

The answer was reference to Boo XD that space hamster is so famous lol
Yeah, sounds about right. Well, I got lucky with the bug :D

My hubby just got to debate part and asked about best pet name.

The answer was reference to Boo XD that space hamster is so famous lol

That's awesome, lol.

I just
was crowned king. Was a bit touched by that scene, when Ekun pledged fealty and they're all cheering, Valerie says "long live the king!", really cool stuff. So I'm king now. :) Feels good man, haha.

Just want to slow down a bit on the game until the 6th so I can still get the new companion. Can I ask how long it generally takes (non-spoilerific please) for Chapter 6 to start? I've also finished Chapter 5, right?
Sep 5, 2018
Chapter 5 doesn't start till you get an invitation from King Ivoretti to compete in Rushlight tournament. So, no, I think you aren't in chapter 5 yet. You will get some annoying thing to deal with via Kingdom system soon to keep you busy.
Thanks blobby. :) I'm going to play slooowwwly so I don't outpace and accidentally finish Ch. 5 before the 6th. :D
Sep 5, 2018

I'm not sure if the next big quest is on timer (as in, it begins x days/weeks/months after your coronation) - the quest that starts via Kingdom management I mentioned earlier. So try to do all the exploration and upgrading kingdom now before Hell Knights arrive in your capital. Once Hell Knights arrive, you will be busy attending to those quests again, and before you know it, the invitation from King Ivoretti will arrive

Also please let me know if I'm spoiling a bit too much for you :p

And yes, the coronation was so nice. I think I even teared up a little, heh.
I almost teared up too, sheesh lol. Funny how games can do that sometimes. And nah, you're good, thanks for the info. I'll muck about with some kingdom stuff (got tons of new region upgrades, capital looks like a REAL CITY (!!) and lots of new stuff to play with. Might try to finish some maps I haven't cleared yet too, especially in Glenebon.
Sep 5, 2018
Funny thing @purpleblob;,
the Hellknights just showed up. :) Said they were looking for a criminal and I let them conduct their investigation. Time to go to Candlemere and I guess if I have time and see what happens next...
Sep 5, 2018
Not sure if this is a helpful tip to anyone, but for weapon proficiency I selected them by this method.

First, with Amiri, when I found the Flaming Glaive +2 with a 6 ft. reach I knew it would be a weapon I'd use for a long time (and have, Ch. 5 now and have had it since Ch. 2 :) ), so I took proficiency in it knowing A) it was great now and still will be good later, and B) I'll probably find another good one down the line.

But with my main character Asirius, I waited until level 13 to pick a proficiency, finally settling on Dueling Sword because I found a quality +3 one and expect to find another one later.

Valerie I picked in the middle because of the Mallet of Woe (+3 Heavy Mace). I figured it was +3 and had a good chance to also be using it long term (which is true, still using it in Ch. 5).

Jaethal I picked late because I wasn't sure, but because I found a Keen Elven Curve Blade and she already had proficiency with Elven weapons being Elven herself, I went with that. It's also worked well as I just picked up an awesome new one in Ch. 5. :)

So Amiri's was picked early, Valerie pretty early too and Asirius and Jaethal picked late, but it's worked well for me so far. If you find a really exquisite weapon and it feels right to use for that character, I'd use that as a good time to get a proficiency in it. Chances are between Proficiency/Focus/Specialization/Critical Focus/Improved Critical/finding a better version of that weapon class later, it's a good bet IMO.
Sep 5, 2018
I'm under an order from my hubby to take break from Kingmaker lol. And I'm procrastinating while I should be working on a review. I will focus on it when I'm back from my holiday though :D
I'm under an order from my hubby to take break from Kingmaker lol. And I'm procrastinating while I should be working on a review. I will focus on it when I'm back from my holiday though :D

I have to stop too, lol. Just waiting on Dec. 6 to come. So far away. :(
Sep 5, 2018
Anyone have any idea how the Varnhold DLC will work? Is Chapter 5 going to be too late to do it? I'm confused. And will it feature your own party or a party of Maegar Varn and his companions? I hope Chapter 5 isn't too late and you can still play through it for extra background story. Looks like I'll be starting a new run of the game come April it seems, to get all the DLC in the game at once.
Sep 5, 2018
No idea how it will work at this point. I'd say just start a new run for Varnhold but keep your current run for the tiefling companion :)
No idea how it will work at this point. I'd say just start a new run for Varnhold but keep your current run for the tiefling companion :)

That's probably what I'll do then. Come April when all 3 DLC are out I'll start a new playthrough as a Tiefling maybe, but a new playthrough for sure. Maybe even try an evil run though I'm always a goody goody in RPGs and evil playthroughs are hard for me. :D
Sep 5, 2018
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