No Truce With The Furies - Design Ethos


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Robert Kurvitz has listed some principles of his roleplaying system for No Truce With The Furies:


I’ve spent most of my adult life tinkering on this system. (Most sounded better than all.) It used to be huge and unwieldy, meant to span several books. Originally we wanted to build a set of tabletop rulebooks inseparable from it’s setting. An end-all, include-all sourcebook / setting for tabletop role playing. Over the years we’ve cut it down to fit on a napkin.

For "No Truce With The Furies" we adapted those same pen and paper rules for an isometric RPG. I firmly believe it was the right choice.


1) Only one

We make one system, one world – and that’s it. Everything goes into this one structure. All our ability for systematic thinking, all our knowledge of history. We iterate upon these rules until they are just right, the best numerical foundation for experiencing our world. And we make the world as complete and total as we can. And then we’re done. Wrap it up and send it into the future, New Testament style. We will never make a steampunk cyberpunk spyworld, Owls versus Foxes, Yarn Boy rule system.

2) Tyranny of cool

If a skill has a great name, if a talent is poetic, if a mechanic is haute tension – it’s in. We’ll make it work. Beautiful stuff does not get taken out because “someone somewhere” didn’t understand what it does. If it’s clunky or extraneous we iterate and redesign until it works. We will always have talent names longer than “Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky” and “The Intense Humming of Evil” combined.

3) Unsymmetrical is symmetrical

It’s good to have almost useless things and seemingly overpowered things. A good composition is not all equal parts. A good composition is equal experiences. There is great symmetrical tension and effect in a seemingly useless abilities that you try to use for the sake of cool. Pull off Spook, Shocking Grasp and Spell Thrust in Baldur’s Gate and you’re a wizard. All builds should not be viable, but all builds should be interesting. Some skills only pop up one or two times — they will be all the more special for it. While other’s buzz around as often as possible. (Empathy always tells you what people are feeling but when Shivers comes in, it’s a special moment.)

4) Fit on a napkin or fit in the trash bin

After a while, we want you to be able to draw the entire system on a napkin from your head. That’s how elegant and self contained we want it to be. There are four stats and everything folds back into their value. We only use six sided dice. We prefer the Babylonian system of sixes to the Roman system of tens. (Six is a more comprehensible number, ten is too vague and philosophical and includes a zero). If we have a number in the rules – 4, 3 or 6 – we will reuse it as often as possible. All numbers fold back into themselves, everything is it’s own cap, never multiply, never produce long formulas.

5) Small numbers

Congratulations, you just got +1 of something. It’s a big deal. Six is the maximum. You don’t get 28 experience, you get ONE POINT to put into a skill. That one point gives you the aforementioned +1 bonus. You don’t suffer 76 damage, you lose TWO LIVES. The smaller a number, the less you have of it, the more dramatic it will feel. We large mammals have two to three offspring. We have one home. We have two eyes. Our numerical values are large and chunky, losing one is tragic and gaining one is a triumph. Our system reflects that.

6) Innovate like a fool

Innovate for innovation’s sake. This isn’t a medical procedure, it’s a rule system for a game. If we see a way to ditch experience then let’s do it. Sure, we could divide a point into 100 experience and it would let us balance the game better, but let’s not. Let’s not do levels either, carrying around points has been done less. And how about GAME OVER if you run out of money? Let’s do a clock too. A real time of day system will let us build great systems around it, imagine the great names we can give to talents for evening people! Above all – introduce hugely ambitious superstructures. A great failure is ten times better than a small success.

+1 Tabletop is god

We believe in great D&D. Not in high fantasy or cyberpunk but in the potential of the underlying tabletop experience. If the Game Master has a great story and the players are competent writers too… tabletop wipes the floor with any other medium. (Literature and video games included.) The Zola, Gombrowicz and Bulgakov of our time are already playing D&D, possibly around one table. The trouble is – the experience cannot be recorded and relayed to others. Tabletop is written on water.

Therefore we believe in video game adaptations of the tabletop experience. Games have had great success adapting tactical combat oriented D&D into video games. (Baldur’s Gate 2, etc). We want to do the same for heavy duty story oriented D&D.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Love #5. I love a +1 that matters. I hate 4378905189460 damage coming from a normal attack with a rusty dagger that doesn't produce a discernable difference in a life bar.
Feb 3, 2011
Have the rules been tested with PnP campaigns? If not, then it's just design theory and may lead to a completely crappy rules system.
Mar 22, 2012
"All builds should not be viable, but all builds should be interesting."

This is the best.
Not like what was done in PoE, DnD 4 or latest DragonAge where you can do whatever build you want, but in the end it is all samey and boring.

I much prefer a system where figuring it out can lead to far more interesting options.
Dec 13, 2010
I have no idea if this will be a good game, but it has a good title. Strangely, that counts for more than it should with me.
Sep 16, 2010
I have no idea if this will be a good game, but it has a good title. Strangely, that counts for more than it should with me.

Unfortunately, I misread it as "No Truce with the Furries", and now that image is stuck in my head.
Nov 8, 2014
Unfortunately, I misread it as "No Truce with the Furries", and now that image is stuck in my head.
Yep, same way that Tyranny = Tranny everytime I see the title.
Sep 26, 2007
Number 6 concerns me a bit…innovation without purpose is folly. Wish them the best of luck, however.

I get the sense that he was being a bit "tongue in cheek" with that particular point. It's probably more along the lines of "don't be afraid to try new things" than "let's put in lots of random, weird shit for the sake of being different". They seem to have a clear vision for the kind of game they're making. But you can't improve upon the genre if you treat all of the tropes and conventions as sacred laws that cannot be broken.
Apr 9, 2013
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