ELEX - Graphics 2016 vs Graphics 2017

This is just graphics ? Why would anyone preorder a game just for graphics ? I mean heck you could buy the new mordor game and have nice graphics along with lots of loot boxes and micro-transaction ....
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
That was 2 or 3 generations ago, in gaming time. Get over it. PB hasn't shipped a buggy game for more than a decade.

Risen 2 disappearing chests and not being able to harvest multiple ingredients are also bugs, but not gamebreaking so I didn't mention them.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Gothic 3 was a bugfest, the worst of which were giant bugs (ironic) being able to attack through walls, and successfully kill named NPCs in many different mines. The horizon always looked messed up, some graphical glitch. The ending I chose was bugged as well, among other things. That was their weakest release and I still loved it. But the other games? Not so much. The Risen series in particular seemed solid. Already preordered Elex.
Feb 6, 2008
This particular universe
Yes, everyone and their grandmother knows that Gothic 3 was buggy. But honestly, that game shouldn't even count. It was not "buggy" in the normal sense of the word, it was released in an UNFINISHED STATE. The game was barely functional, so you can't compare that to something like Skyrim's release or some modern game that at least was a FINISHED product at the time.

So other than a game that released in an unfinished state, the rest of their games did not have a lot of bugs, especially the 3 they've made in the last 10 years. You can even say that Risen 2 & 3 have less bugs than almost any other open-world or larger scaled RPG to release recently. Much less in some cases.
What ever, I played the day one release of Gothic 3 and got in about 30 hours before I decided to give the game a rest to catch up to that tech that it needed. But I will say this, IMO, A broken, bug fested, non quest completing, graphic glitchy Gothic (PB) has more potential and interest than 99% of the games out there. I did go back to Gothic 3, at least three times to see if it was fully playable and I eventually completed the game twice.

As far as Elex, it might be buggy out the box (I doubt it), but I'm pretty sure the glitches will be fixed and it will turn out to be a fine PB game.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Right, but Gothic 3 was broken because the publisher forced a release of an unfinished game. That's my point. It was a rare, unique scenario and is not indicative of a developer that can't code or produces buggy games.
Risen 2 disappearing chests and not being able to harvest multiple ingredients are also bugs, but not gamebreaking so I didn't mention them.

Annoying but normal bugs. Industry standard has been for a long time "every big RPG needs at least 1 patch". Risen 2 and 3 were pretty clean releases, and Risen 1 was also quite okay.

Right, but Gothic 3 was broken because the publisher forced a release of an unfinished game. That's my point. It was a rare, unique scenario and is not indicative of a developer that can't code or produces buggy games.
Let's not open the Gothic 3 can of worms again. Noone here can know who pissed off whom in that marriage. JWD financed them for another year and then forced the game out the door.

Gothic 1 was very buggy upon release. It was a very expensive game and their mother company forced PB to ship. It took a couple of months until it was playable. This also cleaned stuff up for G2.
G2 also needed serious patching, but not to the extent of Gotthic and G3. It was tolerable after a patch or two. Official word is that it took only 10 months to develop. I think 15-18 months fits the release timeline better, but maybe the canned Gothic product(s), the Phenomedia collapse and the following buyout cost them time.
Aug 30, 2006
The Gamestar review is now no longer exclusive for their premium members.

My reading between the lines summary:
According to this review Elex is the true successor to Gothic 2. It has the same strengths and the same weaknesses. Combat seems to be weaker, but the world better and MUCH bigger, with a similar attention to detail. No serious bugs, clunky interface, mediocre tech, great soundtrack, PB's biggest and most diverse world. The first few hours suck because of no hand-holding at all. Then it gets better and better.

Expect to see 60% ratings in the early international reviews. Happens to all PB games because the reviewer's budget only lasts for 1 or 2 day(s).
Aug 30, 2006
Expect to see 60% ratings in the early international reviews. Happens to all PB games because the reviewer's budget only lasts for 1 or 2 day(s).

Of course: no hand-holding, attention to detail, did not cross the threshold of 60GB of bloated crap, no microtransactions and no console exclusive!
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
May 6, 2013
I'll join @SpoonFULL;'s thoughts and add something more:
Combat seems to be weaker
If this was not stated, I would be worried a lot.
What's weak to journalists and mainstream in general, usually feels pitch perfect to me.

All I need more is Angry Joe's review to laugh MAO on his lack of skill. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Also from Poland, but video review:

If I understood that language I'd make eng. subtitles. Sadly, I don't.
So it's for those who want to some ingame visuals.
Apr 12, 2009
I have to admit I'm getting pretty pumped for this. I was certain D: OS2 was a shoe-in for the GOTY for me (I'm well aware that D: OS2 will flatten ELEX in the mainstream media), but maybe PB can pull something exceptional out of its hat?
Oct 18, 2006
duch Gothica przenika prawie każdy aspekt gry;
nieprzyjazny świat, w którym gracz musi stale mieć się na baczności;
bardzo satysfakcjonująca eksploracja, nagradzająca spryt i dociekliwość;
spora nieliniowość i dowolność w wykonywaniu zadań;
bohater z imieniem i przeszłością, która napędza fabułę;
nienaganna optymalizacja;
znakomita warstwa dźwiękowa.

Gothic spirit penetrates almost every aspect of the game.
Unfriendly world in which the player must constantly be on guard.
Very rewarding exploration, rewarding wit and inquisitiveness.
Considerable non-linearity and discretion in performing tasks.
Hero with a name and a past that propels the story.
Impeccable optimization.
Excellent sound.

toporna walka wręcz, drewniane strzelanie;
błędy w zadaniach, dialogach, umiejętnościach, SI etc.;
sztucznie rozciągnięta i niezbyt porywająca fabuła;
kiczowata próba połączenia nurtów fantasy, science fiction i postapo;
ortodoksyjnym fanom Gothica nie spodobają się uproszczenia (np. szybka podróż).

Hand-to-hand combat, wooden/stale shooting.
Quest errors, dialogue mistakes, skill issues, etc.
Thin and not thrilling story.
Poor attempt to combine fantasy, science fiction and post-apoc.
Orthodox Gothica fans will not like simplicity (eg fast journey).
Aug 13, 2013
Orthodox Gothica fans will not like simplicity (eg fast journey).
Not sure about this remark. What happened with teleport stones mechanics exactly?
Apr 12, 2009
The hype is getting to me and I am tempted to buy it but something tells me the price of this game will drop faster than <insert good Metaphor!>
Oct 8, 2009
Let's not open the Gothic 3 can of worms again. Noone here can know who pissed off whom in that marriage. JWD financed them for another year and then forced the game out the door.

That's not the point though. Whether it was PB's fault or the publisher's fault, the game was rushed and had to ultimately be released unfinished which resulted in a broken, buggy mess of a game. By all accounts PB's relationship with their new publisher for ELEX is a great one and the game is on schedule.

That said, I'm glad to see positive reviews, but I do expect some mediocre mainstream reviews. I also expect this will be my personal GOTY because I also know what to expect with PB's games and I'm a big fan of their style. I have a feeling this one is going to be really good.
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