Fable 4 - Peter Wants Rideable Dragons

If I start riding the dragon, will I need to go to rehab?

Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Anyone remember "The I of the Dragon"? http://store.steampowered.com/app/279720/The_I_of_the_Dragon/

It was an interesting concept. A bit boring at times, but interesting. It's not easy to get dragons right though, as they should be the alpha predator in whatever setting they're in, meaning having one or being one should trivialize the game.

In fact, I don't actually mind how overpowered they are in MM8, as you can simply choose not to use them. If you bring a few of them along, they will completely trivialize the game, which makes sense.

Didn't really like them in the Skyrim DLC, and I've no idea how Molyneux imagines it would turn out in Fable. Then again, Molyneux imagines a lot of stuff all the time, some of which turns out well, and some that.. well, doesn't.
Oct 18, 2006
First game I really remember with ridable dragons was that Dragonlance game from way back… Dragonstrike or something? Wasn't very good, really.

Anyway, Molyneux always had a great imagination and pretty much all Bullfrog/Lionhead games were based on his concepts.

Sadly, he absolutely sucked at delivering on those ideas - which he was too quick to turn into promises.

He's pretty much been on ignore with me for years - but I have no reason to think he's run out of neat ideas. It seems to be part of his DNA.

As for ridable dragons - I don't personally see that as a Fable thing - and it's certainly not a new concept. But that doesn't mean he couldn't have other things to offer as an idea man.

But this is all pretty academic, isn't it :) My original comment was meant as a joke.
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Anyone remember "The I of the Dragon"? http://store.steampowered.com/app/279720/The_I_of_the_Dragon/

It was an interesting concept. A bit boring at times, but interesting. It's not easy to get dragons right though, as they should be the alpha predator in whatever setting they're in, meaning having one or being one should trivialize the game.

I think having one or being on worked somewhat well in Drakan and Ego Draconis.
A concept that was used in both games was to force the player into no-dragon zones now and then. Which is probably a good idea to keep the novelty of the dragon alive? And for some variety of course.

Otherwise, there are some other dragon games on steam. They look quite bland.
May 18, 2012
What ideas of his lately are interesting? Having rideable dragons certainly isn't very original at this point.

I was mostly referring to the way he hyped Fable before it was released, with grand tales of a living world and fantastic immersion. His ideas nowadays? Nah.

He's about equal to Lord British. Dead to me. (Although he never had the high pedestal LB fell so hard from...)
Dec 20, 2010
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