Dear over priced

Mate, let me outline the Theory of Limited Capacity. :) During your life you will have the opportunity to drink only a certain number of beers. Therefore, it behooves you to make those beers the best beers you can afford. Everytime you drink some cheap, tasteless swill that's one less decent beer you have available to you. Think about it this way; if you KNEW that you only had 10 more beers left in your life would you drink the cheap stuff, or would you go for quality? Ponder this Grasshopper!!!! :)

Why do I only have ten beers left? Because I'm dying soon? I'd buy cheap beer and apply the savings towards a fatal, fast acting poison I will give my wife and children so they can proceed me into the afterlife and pave the way for my glorious ascent.

If I'm going to live a long time, or enough of time to say I will eat at an Indian restaurant at least ten times before dying, I'd save it for a beer that I think compliments the food well.

But, using the theory of limited capacity, we can apply that to the amount of money we will have to spend. Then the question becomes can I find a better use of my limited and finite amount of money than spending it on frivolous items? Of course I can. I could Bedazzle my ballsack, I could hire a little person to walk behind me playing a trumpet, I could hire people to remove my wife's voicebox. The possibilities of better things I could spend my money on than fancy smancy frivolous beer are endless.
Feb 16, 2009
There was one American beer I enjoyed immensely. Its name was Erlanger. It was around maybe 30 years ago (yes, I am an "older" gentleman). At that time, it was the only American beer rated in the top ten by some international tasting board. Naturally, like most good things, it was discontinued. I don't know the details of its history. You can look it up for yourself if you're interested. I'm just too damn lazy.
Jun 7, 2008
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