Jedi Fallen Order - a "new hope" after Order 66

There is a difference between Anthem reveal video about nonexisting game and an actual game review. Should be.
Apr 12, 2009
Brilliant point. Must be mailed to devs who release one hour/two hour gameplay videos before their product is released and players who watch them.

Will be used on this site when the opportunity appears.

After all it was you who wrote whole paragraph about difference in throwing the dice "on-live", contra having computer make the virtual throw behind.

If that banality makes such difference, playing vs watching should be completely different level of experience. And actually, it is.
Oct 6, 2018
Fallacies after fallacies. No shortage.

Watching a player throwing a die or watching a player generating a random number by pressing a button changes nothing to the experience.

It does not turn different when performed in the flesh.

The result of two centuries of institutionalized double standards plus the hubris of belonging to the master.

Stepping in wont change dice rolling nor pressing a button to generate a random number. Same for everyone, watching it or performing it does not change it.

And no, playing that product wont change it, it wont cause it to turn suddenly into a DS like product.
Mar 29, 2011
Rolling dice is different from anything computer related.

Rolling dice is personal, engaging and involves. Players use their own body to produce randomness, they cause their own good luck and bad luck.Their moves might be influenced by the importance of the roll. A capital roll, players shake their dice in their hands, blow on them, throw them with strength, nerves, whatever.

Indeed, when the roll is bad, it is perceived as a result of them throwing poorly.

It can not be done with cRPG stuff. Pressing a button is way less personal and involving than the motion of throwing dice.
The addition of animation makes it even less personal. The generation of the random number is somewhat embedded in the animation.
It appears as if players press a button to trigger and then during that animation, the generation of the number is made (even though it is not the case)

The connection between a player and the random number does not exist as it exists with rolled dice.

Dice rolling: players provoke their own luck. cRPGs, well…

Well, that sound like damn whole different thing to me.
But i might be just too simple minded.

The result of two centuries of institutionalized double standards plus the hubris of belonging to the master.

Exactly, tell me about that.
Oct 6, 2018
Well, that sound like damn whole different thing to me.
But i might be just too simple minded.
No. The opposite. A sign of a superior mind is adding. Superior minds add.

Simple minded people: throwing a die or watching someone throwing a die changes nothing to the point made in the comment. Therefore they conclude the same over dice rolling whether by rolling a die or watching someone throwing it.

A superior mind adds, as a sign of superiority, they see differences that simple minded people can not. Suddenly, watching a person throwing a die introduces differences to throwing a die on the made points. Therefore they conclude differently.

Exactly, tell me about that.

Better to live it than being told, already plenty of production going that direction in this thread. Implying that the points made about die rolling are changed when performed or watched is already based on double standard.
Mar 29, 2011
Iam 12 hours in the game and I have to admit it makes good job keeping me entertained. Iam fan of SW setting though. From what I read I should be somewhere in the middle of game, which seems adequate. Gameplay is certainly not deep enough to make the magic work for longer time.

Biggest problem I have with game so far is that I keep seeing what this game could have been if it was made proper RPG. Maybe if it succeeds, EA gives real budget to the sequel? Wishfull thinking ... probably not ...
Oct 6, 2018
I'm still waiting for an non-action Star Wars adventure game.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
non-action star wars is not possible.
Not boring nor buggy star wars adventure game without platforming but with rpg elements however is possible and is currently airing on Disney+. It's called Mandalorian and so far each episode is another quest to solve by point&click. Of course, as in all good videogames, a quest solved then reported nets a nice reward. Or not so nice, as per c&c.

The only problem is the DRM client. It's not available worldwide due to geoblocking idiocy and Nintendo exclusivity copycat thus it may happen you need VPN depending on where you live.

Note that you're not playing the no name spaghetti western gunslinger as in my new avatar, but a no face one.
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Apr 12, 2009
I'm still waiting for an non-action Star Wars adventure game.

Non violent star wars... Is such thing even possible? :) But hey that reminds me of a day when all races in galaxy gather together in peace and celebrate life!

Oct 19, 2006
(Zloth reports Dez for posting obscene, offensive videos that make his tummy hurt.) ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
So is this game any good? user reviews are decent esp for an EA game.

The game is *excellent* - IMO the best Star Wars game since 2003 (Jedi Academy & KotOR). ***BUT*** it is a very specific type of game - you will be doing a number of VERY ‘gamey’ things, and some of them are simply not my ‘cup of tea’ (the sliding down ice chutes being one). However, in-between you have a bunch of cool combat that is not random, a pretty decent story with flashbacks you PLAY through (instead of the modern reliance on endless cutscenes), and so on. There are secrets and hidden areas to explore, and while the ‘loot’ isn’t a great reward, for me it is more about finding cool hidden areas.

I am not done yet, but have found it to be a great experience and very much recommend it to anyone who enjoys action games of this type.
Oct 18, 2006
So suppose the answer is no, you didnt play it. Its like talking about sex with experience only from porn videos.

Hey don't tell us how Chien experiences sex. That's gross! :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
I finished the game or rather the main quest. I played it for under 40 hours. I did not go out of my way to get 100% achievements and stuff so I don't believe I have seen or done everything. I am a slow player and I easily get lost in the mazes and stuff so I would guess someone who is used this type of game can finish it in 30 hours or even less.

First thing first, its not Dark Souls and its not RPG! Any resemblance is just superficial.

However I did have lot of fun and will recommend it to anyone. Its really platformer and puzzle game set in Star Wars world and you actually feel the star wars. It felt more SW to me than say Knights of the Old Republic.

The game is very linear in that you follow the story and world is mainly corridor based design but its done very well. I never felt an open world will make it better. However, they used verticality so well that it you don't feel the corridors at all. It has some excellent scenery and vistas which makes the world very immersive as well.

I talked about combat before so won't go too much into it now but its really fun and make you feel like Jedi. A minor annoyance is that the last boss was really hard compared to everything else so it felt like artificial difficulty spike.

I don't really play platformer or puzzle games like this so it has been an new experience for me and I really loved it.
Oct 8, 2009
So is this game any good? user reviews are decent esp for an EA game.
Imho it's a good game. I stand with my first impression that it's a Star Wars themed Tomb Raider.
The game is only fun if you really like lightsaber combat. You will have to repeat fighting the same mobs. If that's no fun to you, it can be frustrating.
May 6, 2013
Again have to repeat, Lara Croft cannot walk on walls. This game cannot be Tomb Raider ever and not just because the MC here has no boobs.

If this game is something else and not a platformer, then it's (IMO overrated) Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon wire fu defying physics in star wars setting.
Apr 12, 2009
I heard you can romance a witch!
Jun 5, 2009
May 6, 2013
Actiony game with exploration and puzzle solving means Tomb Raider'ish. If there's more action than puzzles then modern Tomb Raider'ish. If the action takes a back seat to puzzles, it's old school Tomb Raider'ish.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
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