Is it ok to install games on my work laptop ?

I'm an IT Manager so I can relate.

Easy solution, just ask your IT department. If they say its cool, then do it and just keep it legal and clean.

HR doesn't decide this (at least at my company), IT does.

Be prepared that if something major goes wrong with the computer, it will get wiped as its generally easier/faster to ghost an image to try to decipher some weird problem.
Thanks everyone.

I think that making my work laptop dual boot will drive the IT guy mad :D

I have decided in big part to some of you, not to install games on my laptop, so that I do not become the person who has done the bad thing that changes everything ;)
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Well, if you don't need high performance games, you can run a virtual machine….. that way you'll in no way affect your worklaptops OS or such a things.
Oct 25, 2006
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