Cool video - the game is complete - huuuge game - Wizardry 7 style -> I need holidays next May ...
Oct 18, 2006
As the old saying goes…A fool and his money…

I have to admit, though, that the pitch video was amusing. However, given the egregious history/personality of the developer, the absurdly unrealistic target goal, and the flexible funding model(which will not refund your money if the target is not reached), you would have to be utterly nuts to back this project. If this project even comes close to the $250,000 objective, then I will crawl under my desk, curl up into a fetal position, and weep for the fate of humanity. :(
Jul 9, 2010
Why, oh why, does this project have to be connected to a game that looks like wish fulfilment to me? How terribly frustrating.
Oct 5, 2010
I could only pledge $35 tier. Wish I could pledge more.

Simply put, this game will kill Wasteland 2 AND Project Eternity combined. Both will be tiny footnotes in the annals of RPG history buried along with Stonekeep and Descent to Undermountain while Grimoire will have entire universities devoted to analyzing its complexities which will likely drive mankind into new avenues of thought and spirituality.

In short: ITZ COMING
Jan 17, 2009
Cleve 6 hours ago:

I’ve been thinking it over.

I think all pledges $75 or above (“Pilgrim”) will get beta access on a monthly issue starting end of November and continuing through to April when the last polish is put on the game.

If you play it until you are sick of it you have nobody but yourself to blame. It will demonstrate continuous progress towards completion.

I have a lot to do in November to adapt everything for the new resolution and to see if we can eliminate all the serious “bugs” (not gameplay balance issues but real bugs) before the beta goes out to pledges.

These beta copies may be burned with your personalized details to detect leaks, I think I have a utility around that does this. Just warning you that the copy you get may be traceable so please don’t leak it to people who did not pledge. Taking screenshots will be okay and doing walkthroughs will be up to you.

That's a real good idea!
Oct 18, 2006
The 'Codex is discouraging Cleve to release a full beta version (->pirates).

-> Codex

So may a 10% beta is a possibility.
Oct 18, 2006
A public beta would be something that could bring some confidence to this kickstart. It's no use worrying about piracy because it's going to happen anyway. Not that pirates are likely to be drooling at the chance to rip this one...
Oct 5, 2010
Cleve's update #4:
This may not mean much to a lot of people but I have spent all weekend getting the build running solid in the Visual Studio 2010 C++ Compiler. This is a pretty major step forward because the general debugging, error trapping and trace facilities in VS2010 are lightyears ahead of the VC6 C++ compiler I have been using since 1999. The STL implementation is so much improved it isn’t even funny.

Shams and I are now sharing an integrated code base in SVN which makes certain we don’t break the build, don’t lose any source code and are continuously improving the build from one day to the next. This is the way adults run a software project and the funny thing is that I have known the right way to do it for 20 years. At work I have done it this way and at home I have pursued a different process, one which wasn’t very productive.

One of the big hurdles to compiling in VS2010 is that I had the author of Fastgraph warn me that the graphic libraries might not run correctly or reliably in anything above VS2005. For this reason I have had to stay with this fossil compiler for 12 years, for fear of not being able to compile Fastgraph. Turns out with a few compiler switches set correctly it runs fine, perhaps even better than it did before.

The upcoming demo is going to be very stable because of these changes and a lot of bugs are practically eliminating themselves now by simply being noticed instead of flying under the radar. The VS2010 compiler warns constantly about variables that have not been initialized, memory not released or pointers with bad values.

All of Shams fixes, all my fixes over the past couple of weeks and the fixes of this weekend are now consolidated in one build that is running really well.
Oct 18, 2006
Germany he not using OpenGL? I thought he started this in DOS.

Anyone catch that Cleve was high-jacking the Shaker kickstart? After it was cancelled even.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Yeah, Cleve set out to attack them and they shut their KS down immediately after.
Last edited:
Sep 28, 2009
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