NEO Scavenger - 2012 Retrospective


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
We haven't checked in on NEO Scavenger for a while, the indie post-apoc survival RPG form ex-Biowarian Dan Fedor. A few days back Dan wrote a 2012 Retrospective on the game, which seems like a good place to catch up:
With the new combat system launched, I began work on a wounding system that would integrate with the extant player conditions, and offer opportunities for resourcefulness and strategy in dealing with wounds. I would argue that this suite of combat and wounding systems was one of the more important changes to NEO Scavenger so far, as it greatly enhanced the game's uniqueness, depth, and fun factor.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I almost forgot about the game. Doesn't look that bad.
Oct 1, 2010
The game is fun to play a couple times... Very different gameplay then almost any other game. It is a solid foundation from which to build on.
However, it definately needs more content to endure many plays.
1. The equipment variety is very limited. After playing it like two times, it gets very repetitive as their are only like 25-30 differetn pices of equipment in the game. ANd you find the same equipment over and over and over etc.
2. The gameplay is to repetetive. The game needs some more things to do, even some actual mutliple solution path quests. Right now you just sneak around looking to find stuff in a couple wilderness tiles or buildings. So:
move, search, loot, spot hostile, run or fight, win or escape,
move, search, loot, spot hostile, run or fight, win or escape,
move, search, loot, spot hostile, run or fight, win or escape, etc.etc.
over and over.
You need some other types of quests like exploring bunkers, ruined towns/cities, subterrranean complexes. The world lore lends a lot that can be developed for this. Also, there needs to be factions, groups like raiders of different alignment from other raider groups, law enforced towns, gangs or bands of united humanoid/mutants etc. Right now the world is completely empty, with a few random mutant beasts and mainly raiderscavengers roaming around endlessly with no putpose except to attack you for goods.

Improvements to these apsects would make the game much more entertaining and enjoyable. It is in a basically Alpha state right now I believe.
Oct 18, 2007
Hungary and USA
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