WotR Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Tips & Tricks & Help

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Also Warpriest (feral) but going Azatic.

I made a Dhampir Sacred Huntsman with an undead touched wolf for something different, they will go Legendary.

Wulver will be my Sylvan (Fey) Sorcerer and go Trickster.

Anyhow thats the plan for now. Focused on my canon character first though, Lobo - Feral Champion of Fenrir (Gozreh).

@Couchpotato; Be aware, it seems like a lot of warpriest ability tooltip is empty - which is annoying me a lot. For example, sacred weapon and sacred armor abilities have no description so I had no idea what "Armor fortification 25" meant - I had to ask someone and apparently it gives you a 25% chance to negate incoming sneak attacks or critical hits.

Redglyph's tip is to look up d20pfsrd website - it doesn't always match what's in the game but could give you some indication of what these abilities do: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-item...r-and-shield-special-abilities/fortification/
Sep 4, 2021
@Couchpotato Be aware, it seems like a lot of warpriest ability tooltip is empty - which is annoying me a lot. For example, sacred weapon and sacred armor abilities have no description so I had no idea what "Armor fortification 25" meant - I had to ask someone and apparently it gives you a 25% chance to negate incoming sneak attacks or critical hits.

Redglyph's tip is to look up d20pfsrd website - it doesn't always match what's in the game but could give you some indication of what these abilities do: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-item...r-and-shield-special-abilities/fortification/
Thanks I noticed that on a few other classes well. How did they miss this?:thinking:
Oct 1, 2010
I strongly, STRONGLY, advise all of you to consider pausing your game after you finish chapter 2.

Alongside the army morale bug, there are also a lot of leader abilities & buildings that doesn't work properly. For example:

Building training ground sets the army damage to 10% instead of giving you +10% damage

Sigh :(
Sep 4, 2021
Thanks I noticed that on a few other classes well. How did they miss this?:thinking:
There's just too many things to verify.

Normally you verify visually the first time you develop a feature, then you rely on automated tests to make sure it doesn't break when other features are developed. But this isn't full-proof and I doubt they have this methodology in game development (at least not at the indie scale) because it takes time. So if it breaks, there's a chance they don't see it, even though that was working before.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I strongly, STRONGLY, advise all of you to consider pausing your game after you finish chapter 2.

Alongside the army morale bug, there are also a lot of leader abilities & buildings that doesn't work properly. For example:

Building training ground sets the army damage to 10% instead of giving you +10% damage

Sigh :(

I've only just finished the prologue and at Defender's Heart now. I'm playing very slowly in part because I am expecting tons of patches to come through. I know Chapter 1 is mostly bug-free as it was already in a good state during the beta. Chapter 2 was 'ok' with nothing major but some small bugs here and there, so by the time I reach chapter 3 hopefully most bugs would have been squashed.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I just finished chapter 2 so will stop playing for now.

My character is now Angel mythic - I love angel mythic frame + angelic halo so much, I have to share the screenies (in spoiler)


Sep 4, 2021
I just finished chapter 2 so will stop playing for now.

My character is now Angel mythic - I love angel mythic frame + angelic halo so much, I have to share the screenies (in spoiler)
The halo must be handy in those dark corners ;) Spare the usual caster from using "light" every now and then.

Do the mythic ranks still add to the divine caster level for the spell levels? I found that awesome. With a warpriest yielding a melee weapon, it must be the perfect fit! :)

I'm still early in chapter 2 with my sylvan witchy rogue. Not sure yet of the path but I'm tempted to take Azata again so I can see it to the end, since in the beta I stopped in chapter 3 with a baby Aivu.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Do the mythic ranks still add to the divine caster level for the spell levels? I found that awesome. With a warpriest yielding a melee weapon, it must be the perfect fit! :)

Angel mythic spellbook can be merged with full divine caster spellbooks only - warpriest doesn't have full divine caster progression, so no merging :(

Purple, do you have any good portrait packs to recommend ?

Sorry I don't know of any :( I'm basically using portraits I used for Kingmaker + I found few new ones in artstation.
Sep 4, 2021
I can share some of my portraits but its female only:

Angel warpriest:

Azata angelfire apostle:

Trickster arcane trickster:

Lich/GD mystic theurge:

Angel/Legend eldritch knight:

Also, I want to show off how my character portrait changes over time for my Azata:
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Sep 4, 2021
Purple, do you have any good portrait packs to recommend ?

I guess it is a matter of taste whether you consider a portrait pack to be of decent quality but the first stop for portrait packs is the Nexus, of course.

What I always do is go to the game page and then filter the mods by "most popular all time". That way you will get a list of the most frequently downloaded mods including the most popular portrait packs.

I grabbed this one with 456 portraits inside which is the most popular portrait pack as of the time of this post. There are many more portrait packs on the Nexus. Since WotR is so relatively new there are barely any other mods except for portrait packs.

Aside from the one I linked to (Heroes of the Stolen Lands) there is also:

- Frost's Custom Portraits
- Storied Heroes - Portrait Pack
- Avalonica's Portrait Packs
- 150 Portraits
- Pathfinder Portraits
- Shadowverse Portrait Pack
- Bucks Portrait Pack
- Nice Portraits
- Wrath of the Shorties - Portrait Pack

… and that's just from the first page… literally thousands of portraits to choose from so knock yourself out and have at it! :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
I have completed the defense of the first city, and I can now play the HOMM game.

So far, I have fought one single battle with my army but I'm a bit puzzled by what I should do next and I'm not sure how to use those finance points I have earned.

For now, should I concentrate on exploring the world with my hero party or go forwards with my army?
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
@Pladio; @purpleblob1;

As you know, it's not possible to change to change the portrait from the game, once the character has been created and the game has started.

I think I found how to modify that in a saved game, I made a script to do the heavy work but it requires a bit of manual intervention. If you're desperate to change a portrait, I should be able to do that in a saved game (except for the pre-built characters). :)

If I have time and if that doesn't exist already, perhaps I'll make a simple program that anyone can use without having to hack anything manually.

I have completed the defense of the first city, and I can now play the HOMM game.

So far, I have fought one single battle with my army but I'm a bit puzzled by what I should do next and I'm not sure how to use those finance points I have earned.

For now, should I concentrate on exploring the world with my hero party or go forwards with my army?
At the beginning, the army opens the road for the party. Without that you won't be able to pass the towers (if that hasn't changed recently).
As long as you don't need to explore further, you don't need to move your army. The interface will tell you when your party is blocked by something, so it comes naturally.

At some point, enemy armies will move and your army will have to defend positions too.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I strongly, STRONGLY, advise all of you to consider pausing your game after you finish chapter 2.

Alongside the army morale bug, there are also a lot of leader abilities & buildings that doesn't work properly. For example:

Building training ground sets the army damage to 10% instead of giving you +10% damage
What bug is that? I'm dunno which chapter is that as I see it nowhere and there is no morale problem (plus I'm not executing morale boost orders just in case as it's maxed).
Also the Training Grounds description specified, at least in my game, that it boosts +10% damage on trainable units only in ADJACENT buildings.
Now what does that "adjacent" mean, only 4 each side or all 8 around it?

Anyway, I got a party member dead.
For cheapskates, a hint, Golden Golem in Jewelry Artisan store sells diamonds for 5K each, while Raise Dead scroll is priced 6K, so there.
Yea, your cleric needs a diamond to cast this spell.
Note that if you can't do that on the field (might be a bug) just enter any other area (make sure the dead character is in your party!) and it'll work.
Apr 12, 2009
At the beginning, the army opens the road for the party. Without that you won't be able to pass the towers (if that hasn't changed recently).
As long as you don't need to explore further, you don't need to move your army. The interface will tell you when your party is blocked by something, so it comes naturally.

At some point, enemy armies will move and your army will have to defend positions too.

Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to know. And how do you upgrade / replenish you troops, beside spending 7,000 Gc at the camp?
Nov 4, 2007
Quebec city
Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to know. And how do you upgrade / replenish you troops, beside spending 7,000 Gc at the camp?
Here are the basics for chapter 2:

There are new units available each week. You need finance and resource points to buy them (depending on the type of units, for ex. footmen are only finance, but hellknight require resource points too).

You can buy new finance & resource points with money. You also get recruits and points when you defeat enemies (again, it depends).

You'll need a general pretty soon, they give you extra abilities and feats among other things (like bless, fireballs, … depending on the general and its progression).

Here's a nice guide for this part of the game that goes over most of the features for this chapter :)

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Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I always like to make my own portraits for the game in Skyrim - setting up nice scenes that I can then put in the custom portrait area of the game, like this one for example (below is the raw picture before I cropped and resized to fit the three main images sizes needed - full, medium, and small):

Made that image last night for one of my WotR characters. I have one for my main Lobo, and my secondary Wulver, as well. The above one is for a new idea I had that I am playing with.

By the way if you plan ahead a little you can very easily change your portrait in the game after you start *IF* you are using a custom portrait.

In the owlcat directory on your computer are folders for each custom portrait. So I usually add a dozen or so custom portraits I make.

Say I want to change one later - I simply replace the full, medium, and small portraits for that person with the new ones. So the above image is in folder 011, for example, but maybe later I want to change him to be in a different outfit or casting a different spell. I get that new portrait and simply over-write. The game pulls those three from there. Fairly simple and no scripting or tools needed IF your portrait came from a custom area.

Also the visual adjustment mod on Nexus lets you change portraits, scale, and other visuals easily from the mod interface, as another option. It has a grey-hair issue with the mod the author is still struggling with so I find it easier to use the above method to manage my portraits.

Bummer on being able to combine mythic caster level with warpriest one though. Lobo fights more than he casts at least.

I really want to know how things end with Azatic so going to take that to the end since I was forced to stop in the BETA. I also love the effects you get with Azatic although curious what the other paths add for effects. Angle has halo and I suppose demon have horns. Doesn't beat the butterflies and colored aura you get in Azatic though :)
Jun 4, 2008
I always like to make my own portraits for the game in Skyrim - setting up nice scenes that I can then put in the custom portrait area of the game, like this one for example (below is the raw picture before I cropped and resized to fit the three main images sizes needed - full, medium, and small):

Made that image last night for one of my WotR characters. I have one for my main Lobo, and my secondary Wulver, as well. The above one is for a new idea I had that I am playing with.

By the way if you plan ahead a little you can very easily change your portrait in the game after you start *IF* you are using a custom portrait.

In the owlcat directory on your computer are folders for each custom portrait. So I usually add a dozen or so custom portraits I make.

Say I want to change one later - I simply replace the full, medium, and small portraits for that person with the new ones. So the above image is in folder 011, for example, but maybe later I want to change him to be in a different outfit or casting a different spell. I get that new portrait and simply over-write. The game pulls those three from there. Fairly simple and no scripting or tools needed IF your portrait came from a custom area.

Also the visual adjustment mod on Nexus lets you change portraits, scale, and other visuals easily from the mod interface, as another option. It has a grey-hair issue with the mod the author is still struggling with so I find it easier to use the above method to manage my portraits.

Bummer on being able to combine mythic caster level with warpriest one though. Lobo fights more than he casts at least.

I really want to know how things end with Azatic so going to take that to the end since I was forced to stop in the BETA. I also love the effects you get with Azatic although curious what the other paths add for effects. Angle has halo and I suppose demon have horns. Doesn't beat the butterflies and colored aura you get in Azatic though :)

Arg... Now you tell me ? :D

Thanks @Redglyph; too for your guides/explanations.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Arg… Now you tell me ? :D

Thanks @Redglyph; too for your guides/explanations.

@Pladio; if it is helpful some guides:


Video: https://www.google.com/search?clien...e+righteous#kpvalbx=_5pk3YY_0HfC0gge6hKvACQ24

There are a few guides out there. You don't have to make your own images either - can just download ones you like and add them.

On a side note you can manually add the images which is what I did. By this I mean you can go to your folder (example below of what mine is) and add them without having to go into the game itself.

XXXX\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous\Portraits

And it makes a folder for each custom portrait you have added. The naming convention to use is:

… etc.

So lets say you never used one before and want to make some right away w/out doing it in the system.

Simply create that folder (Portraits) if needed. Then make folders 0001, 0002, etc.

Then in each place the 3 properly named, correctly sized, image files in PNG format (per the instructions).

You can also import from the game.

Basically what I did, since I knew how to do it from Kingmaker, is I just went and made 16 folders (from 0001 to 0016) and put in images in each folder of ones I thought I might use. I also keep the originals backed up as I may change one of the images if I want the image changed for the character in-game (i.e. like Purple did).

Of course you can also import through the game options which is probably easier for most folks. I am just explaining what happens on the back end.

If you need more help ask away.
Jun 4, 2008
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