10 days until DOOM!

I've tried it. Yes it runs smoothly (on my 2xgtx980 SLI, I get 100-120 fps on 1920x1080., ultra setting). And it looks great.

I like it.

But, I haven't played fps's for quite a while and now I remember how bad I am at these games. :( Tried it on default difficulty level and was killed repeatedly on the first mission. So at the moment I'm on lowest difficulty. I'll probably increase the challenge when I've more experienced with it.

pibbur who feels a bit embarrassed. And stupid (see below)

PS. I bought it on preorder, so that I could preload the game. Which turned out to be a bad choice as I would have saved approximately 12 USD if I'd waited until release. And since I actually hadn't planned on playing it now... *knocks head repeatedly on nearby hard surfaces* DS.
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I've only played a little multiplayer so far, but yeah.. it's really smooth, and the visuals are great. The speed of the game reminds me of Quake 3.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Nobody is going to play at that framerate unless they enjoy massive amounts of screen tearing and flicker.
G-sync=I'll play on such framerate without tear/flick. :p

Not this game though. This one is no buy on my side.
Although I'm unstoppable in FP shooters those just tend to bore me fast as I care for story and not action just because. No wonder they make them finishable in one day.
Then there is multiplayer option which means I'm forced to pay for a feature I don't want to see in my games.
Apr 12, 2009
A word of warning from Idiotech, my gore loving nerds. :p


I appreciate where he's coming from, and I was also a bit suspicious of the whole not granting review copies to press before the release, but I think in this case it was absolutely a false-positive. No idea why they just didn't give review codes for the singleplayer game. It's absolutely a blast to play. Were they really not fully confident in the game they made?

Anyway, it's good that it turned out good. At least as much as I saw so far.
Jul 31, 2007
I appreciate where he's coming from, and I was also a bit suspicious of the whole not granting review copies to press before the release, but I think in this case it was absolutely a false-positive. No idea why they just didn't give review codes for the singleplayer game. It's absolutely a blast to play. Were they really not fully confident in the game they made?

Anyway, it's good that it turned out good. At least as much as I saw so far.

I feel the he sounded jaded that he didn't get his free copy so we could watch his crappy review of the game.

But hey that is just me, I never watch any of these YOUTUBERS. I read reviews here from real gamers.
Apr 2, 2011
I've played 3 hours of the PS4 version and I'm pretty positive so far.

I missed keyboard/mouse in the beginning (still do to a degree) and have died about 10 times already on the normal difficulty but I'm slowly getting used to it - strangely enough I play most new FPS on consoles, but I guess I'm still adjusting to the speed...
Jul 5, 2010
Yea and Tetris is 3 bytes and nothing can beat the time you can spend with it, not even Daggerfall.

You're comparing 320x200 graphics game with today's top visual/sound products.

Yes, I was doing a silly comparison to highlight how silly your talk about length of the game was when comparing it to the install size.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
How is my talk silly?
A game with numerous different content that takes you at least 100 hours, TW3, needs less that 30Gb. Okay it's not FPS, but FC3 is FPS and you'll need at least 40 hours to nail it, yet it doesn't come even close to 50Gigs and still has spectaclular visuals, is openworld and allows you to use different vehicles.
Don't know about Doom's "time needed to finish it", but new Wolfenstein on the same engine that visually IMO doesn't look nearly spectacular as TW3, that is finishable in 10 hours, needs more than 50Gb of HDD space.

I'm talking that some praised developers don't care for optimization, never heard about compression or expect from the audience to put up pink glasses.
Apr 12, 2009
How good is it? I completely forgot about it. One of the games that sucked me into the world of computer gaming. I have been so pumped about the release of Homefront the revolution(open world shooter) that I lost track of Doom.
Oct 18, 2006
I've managed to put about 4 hours into it. Amazing game, really. Absolutely a return to form, to the classic doom gameplay style. All run and gun, very little story. But the run and gun is oh-so-good. Great music. Great visuals. Great gameplay. And actually challenging. I died a bunch of times. And I like the level design. Very focused on creating maze-like levels, with plenty of hidden stuff or secrets that you have to explore.

Thumbs up from me. And hear the majority of players are loving it also. The press also.

Basically, if you loved the classic Doom 1/2 you'll love this one. If you liked the survival horror of Doom 3, not so much. I personally liked both styles. But this one feels so fresh since no game scratched this itch so well in a long time.
Jul 31, 2007
Wait.. Noone already finished the game?
What's the problem?
Apr 12, 2009
I'm absolutely loving it, much more than I expected! I had a few gripes and niggles for the first hour or so, mainly grumbling about the glory kills stuff, but they are all forgotten. I'm about five hours in and the glory kills are actually making sense to me (ie, rewarding you for charging recklessly at enemies rather than just camping), the maps are massive, there is loads of really quick jumping around and shooting stuff in the face, and the enemies are all classic doomy but with varied attacks. It is a blast when you have a load of different enemy types on the screen at once and you're having to risk assess the battlefield at speed whilst bouncing around platforms and swapping weapons. And the music is ace, really gets the blood pumping.

I had very little hope for this, but its bloody brilliant. My one (slight) remaining gripe is the way enemies teleport in around you sometimes, but that's very minor. It's basically just a huge heap of fun.

I haven't played the multiplayer or the snap maps yet. From what I hear, I'm not missing much with the multiplayer... but the snap maps (basically user created levels I think) sound like they might be worth exploring.
Apr 13, 2012
I finally dove into the single-player campaign yesterday, and I have very mixed feelings so far.

The gameplay is slick as hell (no pun intended), but I expected that after dabbling in multiplayer since the Beta. As I feared though, there are some very gamey elements that break the immersion for me. The "challenges" are just flat out dumb imo, and I wish they hadn't included them in the campaign. I also dislike that enemies spew health pickups on certain kills. It's just another gamey element that makes no sense within the context of the game.

The save system sucks, but I expected that as well. I was really hoping for manual saves.

The graphics are a mixed bag, and I'm struggling to see any significant difference between id Tech 5 and id Tech 6. To me, it only looks slightly better than RAGE or Wolfenstein. I guess I was expecting a larger jump graphically.

Hopefully my opinion will change as I get further in the game, but so far I'm a little disappointed.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I finally dove into the single-player campaign yesterday, and I have very mixed feelings so far.

The gameplay is slick as hell (no pun intended), but I expected that after dabbling in multiplayer since the Beta. As I feared though, there are some very gamey elements that break the immersion for me. The "challenges" are just flat out dumb imo, and I wish they hadn't included them in the campaign. I also dislike that enemies spew health pickups on certain kills. It's just another gamey element that makes no sense within the context of the game.

The save system sucks, but I expected that as well. I was really hoping for manual saves.

The graphics are a mixed bag, and I'm struggling to see any significant difference between id Tech 5 and id Tech 6. To me, it only looks slightly better than RAGE or Wolfenstein. I guess I was expecting a larger jump graphically.

Hopefully my opinion will change as I get further in the game, but so far I'm a little disappointed.

Well, I think you went in with the wrong exceptions if you didn't expect a game like Doom to be dumb and gamey..... probably it is the more serious tone of doom 3 which got you into that mode ( let's face it though Doom 3 also had lots of dumb stuff )... but I think they were clear that Doom 4 would be something of a back to the roots kind of thing.
Oct 25, 2006
Well, I think you went in with the wrong exceptions if you didn't expect a game like Doom to be dumb and gamey….. probably it is the more serious tone of doom 3 which got you into that mode ( let's face it though Doom 3 also had lots of dumb stuff )… but I think they were clear that Doom 4 would be something of a back to the roots kind of thing.

I'm struggling to think of what you could be referring to when you say "dumb stuff" in Doom 3. Can you be more specific?

I also didn't find the original Dooms very gamey like that. Especially when you consider how old they are.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm struggling to think of what you could be referring to when you say "dumb stuff" in Doom 3. Can you be more specific?

I also didn't find the original Dooms very gamey like that. Especially when you consider how old they are.

Well, for example in Doom 3 you have a flash-light with unlimited battery, but there is no way to mount it on any weapon, or on your head or anything, so you have to keep switching between it and the weapons... just one example.

The original Doom game also had such a health and armor drops, teleporters and so on, how is it less gamey than Doom 4 ?
Oct 25, 2006
Well, for example in Doom 3 you have a flash-light with unlimited battery, but there is no way to mount it on any weapon, or on your head or anything, so you have to keep switching between it and the weapons… just one example.

That's not really something I'd consider immersion breaking or particularly unrealistic. It was just an annoyance, and it was fixed in the rerelease anyways.

The original Doom game also had such a health and armor drops, teleporters and so on, how is it less gamey than Doom 4 ?

The original Doom was also made in 1993. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I finally dove into the single-player campaign yesterday, and I have very mixed feelings so far.

The gameplay is slick as hell (no pun intended), but I expected that after dabbling in multiplayer since the Beta. As I feared though, there are some very gamey elements that break the immersion for me. The "challenges" are just flat out dumb imo, and I wish they hadn't included them in the campaign. I also dislike that enemies spew health pickups on certain kills. It's just another gamey element that makes no sense within the context of the game.

The save system sucks, but I expected that as well. I was really hoping for manual saves.

The graphics are a mixed bag, and I'm struggling to see any significant difference between id Tech 5 and id Tech 6. To me, it only looks slightly better than RAGE or Wolfenstein. I guess I was expecting a larger jump graphically.

Hopefully my opinion will change as I get further in the game, but so far I'm a little disappointed.

I can only encourage you to keep playing, especially regarding the health system, which I find almost a stroke of genius.

The thing is, Glory Kills is a very nice risk/reward system, IMO, especially from mission 3 and onwards. As someone on Neogaf put it "It's a really interesting take on the idea of vampiric health regeneration." The reason being, in the beginning GK almost makes you overpowered, but later - with more and stronger enemies - it's not always the best strategy, since for a second or two you cannot move and are open to attacks.

And I like the combination of finding health in the environment, getting health via GK and receiving health from just ordinary killing (from mission 3 you start to get more health from just ordinary kills, but less than when you are using GK).

Regarding the gamey aspect - I love that they don't take the game to serious, and the gamey aspect is part of that, and a direct connection to Doom 1 and 2, since those games were very gamey. It wouldn't be Doom and old school without the gamey aspects, IMO, including the light and sometimes tongue-in-cheek story. I mean, Doom Marine gets impatient in the very first cutscene and throws away the communication device :p And, If you haven't already, try to drown yourself in hot lava for a cool little "thing" :)

I'm still not that far in the game (mission 5 out of 13), but I love it so far.
Jul 5, 2010
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