Wartales - Early Access is Out


proud GASP member
August 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Wartales entered Early Access, the full release is expected late 2022.

Early Access Release

Attention Mercenaries!

We are proud to announce that Wartales has now entered into Early Access and is available to buy now on Steam!

Release Day

Well, what a whirlwind of a few months it has been!

From the announcement of Wartales earlier this year, to the mad dash to pull together a demo for the Steam festival, to the recent closed beta and final stretch of develoment before release, to right here, right now, orchestrating the release of our FIFTH game as a company...

Thank You!

First off, we'd like to thank everyone who joined us on our journey from the very start with the demo earlier this year, to have had such a positive reception and to see a community of dedicated and helpful players begin to form around the game at such an early stage was incredibly ecouraging for all of us here at Shiro.

Secondly, a massive thank you to everyone who took part in the recent closed Beta, your feedback and suggestions have been incredible and it is largely down to you that we are now able to release Wartales into Early Access with pride.

Early Access

A lot of content and features have been added since the demo and the beta, and throughtout Early Access we will continue to develop, expand, iterate and improve every aspect of the game, alongside all of you with your help and support.

New regions, units, items, quests, features, functions, mini games and much more are well underway internally, and will be making their way to the game over time, and we can't wait to hear what all of you think! And we are all ears for any ideas and suggestions you might have that will help us realise the best possible version of Wartales.


There is no firm roadmap available at this time, as we're still finalising a lot of our plans and working out the logistics in terms of timing but this is something we are discussing internally and hope to share with you all very soon.

Watch the Trailer

Start Your Adventure

Now it's time for you to write your story in the Wartales, and we hope you'll enjoy your journey throughout the Edoran Empire!
More information.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I'm going to wait on this one due to it's relatively high price of entry for an early access....this could be in early access for awhile.
Apr 17, 2007
no regional pricing and more expensive than cyberpunk lol, good luck to them, going to play the rin version
Looking forward very much to this game. The demo was very promising.
Nov 7, 2006
It's a bit pricey for an EA indeed. But not as scandalous as BG3, and probably a bit longer.

I know, it's comparing apples and USB sticks anyway. :D

The Early Access contains 3 whole regions, each having between 10 and 15 hours of gameplay content, and more can be played using systemic content generation. It also contains about 550 different items, 240 skills and 30 playable classes. As development continues, we will add new regions and their exclusive content, as well as increase the amount of generated content.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I played the demo and liked it. Not sure I want to get another EA game since I already have 2 other EA games ... like the look though and pretty sure I will be getting it later if not sooner.
Jun 4, 2008
I agree about the price. The demo showed potential, but I'm a little surprised they're asking that much.

Some of their previous games were fairly popular though, so that might be a factor.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Looks promising as per trailer. If its good I have no problem with price, but Im not buying and/or playing before full release. So many great looking games are being developed these days, so cool ...
Oct 6, 2018
Now only if it had a quick save and load... For some reason you need to quit the game session, go to main menu and then load from there?!! This is some weird backwater universe... Someone just reinvented save and forgot half of save/load featuires.
Nov 8, 2019
Yeah, no moolah from me yet. Might look at demo but it's turn-based and probably a party so zero hurry.
Oct 18, 2006
I really enjoyed the demo and have been very excited about this game. I don’t normally get EA titles but I was planning on jumping in on this one based on how much I liked the demo. But that price is causing me to hesitate. $34.99US seems just a little too high. I think 29.99 would have been a better starting point for them and then do their 10% promo discount on that. I know it’s not a huge difference in the end and maybe I’ll still get it. I also have no idea about what their overhead or development costs are. But I know I am lucky enough to have some expendable income to spend on games and don’t normally sweat a $5 difference. So if I’m hesitating then I bet a lot of people who need to be more selective about their game investments are too. I’m also seeing more “sponsored reviews” out there then I see for most games in this genre, which is always a red flag for me.
Mar 17, 2017
I agree about the expendable income, heckle. If this was a single-character rpg I'd buy now, but this is a tertiary interest area for me. I like single-player/single-character rpgs like The Elder Scrolls and Witcher and then I like Single-player survival games or at least a choice to play solo; SCUM/7 Days to Die/Infected/etc. Now if the mercs in Wartales can fight w/o me giving commands, that would change things. I'm only smart enough to control one person and not even that many in real life :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
no regional pricing and more expensive than cyberpunk lol, good luck to them, going to play the rin version

Another one I had to take off my wishlist due to the lack of regional pricing.
Nov 15, 2013
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