Lords of Xulima - Beta Status


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
A new update for Lords of Xulima is available on Indiegogo covering the state of the beta.

As you can imagine, we have been quite busy lately; there are already dozens of backers playing the beta of Lords of Xulima.

These dedicated players have been kind enough to let us know, through our development forum, about various bits of the game which required our attention. Fortunately, most of these corrections were related to in-game text: English localization, spelling errors, missing tooltip descriptions, and other similar things. Naturally, we continue to address issues as they come up, whether they are minor or part of the bigger family of compatibility errors.

With additional feedback from our backers to consider, we have tweaked lots of rules and game parameters so as to improve the game's balance and difficulty. Now, we think Lords of Xulima is much more polished and ready to welcome new beta players!

The New Beta

The latest Beta version includes voice-overs which were missing, Steam achievements as well as a fully implemented Hall of Heroes in the region of Varaskel. Just like the previous Beta phase, we will send out invitation e-mails to ask if you would like to participate in the Beta program. As always, we would like to recommend that players wait until the final version for the best experience possible, but if you wish to play, you can do it now!

Since the process of sending invitations and keys is a task we have to do manually, we will need several days to contact everyone, so we appreciate your patience. This upcoming Monday is when the take-off happens, and if all goes well it might even start sooner!

As a reminder, this Beta version will be available for all those who pledged for the Beta Player Edition in Kickstarter/IndieGoGo (or those who pre-ordered from our website). Of course, it is also available for all those who pledged for higher rewards.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I so love that world map. It reminds me (I'm sure intentionally) of the Might and Magic I-V maps, which were my favorite world maps.

They combined being informative with being artistic and a bit of the "there be dragons" additions of ancient maps.
Oct 4, 2011
New Paltz, NY
The whole Xulima updates & game is lovely work, clearly devs putting their hearts into the fight towards v1.0.

I realize now the combat is closer to Phantasie III, which I liked immensely. Isometric battles would have been awesome, but a gargantuan job.
Mar 21, 2013
I, too, think this game looks great and I really like that world map. Reminds me of Vvardenfell in a way, with the volcano in the middle and the general shape of the landmass. Looking forward to this one.
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