Hazen - Promo Trailer

Almost every H&S that came out since D3 revealed its art style , tries to copy it...
So I think that Diablo 3 has to come out ASP. So that poor gaming companies can move on and try their own ideas ;)
Mar 15, 2010
The only snapshots I have seen from Diablo 3 are from Blizzard site and I disagree for the graphic style. Hazen is a crap game (I played it a couple of hours) but its graphics are rather different from any other Diablo clone I have seen and from Diablo 3 snapshots already released.

They are more cartoon than usual but not as much than Torchlight but more than Diablo 3 and they have more details (inside a low level details coming from the cartoon approach) with more mix of colors.

At the opposite most Diablo 3 snapshot show the classical graphical design error you could see in Torchlight and DAO Dungeons but not in Awakening, to use limited color palette in area/levels to build a visual thematic to the area or level. But that graphical approach is rather dangerous because it can generate very fast a feeling of repetition.

Other than that, I totally agree that it's terribly pathetic how most Diablo clones copy plenty doubtful design of Diablo 2. Here my own list of doubtful design most Diablo clones sadly copy:
  • No save, very boring for an action game, not allowing you make a quick session and stop right when you need it or want it.
  • Ton of drops up to vomiting.
  • Town of junk drops.
  • Ton of filler fights quite repetitive with only few noteworthy and most clones do quite less well than the old Diablo 2.
  • Limited inventory generating a high rate of interruption of exploration.
  • Boring management of many small stacks like plenty potions stacks just to bore players.
  • Items sets not matching at all the game-play.
  • Weird control system requiring select first and action after.
  • The gambling shop, the gems and sockets system, as if all Iso like ARPG had to implement such features and most often designed in a way very close to Diablo 2.
  • And more.
Oct 14, 2007
Worst level design ever.

You go from A to B. Finish quest, return to A. There you get a quest to go to C, which is only a bit further on the road to B. Of course all the enemies respawned already, so have to kill them again. Finish quest return to A (killing the same skeletons again), there you get the quest to go to D, which is is only a bit further away from C, so you go on the same route and kill skeletons again and again...

This game is a nightmare.
Dec 26, 2006
What does "Hazen" actually mean ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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