Only 400 active users?

problem with posting in a "friendly" place like this is that you feel like you're "at work"; you have to be careful not to offend anyone or to say something that goes against the status quo.

it's completely the opposite on the codex where you are encouraged to speak your true mind regardless of what it is or how "wrong" it may be. of course if you are a nutcase for real and you speak nutty things then first people shun you and you may eventually get banned, although codex bans are almost unheard of.

the main thing i want to communicate is that forums are an escape for a lot of people and less degree of thought police makes it so that more people end up using said forum as an outlet, which is why codex has more active community. when you feel like you can say whatever you want… then you end up participating.

i don't feel like i can say whatever i want here.

I've never felt like I couldn't say what I wanted to say here. I don't treat the internet as some kind of escape though. I realize that they're people reading what I post so I post as I would speak to anyone in real life.

I never went to the codex forum so this thread inspired me too. It's a bit strange actually because one one hand you have these great in depth post about stats, game mechanics etc and then on the other hand you have people expressing themselves like their 12. I remember when I was 12 and with my friends We'd swear every other word and be crude because we thought it was "kewl".

Now though I'm an adult and have the word power to express myself without using words like, fuck, fucktard, homo, fag, retard, etc. I'll admit I'm not perfect and will slip every now and then but this kind of thing seems to be the norm at the codex. I mean if your rude and vulgar does that mean your point is more valid than the guy that isn't? I don't know, different culture I guess. Too bad though as it seems there's a lot of people that know their stuff at the codex.
it's funny how everyone assumes that "speaking your true mind" = childish/insults/immature/rudeness/etc.

evidence of the effects of thought policing.
Dec 5, 2015
I believe I went much lower with the video in my post than your, ummm, optimistic equotation.

Here's one for you to make the day brighter:

Apr 12, 2009
In cognitive terms, it's known as executive-function; as we reach adulthood, the brain develops the ability to supervise and moderate its own impulses. This declines again in infirmity or through damage of some kind.

This requires effort though, and it feels good to abandon it for a while. We see a great many people taking advantage of that on the internet, where we've learned we can be safe from the normal consequences. I do it - I'm readier to make fun of a wanker than I could get away with in my working day. On the whole though, it's better to hang on to as much of it as possible, or things rapidly degenerate.
Nov 8, 2014
it's funny how everyone assumes that "speaking your true mind" = childish/insults/immature/rudeness/etc.

evidence of the effects of thought policing.

If that's the only thing you gleaned from my post then I think you're just stuck on an agenda. ( thought police)

You said you couldn't speak your true mind here. If it has nothing to do with the childish/insults/immature/rudeness/etc. then why couldn't you speak your mind here?
Now though I'm an adult and have the word power to express myself without using words like, fuck, fucktard, homo, fag, retard, etc.

It's funny how you associate the word fuck with childhood. Usually, when a movie contains that word then it is deemed an adult movie. Oh well, think of the children I guess. :shrugs:
Nov 1, 2014
It's funny how you associate the word fuck with childhood. Usually, when a movie contains that word then it is deemed an adult movie. Oh well, think of the children I guess. :shrugs:

Hmm, fair point. I can only speak from personal experience obviously. Like I said I used to swear when I was young cause my friend did and we all thought it was cool. However, when I grew up and didn't really care about being cool anymore I just stopped so Maybe that's why I associate it that way.

One of those friends never stopped though. Still every other word is the f word. It doesn't bother me really when we're alone but in public I cringe, especially if kids are around. It also takes him 3 times as long to tell a story since every other word is the f-word.:lol:

At the end of the day I don't care how people want to talk but as an adult I have the option to not listen to it if I don't want to.
problem with posting in a "friendly" place like this is that you feel like you're "at work"; you have to be careful not to offend anyone or to say something that goes against the status quo.
What we have here is what's typically known as "civilized discussions." The reason you are forced to take part in them at work is because they result in ideas actually getting a fair(ish) hearing, making everybody wiser. That'd be why we like them here, too.

Now, back to the topic…

Personally, I blame Steam. For most games, something like 90% of the people playing them (minus the pirates) are playing them on Steam. Each Steam game has a dedicated forum. If you've got a question about ANY game Steam sells, you'll likely get the best answer the fastest right there. Throw in the game guides, uploaded screenshots, linked videos, and even mods and you've got one heck of a place for a community.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
aweigh, What is it that you really would want to say on an RPG forum that would be offensive?
Your opinion is stupid and wrong and the inane worthless drivel you spout out of your vocal orifice is akin to the sounds a dying monkey makes when it's been kicked out of its tribe.

Your favourite game sucks and you're a lesser human being for liking it.

RPGs would improve as a whole if people like you stuck to arcade games and kept their opinions to themselves. Scientific studies have been done as to the detrimental impact you're having on the gaming industry and we're all poorer for it.
Jan 23, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Let's do a little comparison, shall we?

- Currently, RPG Codex has approximately 1,550 daily active users, typically over 300 users online at any given time, and about 17,500 registered members.

- RPG Watch has about 400 active users total, and about 12,000 registered members.

- RPG Codex has well over 100,000 threads in total, and fast approaching 5 million posts.

- RPG Watch has about 32,000 threads in total and just over 600,000 posts.

- RPG Codex has 116 users who have been verified to be legitimate computer game developers in some fashion or other. While many have come and gone, that is no embellishment, and most of the "big names" have visited Codex and many still lurk and/or post. This includes or has included such luminaries as our hero Chris Avellone as well as other, maybe slightly less... desirable names such as Pete Hines.

- RPG Watch has, uh, that guy Fluent I guess? Do developers ever visit here?

As should be clear to even the casual observer, RPG Codex is the superior site. We have existed longer (2002 vs. 2006), we far outweigh you, and we have had a larger impact on the RPG industry than you have, even soundly beating you in most of the head-to-head funding challenges that we've had the pleasure to participate in within the last several years.

You may prefer it here, and that's your right, but remember this: you always will be in the minority. Dare I say, inferior?

Feb 18, 2010
Let's do a little comparison, shall we?

- Currently, RPG Codex has approximately 1,550 daily active users, typically over 300 users online at any given time, and about 17,500 registered members.

- RPG Watch has about 400 active users total, and about 12,000 registered members.

- RPG Codex has well over 100,000 threads in total, and fast approaching 5 million posts.

- RPG Watch has about 32,000 threads in total and just over 600,000 posts.

- RPG Codex has 116 users who have been verified to be legitimate computer game developers in some fashion or other. While many have come and gone, that is no embellishment, and most of the "big names" have visited Codex and many still lurk and/or post. This includes or has included such luminaries as our hero Chris Avellone as well as other, maybe slightly less… desirable names such as Pete Hines.

- RPG Watch has, uh, that guy Fluent I guess? Do developers ever visit here?

As should be clear to even the casual observer, RPG Codex is the superior site. We have existed longer (2002 vs. 2006), we far outweigh you, and we have had a larger impact on the RPG industry than you have, even soundly beating you in most of the head-to-head funding challenges that we've had the pleasure to participate in within the last several years.

You may prefer it here, and that's your right, but remember this: you always will be in the minority. Dare I say, inferior?


Glad I don't live in a world where any of that matters.

But, since more is obviously better does that mean we're all infinitely inferior to ign forums?
Let's do a little comparison, shall we?
See… There is quality and there is quantity.
Sadly, no matter how much we tried here, the numbers are on Pokemon Go side. That's reality. And that's what was an impact on industry. Certainly not an impact from us on RPGwatch.

I hear Niantic is now adding 80 pokemon more so you might edit your post in a few days. We won't be getting 80 new members, definetly.
Apr 12, 2009
Dislikes are a scourge, please dont add them. The dislike button is used to bully people in a lot of forums, while i am immune to them as i had a lot worse coming at me other people may not be.

How do dislikes bully you? They're just meaningless ratings.
Mar 5, 2016
aweigh, What is it that you really would want to say on an RPG forum that would be offensive?

Let's do a thought experiment.

Let's pretend there is a user whose sole intention is to a.) not work a real job and b.) decide that because they do not want to work for a real job they will create a youtube channel in order to monetize any clicks it may get.

Also, let's pretend this person hardly has anything of value to add in any discussion because they do not like to actually discuss anything. They merely exist to push their video youtube channel. They do not really have any opinion on anything. Their main goal is to simply shill their youtube channel.

One could say I am being mean or negative or whatever for pointing this out. One can even theorize that if I ask for this said person to be banned and express my extreme dislike for this person, as a human being, then it's also being negative.

In reality, I'm being extremely positive as I'm encouraging the removal of said cancer from a forum. As a forum is not a walking advertisement for anyone, it will help discourage other advertising plants that spam this forum (or god forbid other rpg-centered forums) with their ridiculous nonsense.

Just because something is offensive to one or more persons (in this case the useless moronic poster I quoted above), does not make it any less valid. For one, I have not used offensive or crude words such as retard, asshat, worthless piece of shit, fucktard, cuck (I actually hate that one) or any other variation of words mentioned herein.

My point is that you can make absolutely valid points, arguments, or complaints and it will still offend them. Even if you don't use offensive language.

However, when you start to go down the path of "let's not have negativity purely for positivity's sake" you create the eggshell effect. Where no one wants to say anything of substance.

The RPGcodex might not be a place you particularly enjoy. That's fine. But the ability to express what you think in whichever way you'd like (besides spam or actual threats) gives people the freedom and space to actually have interesting and thoughtful discussions.

For everything else that's idiotic (like the Trump thread IMO), there is the ignore button. For everyone else that is idiotic there is the ignore button (e.g. I ignore fluent because he's a shill for his video channel). If you do not like ratings, you can disable alerts. If you do not like a whole particular forum you can ignore it. You can make the codex as nice as you'd like to, and some people indeed do this.

I'm not saying this place should be the codex. I sometimes come hear to read the forums myself when I get tired of the codex. It's like going from a jungle to a petting zoo. Extremely relaxing if a bit dull after a bit. What I'm saying is you should not be surprised that your active user count is low. Embrace it. It's not like trying to amp up the positivity factor is gonna attract a ton more people. If it did it would have years ago.
Mar 5, 2016
Let's do a thought experiment.

Let's pretend there is a user whose sole intention is to a.) not work a real job and b.) decide that because they do not want to work for a real job they will create a youtube channel in order to monetize any clicks it may get.

A thought experiment referring to something like real jobs... Stuff like real debate, real freedom...
That is this kind of failed tricks that could have their charms 200 years ago that led to a fabled past of a slaving nation longing for freedom.

Thought experiments are supposed to be experimental, they are supposed to confront with reality. In a thought experiment, there is nothing like a real job. There are jobs and activities that are not jobs are named with a different word.
Mar 29, 2011
Now you've done it. You've gone and awakened the Chien AI. Ultimate destruction is imminent. :p
Dislikes are a scourge, please dont add them. The dislike button is used to bully people in a lot of forums, while i am immune to them as i had a lot worse coming at me other people may not be.

You must be a really weak-mined person to be feel "bullied" by some user disliking your posts on the interwebz. Now THAT'S childish and immature.
Sep 26, 2016
Who wouldn't want to swim with these gentle, intelligent creatures?
Nov 8, 2014
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