Fallout 4 Mods

I think he's referring to the raider kidnappings. I've had two so far that were identical except for the locations of the victim.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
From a role-playing perspective, your character would be greatly motivated to try and prevent kidnappings based on what happened to his son. He would be trying to see if he could track the kidnappers to their lair to see if they might have his kid. I agree though, that I'm not big on following radiant quests. Those are dull to the extreme. I did one or two for the brotherhood with one of my toons and then stopped doing them.
Oct 18, 2006
If only the bastardized interface had a "No, I don't care about your kidnapped son/daughter/Brahmin" option.

This will probably be one of the first mods to get created when scripting tools become available.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I simply rigged up about 30 various turrets at any settlement I actually care about, then just ignore messages. Next time I visit I just loot whatever corpses are stacked up around the turrets =). Problem solved.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I simply rigged up about 30 various turrets at any settlement I actually care about, then just ignore messages. Next time I visit I just loot whatever corpses are stacked up around the turrets =). Problem solved.

The problem is that those settlements will probably never be attacked. I think the defense rating influences whether or not a settlement gets targeted.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That's why I asked about the radiant quests. If you ignore them, does the settlement get attacked despite its defense rating?

I didn't think there was a connection between those quests and settlement attacks tbh, but I could be wrong. I've yet to ignore one and experience the consequences (if any).
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Curious to know if anyone ignored them and saw consequences despite defenses.

On a related note I read sometimes your settlements can get attacked even with high defenses?
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Still wondering if I can ignore the "destroy raider camp" radient-like quest I got at Sanctuary. Or will Sancturary get trashed if I ignore it? I've been waiting for a couple days now, and playing ESO instead. Joxer, see what happens when you're negligent. ;)
No, raider camps radiant stuff is okay, those open new map spots and if are happening on already explored area you can ignore them so they disappear (failed though, but you lose nothing).
But you can't ignore kidnapped people as if you don't save them, they get killed.
Nothing will get trashed.

ESO? So you're the reason Bethesda trashed so much money in some pathetic MMO and still didn't shut down servers.

On a related note I read sometimes your settlements can get attacked even with high defenses?
That is correct.
About every couple of hours I see a message that a settlement of mine is attacked. I have about 20 settlements and since all have defense 70 or above*, I don't care about those messages nor go help - it's just pumping your XP and the cash reward is pathetic (cca 100 caps). While refusing to help, never lost a settler in an attack.
What's even worse, you don't get sidekick "likes" your help, so it's pretty much a timewaster and game ruiner.

* All except Covenant. Something there is bugged. You get it's turrets by default (after solving it's story one way or another), but the settlement defense score remains 0. And you can't remove those turrets and place new ones on their spots for whatever reason.

I bet there's a way to trigger attacks. Just build a ton of water purifiers.:)
The settlement in my case frequently attacked is the one with only 2 residents. It has only one water pump, a few veggies to support those two and crapload of turrets.
I think Bethesda copypasted retarded "random" generator from Skyrim's mage guild dragon. Others said they never saw a dragon there, I was getting a new one there each time I visited mage guild. Just like here - my specific settlement gets attacked constantly, others have different experience.

But as I said, message that there is ongoing attack on a settlement feel free to ignore, no negative thing if you don't go there. Just make sure your defenses are up (higher than food+water total).

Anyway, I'm talking about kidnaping your settler radiant idiocy where you have to pay (in one case I was asked to put up 1000 caps, oh yea, right, I'll pay it, mhm, in Beth's dreams probably) or save them.
I don't want to see that garbage any more in my game.
A mod please.
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Apr 12, 2009
Not a musthave for everyone but people with older machines will appreciate it.
2048x2048 default textures changed with lowres ones will help to get better performance to those who bought the game but still haven't upgraded GPU:
Apr 12, 2009
Here's another almost musthave.
Renaming - settlers!

Sure, you won't be renaming those who already have names (or perhaps you will?), but with this one you can finally know without trying to detect what's highlighted who is tasked on trading spot, who on scrap table, who is farming and who got the defending in settlement.
New names are predeternimed. I still don't understand why the game doesn't have this by default.


Why it isn't a musthave but almost? Because it's basically using debug commands.
Apr 12, 2009
Great find, thanks!
May 6, 2013
FYI because there is no instruction on installation of radiant design crime disable mod.
Copypasted from norespawn trashmobs (works, tested):
Add "bEnableFileSelection=1" in "Fallout4Prefs.ini" below the [launcher] the Fallout4Prefs.ini is located in "Documents/My
Games/Fallout 4".

put the esp in Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

The esp should load when you start the game

if your want to set the load order go to "AppData\Local\Fallout4" and add
the esp to the "plugins.txt" after the "Fallout4.esm".

You don't have to do the last step, the mod will be added automatically as the last entry in plugins.txt after you start the game.
So my game, without manually touching plugins.txt, after I put antiradiant mod into data folder and started FO4 looks like this:
Fallout4.esm entry comes from "proper dialogue system" mod in case you're wondering.

All I need now is FalUI mod and possibly separate keychain mod Bethesda ignored (although it's vanilla thing in FO:NV) and the game will get close to nearmasterpiece.
Apr 12, 2009
Glad it was useful.

Another one that some folks who like building might like.

Precise object moving and rotating. by ad3d0:


This is a small script for AutoHotkey. It sends commands to ingame console, alowing you to move selected object in any dirrections using numpad keys. Alowing you to move most objects anywere.Iside other object if you wish.
So, actualy, it types commands in console instead of you, fast. It helped me in building my settlemens alot!

For it to work you need to install AutoHotkeys. Grab it here - https://www.autohotkey.com/.
After installation, dowload my file and just double click it. Thats all. It will work while you are ingame.

Ingame usage
Open console (~ button), select object to move leftlicking on it. Than just pres and hold desired hotkey. Dont close the console ;)
It have two modes. Smooth - NumLock - is on, moves and rotates by 1 unit. And normal - NumLock - is off, moves and rotates by 5 units.


NumLock OFF - normal mode
NumLock ON - smooth mode

Num4 and Num6 - moves object by "x" axis
Num8 and Num2 - moves object by "y" axis
Num"+" and Num"-" - moves abject by "z" axis

Num9 and Num3 - rotates object around "y" axis
Num 7 and Num1 - rotates object around "x" axis
Num/ and Num* - rotates object around "z" axis
Jun 4, 2008
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