Risen - 2nd Mood Clip

I also think this looks very nice - not the best, but for me I am concerned more about the look & feel - which I think is solid - and the performance ... which still worries me.

I don't care about all these fly-by videos, I want some clue that it won't be like G3 - released unfinished and still performing terribly 2.5 years later on top hardware.
Oct 18, 2006
What's LOTRO?
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I believe he is refering to Lord of the Rings Online.

At first I thought it was Lord of the Realms Online:)
Feb 3, 2007
Well, no shit, but yet here we are, some two years later with the game still a good ways but not too far from release and we're now told that the combat system that was publicly demo'ed at the RPC is just a "placeholder" because the real combat system ain't finished yet. Say what?
Indeed. This worries me too. I cannot believe they're this far into the development and they haven't yet finalized the combat system. How can they be testing the game if one major part of the game is still but a placeholder? It's almost as if a racing game was tested without the racing model/system in place. Yes, I know Gothics and most probably Risen as well aren't solely about combat, but it is a vital, integral part of the game. As it is something that has a major impact on the whole game, having not yet finalized the combat system doesn't sound very good to me. Not at all.

I don't understand why they even demo the combat, if the system they show isn't going to be in the final game? Why give false impressions, especially as they aren't the most endearing ones?

Just my two cents of griping. ;)
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
Indeed. This worries me too. I cannot believe they're this far into the development and they haven't yet finalized the combat system. How can they be testing the game if one major part of the game is still but a placeholder?

Possibly no bad thing if they don't start out trying to do a really ambitious combat system early on and then overrun so much that they end up with a complex but flawed system because they have to rush something out.
Feb 2, 2007
I only brought up LOTRO as an example of a stutter free, load zone free game world with a high LOD. Clearly it is not necessary to dumb down the LOD to keep it smooth, that was my only point.

I highly doubt the game is going to look any better at release. They may optimize, but they are not going to redo all the art assets. Hopefully the config on the PC will be scalable so the far plan LOD can be tweaked like G2 and G3.

Anyway, sorry for harping on the graphics and yes it is all about the gameplay. I was just shocked to see such obviously primitive graphics compared to what everyone else is doing with Divinity 2, G4, Two Worlds Temptation etc.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
WOR posted a German preview. The author played Risen for two days in March. According to him the project status (as of one month ago!) is:
(filtered out of context ;) )

- world: 100%
- quests: 100%
- story: 100%
- plotstoppers: none
- crashes in 2 days: 2
- voice acting: not yet implemented
- balancing: WIP
- combat system: WIP
- magic: finished (as far as I understand the preview)
- performance / optimization: WIP. Pretty far advanced. The game runs surprisingly well.
Aug 30, 2006
Work in progress.
Aug 30, 2006
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