RPGWatch - Game of the Year Awards 2018 - Best RPG

I indeed know 'of something'. I have the entirety of RPGDot, database and design (until the beginning of 2006). I also have it operational. But the RPGDot software is not secure and neither is the version of PHPBB we used. I've tried making an HTML file based version of it, but that didn't work out that well as the software I used gave up after a very long time.
Options I have considered, but not went into yet are:

  1. Converting everything besides the forums to HTML pages and move the forums to the most recent version of PHPBB.
  2. Converting the news, articles and whatnot to RPGWatch and integrating the RPGDot forums into the RPGWatch forums.
  3. Get a better site crawler software that gets the job done.
Option 3 might not be available. The current software gave up after having handled 1.000.000 links/references to internal RPGDot pages.
Option 1, might be the easiest. So we would end up with a different site (which would be static), like rpgdot.rpgwatch.com or rpgdot.net.
Option 2 is the most complicated one and because of that is very unlikely to happen :)

Wow, that's quite an old gold mine you're sitting on then! Not that I'm sure I would like to see all the old posts, as I'm sure a lot of us wrote a bunch of nonsense back then, hah.

Option 1 certainly sounds like the most realistic one. Either that or just make some sort of basic HTML archive of it, which can't be edited in any way.
Oct 18, 2006
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